Lijst met titels van
boeken en overdrukken op het gebied van
Mollusca (Weekdieren)
(Titels of books and
reprints on Mollusca)
A-C ; D-F ;
G-I ; J-L ;
M-O ; P-R ;
S-U ; V-Z
- ABBOTT & al., 1980.
Intertidal invertebrates of California, Chapter 13 Prosobranchia:
Marine Snails. 105pp., 124col.figs. Euro 14.00
- ABBOTT, 1945. The Philippine
Intermediate Snail Host (Schistosomophora quadrasi) of
Schistosomiasis. 12pp., 6figs. Euro 1.65
- ABBOTT, 1948. A potential snail
host of Oriental Schistosomiasis in N. America (Pomatiopsis
lapidaria). 12pp., 2figs., 2pls. Euro 1.55
- ABBOTT, 1949. New Syncerid
Mollusks from the Marianas Isls. 14pp., 9figs. Euro 2.10
- ABBOTT, 1951. New stenothyrid
gastropods from the Philippines. 3pp., 7figs. Euro 0.50
- ABBOTT, 1952. 2 new
opisthobranch mollusks from the Gulf of Mexico belonging to the
genera Pleurobranchaea & Polycera; combined with: ABBOTT,
1952. Additional notes on Polycera hummi. 5pp., 2pls. Euro
- ABBOTT, 1962. Sea Shells of the
world. 160pp., 790figs. Euro 3.50
- ABBOTT, 1963. Sea Shells of the
world 3rd printing. 160pp., 790figs., signed(?) by author. Euro
- ABBOTT, 1967. Strombus
(Canarium) wilsoni n.sp. from the Indo-Pacific. 2pp., 5figs. Euro
- ABBOTT, 1973. Acteon eloiseae, a
new opisthobranch from Arabia. 2pp., 5figs. Euro 0.50
- ABBOTT, 1978. Muscheln. 159pp.,
col.figs. Euro 5.50
- ABBOTT, 1986. Cantharus
multangulus n.ssp. grandanus from nw Florida. 2pp., 2figs. Euro
- ABOLMASOVA & al., 1991.
Studies of the energy metabolism rate in Sthenoteuthis pteropus at
low temperature with allowance for the hydrostatic pressure. 4pp.,
1fig., 1tab., in Russian, English summ. Euro 0.60
- ABOLMASOVA, 1985. Rate of energy
metabolism & food requirements of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis
from the Indian Ocean under experimental conditions. 7pp., 3tabs.,
3figs., in Russian, English summ. Euro 0.95
- ABREU & al., 1998. 1st
record of Pisanianura grimmaldi for Madeira. 4pp., 1fig.,
Portuguese summ., with message from 2nd author. Euro 0.60
- ADAL & al., 1973. The fine
structure of the pallial eyes of Laternula truncata. 24pp.,
15figs. Euro 3.25
- ADAM & al., 1935. La
distribution de Helix aspersa en Belgique. 10pp., 1map. Euro
- ADAM & al., 1937. Sur la
présence de Helicella virgata & Theba pisana en
Belgique. 8pp., 7figs. Euro 1.20
- ADAM & al., 1940. La
distribution en Belgique de Leucochloridium paradoxum,
Rhynchodemus terrestris, Arion intermedius, Platyarthrus
hoffmannseggi & Atyaephyra desmareti. 8pp., 1map. Euro
- ADAM, 1935. Sur la
présence de Helicella virgata en Belgique. 2pp. Euro
- ADAM, 1938. Les Clausiliidae en
Belgique. 7pp., 1map. Euro 1.05
- ADAM, 1938. Sur la
répartition de Lithoglyphus naticoides en Belgique. 4pp.,
1map. Euro 0.60
- ADAM, 1940. Sur la
présence de Pseudamnicola confusa en Belgique. 7pp., 2figs.
Euro 1.05
- ADAM, 1940. Sur les
espèces des genres Bythinella & Paladilhia en Belgique.
9pp., 5figs. Euro 1.35
- ADAM, 1941. Sur la
présence de Limax (Malacolimax) tenellus en Belgique. 2pp.
Euro 0.50
- ADAM, 1942. Sur la
présence d'Acme lineata en Belgique. 3pp., 1fig. Euro
- ADAM, 1942. Sur la
répartition & la biologie de Hydrobia jenkinsi en
Belgique. 18pp., 4tabs., 3figs., 1pl. Euro 2.85
- ADAM, 1943. Sur quelques
espèces nouvelles ou rares pour la Belgique. 16pp., 4figs.
Euro 2.40
- ADAM, 1944. Espèces
nouvelles ou rares pour la Belgique. 8pp., 2figs. Euro 1.20
- ADAM, 1947. Recherches sur la
faune malacologique des dunes littorales de la Belgique. 26pp.,
7figs., 1pl., 4tabs. Euro 4.05
- ADAM, 1960. Les mollusques
terrestres & dulcicoles de la Belgique, quelques additions
& rectifications. 10pp., 7figs. Euro 1.50
- ADAM, 1973. Cephalopoda from the
Red Sea. 38pp., 32figs., 1pl., tabs. Euro 5.50
TERTIAIRE & KWARTAIRE GEOLOGIE, 16(1), 16(3), 17(1). Euro 1.20
each issue
- AGUILAR ROSAS & al., 1988.
Distribution & Abundance of the Mussel Mytilus californianus
along the Pacific Coast of Baja California, Mexico. 9pp., 8figs.,
Japanese summ. Euro 1.30
- AIKEN, 1998. Trachycystis Tiny
inhabitants of the forest floor. 16pp., figs. Euro 3.00
- ALLAN, 1962. Australian shells.
502pp., 112figs., 44pls. (12col.pls.), repr. & rev. 2nd ed.
Euro 37.50
industria del nácar de Margaritifera auricularia en
Aragón & la gestión ambiental. 100pp., 19figs.,
English summ. Euro 15.00
Aproximación a la vida y obra del naturalista F. Azpeitia
Moros (1859-1934). 51pp., 4figs., English summ., xerox-copy. Euro
- ANDREU & al., 1967. Parque
experimental de ostricultura de Villajuan. - Estudio preliminar de
las condiciones ambientales, crecimiento & adaptacion de la
ostra plana & del ostion. 25pp., 3tabs., 18figs. Euro
- ANDREWS & al., 1972.
Structure & function in the excretory systems of some
terrestrial prosobranch snails. 29pp., 6tabs., 6figs., 4pls. Euro
- ANGELETTI, 1970. Muscheln.
78pp., 163figs. (149col.figs.), cover not 100% perfect. Euro
- ANGELETTI, 1970. Muscheln.
78pp., 163figs. (149col.figs.). Euro 7.00
- ANKEL, 1962. Hydrobia ulvae
& H. ventrosa als Wirte larvaler Trematoden. Eine
ökologische Untersuchung. 99pp., 1pl., 53figs., tabs.,
English summ. Euro 14.00
- ANONYM, 19??. Elenco Molluschi
Conchiferi del Lazio. 14pp. Euro 2.20
- ANONYM, 1873. Catalogue of the
land Mollusca of New Zealand, with descriptions of the species.
Collected from various authors. 27pp. Euro 11.50
- ANONYM, 1908. Bibliographie
académique - liste des travaux de A.-L. Rutot. 25pp. Euro
- ANONYM, 1974. Catalogus van de
bibliotheek [Werkgroep voor Tertiaire & Kwartaire Geologie].
97pp. Euro 7.00
- ANONYM, 1976. 1a mostra della
conchiglia marina & esposizione del francobollo a soggetto
malacologico Palazzo Braschi 5-31 Ottobre 1976. Euro 7.00
- ANONYM, 1981. 1a mostra di
malacologia esposizione di conchiglie fossili & attuali &
di fotografie subacquee del Mediterraneo & dei mari tropicali
Correggio Galleria del Palazzo dei Principi 29 marzo - 12 aprile
1981. Euro 1.90
- ANONYM, 1988. Soortenlijst
Archaeogastropoda. 6pp., 13figs., 24 species listed. Euro
- ANONYM, 1990. 7a mostra
malacologica messinese Messina 25 marzo - 8 aprile 1990 Istituto
Tecnico Nautico 'Caio Duilio'. Euro 3.25
- ANONYM, 1990. Cerithiidae
Determinatietabel van het genus Bittium. 2pp., 4figs., 4 species
listed. Euro 0.50
- ANONYM, 1990. Verzamelde &
waargenomen mollusken van Waecicu-beach, Flores, Indonesië;
Oktober-November 1989. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- ANSEEUW & al., 2002. De
Europese Polyplacophora (Aanvullingen 7). 8pp., 3pls., English
summ. Euro 1.65
- ANSELL, 1961. Reproduction,
growth & mortality of Venus striatula in Kames Bay, Millport.
25pp., 11tabs., 7figs. Euro 3.50
- ANSELL, 1962. The functional
morphology of the larva, & the post-larval development of
Venus striatula. 25pp., 13figs. Euro 3.50
- ANT, 1957. Die Verbreitung von
Pomatias elegans in W.falen. 5pp., 2maps. Euro 0.75
Neurosecretory phenomena in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha.
78pp., 14tabs., 20figs., 2pls., thesis. Euro 11.50
- ANTONOVA & al., 1990. Use of
the scanning electronic microscope for generic identification of
glochidia of Unionidae; combined with: ANTSULEVICH & al.,
1990. 1st finding of the nudibranch mollusc (order Tritoniiformes)
in the Caspian Sea; &: IZZATULLAJEV & al., 1990. A new
find of the fresh-water mollusc Melanoides kainarensis. 8pp.,
6figs., in Russian, English summ. Euro 1.05
- ANTSUPOVA & al., 1990.
Carotenoids in the Odessa Bay mussels; combined with: LISOVSKAYA,
1990. The study of energy reserves in cultivated mussels from the
Odessa Bay. 8pp., 9tabs., in Russian, English summ. Euro
- APEX, 13(3), 13(4). 99pp. Euro
- APTE, 1998. The Book of Indian
shells. 115pp., 16col.pls. Euro 24.50
- ARAD & al., 1995. Water
balance & resistance to desiccation in rock-dwelling snails.
6pp., 2figs., 3tabs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.35
112-4. Euro 82.00
116(4-6). Euro 14.00
116. Euro 27.00
117(4-6). Euro 14.00
118-20(1-3). Euro 69.00
22(3). Euro 18.50
25(3). Euro 12.00
- ARNAUD & al., 1981. Impact
des rejets d'eau chaude de la centrale thermo-electrique EDF de
Martigues-Ponteau (Mediterrannee N.-Occidentale) sur le zoobenthos
des substrats durs superficiels. 24pp., 9figs., 2tabs., not
strictly malacological. Euro 3.40
- ARNOLD, 1907. New &
characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing
Tertiary formations of s.ern California. 22pp., 14pls. Euro
al., 1994. New distributional data for Rupestrella dupotetii from
s.ern Spain & NW. Africa, with notes on allegedly subspecific
characters. 5pp., 4figs., 1tab. Euro 0.70
- BABA & al., 1998. Neue
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna der Tordauer
Schlucht (Cheile Turzii, Rumänien). 6pp., 1tab., xerox-copy.
Euro 0.35
- BABA, 1967.
Malakozönologische Zonenuntersuchungen im toten Tisza Arm bei
Szikra. 15pp., 12appendices. Euro 4.65
- BABA, 1969. Zönologische
Untersuchungen der an der Flussbettkante der Tisza & ihrer
Nebenflüss lebenden Schnecken. 13pp., 3figs., 2tabs. Euro
- BABA, 1974. Quantititative
conditions of the molluscs in the oak-woods of various states at
Csévharaszt. 6pp., 1tab., English summ., in Hungarian. Euro
- BABA, 1991. Untersuchung der
Sukzessionsverhältnisse der Wasser-Mollusken im Tisza-Tal.
6pp., 15figs., 2tabs., English summ., xerox-copy. Euro 0.35
- BABA, 1992. Seasonal
examinations in a fenwood & marsh meadows habitat in the area
of Tiszaalpar (Hungary). 15pp., 8figs., 2tabs., Italian summ. Euro
- BABA, 1994. Historical memories
of the 2 marked species of the Mollusca collected by Mr. T.
Yamamoto from Japan. 2pp., 1fig., in Japanese. Euro 0.50
- BABA, 1998. The malacofauna of
the Tisza Valley: inhabitation & subsequent impoverishment.
8pp., 7figs., 3tabs. Euro 1.20
- BAIL & al., 1997.
Description of a n.sp. of Volutidae from S.ern Australia. 7pp.,
22figs., 1tab. Euro 1.20
- BAIL, 1999. A n.sp. of Livonia
from NW. Australia. 2pp., 6pls. Euro 1.55
- BAIRD & al., 1957. The Ratio
of Shell to Meat in Mytilus as a Function of Tidal Exposure to
Air. 8pp., 4figs. Euro 1.20
- BAIRD, 1958. Measurement of
Condition in Mussels & Oysters. 9pp., 4figs. Euro 1.30
- BAKER, 1900. The Gross Anatomy
of Limnæa Emarginata Var. Mighelsi. 26pp., 6pls. Euro
- BAKER, 1904. Notes on Planorbis
truncatus. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- BAKER, 1916. The relation of
Mollusks to Fish in Oneida Lake. 366pp., 50figs., 23tabs.,
frontwrapper loose, backwrapper lacking, last few pp. not perfect.
Euro 40.00
- BAKER, 1916. The relation of
Mollusks to Fish in Oneida Lake. 366pp., 50figs., 23tabs.,
hardcover. Euro 50.00
- BAKER, 1960. Family names in
Pulmonata, 4. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- BAKER, 1960. Hydrobiidae or
Truncatellidae? combined with: BAKER, 1960. Planorbina (1843) vs.
Australorbis (1934) vs. Biomphalaria (1910) vs. Taphius (1854).
4pp. Euro 0.60
- BAKER, 1961. Nesobia. 1p. Euro
- BAKER, 1961. Puerto Rican
Camaenidae; combined with: BAKER, 1961. Beckianum. 4pp. Euro
- BAKER, 1961. Puerto Rican
Xanthonychidae; combined with: BAKER, 1961. Yunquea monteplatonis.
8pp. Euro 1.20
- BAKER, 1962. Type land snails in
the ANSP 1. N. America, n. of Mexico. 21pp. Euro 3.35
- BAKER, 1963. Type land snails in
the ANSP Part 2. Land Pulmonata, exclusive of N. America n. of
Mexico. 69pp. Euro 10.50
- BALUK & al., 1996.
Stomatopod predation upon gastropods from the Korytnica Basin,
& from other classical Miocene localities in Europe. 26pp.,
2figs., 3tabs., 9pls. Euro 5.40
- BALUK, 1977. A n.sp. of the
cuttlefish from the Korytnica Clays (Middle Miocene; Holy Cross
Mountains, Poland). 8pp., 2pls., 2figs., Polish summ. Euro
- BANDEL & al., 1989.
Reconstruction & biostratinomy of Devonian cephalopods
(Lamellorthoceratidae) with unique cameral deposits. 37pp.,
10pls., 3figs., German summ. Euro 7.05
- BANDEL, 1975.
Embryonalgehäuse karibischer Meso- & Neogastropoden.
152pp., 21pls., 44figs./tabs., English summ. Euro 24.50
- BANDEL, 1984. The radulae of
Caribbean & other Mesogastropoda & Neogastropoda. 188pp.,
22pls., 346figs., ex-library copy (some words written on spine
& frontcover, 2 stamps on frontcover), with message from
author. Euro 28.00
- BANK & al., 1984. Some More
Data on Hydrobia ventrosa & 'H.' stagnorum With Remarks on the
Genus Semisalsa. 11pp., 11figs., German summ. Euro 1.40
- BANK & al., 1998. On the
systematic position of Arabian Buliminidae, with the description
of a n.gen. 12pp., 8figs. Euro 1.80
- BANK & al., 2000.
Nomenclatural notes on a Ceciloides species of the Italian &
Swiss Alps. 6pp., 3figs. Euro 0.90
- BANK & al., 2000. On the
polytypic & problematic Clausilia dubia: notes on its
nomenclature & systematics. 13pp., 1tab., 20figs. Euro
- BANK, 1988. Naamlijst van de in
Nederland inheemse landslakken & binnendijkse watermollusken.
27pp. Euro 3.05
- BAR, 1992. The geographical
distribution of Euchondrus sulcidens. 8pp., 3figs. Euro
succession on dumps in the Holy Cross Mountains. 149pp., 43figs.,
21tabs., in Polish, English summ. Euro 21.00
- BARKER, 1999. Fauna of New
Zealand 38 Naturalised terrestrial Stylommatophora. 245pp.,
34maps, 419figs. (32col.figs.). Euro 59.50
- BARLETTA & al., 1978. Primo
rinvenimento di una forma della famiglia Onchidiidae nel Golfo di
Genova & in Tunisia. 4pp., 2figs., English summ., with message
from the 2nd author. Euro 0.60
- BARLETTA, 1980. Elenco dei
periodici della biblioteca del Civico Acquario - Stazione
Idrobiologica [di Milano]. 70pp., hardly malacological. Euro
- BARLETTA, 1988. Nautilus - un
fossile vivente. 6pp., 1col.fig. Euro 0.95
- BARRANDE, 1881.
Acéphalés. Etudes locales & comparatives.
Extraits du systême silurien du centre de la Bohême.
Vol. 6. - Acéphalés. XXXII + 559pp., 10double pls.,
num.tabs., ex-library copy (number on spine, stamps, spine-ends
not perfect), paper brittle (though hardly any loss of paper),
hardbound. Euro 140.00
- BARTSCH, 1907. A new parasitic
mollusk of the genus Eulima. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- BARTSCH, 1909. A n.sp. of
Cerithiopsis from Alaska. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- BARTSCH, 1910. Descriptions of
new mollusks of the family Vitrinellidæ from the w. coast of
America. 6pp., 2pls. Euro 1.40
- BARTSCH, 1910. The recent &
fossil mollusks of the genus Alabina from the w. coast of America.
10pp., 2pls. Euro 2.05
- BARTSCH, 1911. The w. American
mollusks of the genus Eumeta. 4pp., 3figs. Euro 0.70
- BARTSCH, 1915. The recent &
fossil mollusks of the genus Rissoina from the w. coast of
America. 30pp., 6pls. Euro 6.15
- BARTSCH, 1916. 2 new land shells
from the w.ern states. 3pp., 1pl. Euro 0.70
- BARTSCH, 1916. The Californian
land shells of the Epiphragmophora traskii group. 11pp., 4pls.
Euro 2.70
- BARTSCH, 1918. A new W. Indian
fossil land shell. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.70
- BARTSCH, 1919. 2 new landshells
from California. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- BARTSCH, 1919. New land shells
from the Philippine Isls. 7pp., 3pls. Euro 1.75
- BARTSCH, 1926. New urocoptid
land shells from Mexico. 13pp., 1pl. Euro 2.45
- BARTSCH, 1931. The w. American
mollusks of the genus Acar. 4pp., 1pl. Euro 0.85
- BARTSCH, 1932. A newly
discovered W. Indian mollusk faunula. 12pp., 3pls. Euro
- BARTSCH, 1932. The Philippine
land mollusks of the genus Opisthoporus. 5pp., 1fig., 2pls. Euro
- BARTSCH, 1946. A n.ssp. of
Helicostyla florida from Mindoro, Philippine Isls. 1p. Euro
- BASTERIA, 22(2-3). Euro
- BASTERIA, 41-6. Euro
- BASTERIA, 60(4-6). Euro
- BASTERIA, 61(1-3). Euro
- BASTERIA, 61(4-6). Euro
- BASTERIA, 62(1-2). Euro
- BASTERIA, 62(3-4). Euro
- BASTERIA, 62(5-6). Euro
- BASTERIA, 63(1-3). Euro
- BAUR, 1988. Do the risks of egg
cannibalism & desiccation influence the choice of oviposition
sites in the land snail Arianta arbustorum? 8pp., 2tabs., 2figs.
Euro 1.10
- BAVAY & al., 1909.
Description de Coquilles nouvelles de l'Indo-Chine (4e Suite).
25pp., 2handcol.pls. Euro 9.50
- BAVAY & al., 1909.
Description de Coquilles nouvelles de l'Indo-Chine (6e Suite).
10pp., 3handcol.pls. Euro 9.00
- BAVAY & al., 1912.
Description de Coquilles nouvelles de l'Indo-Chine (7e Suite).
54pp., 6pls. (2handcol.pls.). Euro 15.50
- BAVAY & al., 1915.
Description de Coquilles nouvelles de l'Indo-Chine (8e Suite);
combined with: DAUTZENBERG, 1915. 2 Mollusques nouveaux provenant
du Thibet; &: DAUTZENBERG, 1915. Description d'un Macularia
nouveau provenant du Maroc. 14pp., 1fig., Euro
- BAYER & al. EDS, 1971.
Studies in tropical American mollusks. VIII + 236pp., 12tabs.,
207figs., Spanish summ., hardbound, ex-library copy (cardholder
with loanslips). Euro 25.00
- BAYER, 1936. Sur une
difformité du Cassis cornuta causée par des balanes.
2pp., 2figs., with message from author. Euro 0.50
- BAYNE, 1968. A study of the
desiccation of egg capsules of 8 gastropod species. 11pp., 2tabs.,
5figs. Euro 1.50
Proceedings of the 2nd Franco-British Symposium on Molluscs.
48papers, 227pp., figs., tabs. Euro 32.50
- BEBBINGTON, 1969. Bursatella
leachi guineensis subsp. nov. from Ghana. 19pp., 15figs., 1pl.
Euro 2.80
- BEDULLI & al., 1982.
Progetto di censimento della malacofauna marina Italiana. 10pp.,
1fig., 1tab. Euro 1.55
- BELLO, 1985. Su una raccolta di
cefalopodi pescati nel mesobatiale del Golfo di Taranto. 6pp.,
English summ. Euro 0.85
- BELLO, 1986. Catalogo dei
molluschi cefalopodi viventi nel Mediterraneo. 18pp., English
summ., with message from author. Euro 2.55
- BELLO, 1989. Comunità di
gasteropodi di una prateria di Thalassia testudinum di St. Croix,
Caraibi. 12pp., 2figs., 5tabs., English summ. Euro 1.90
- BELLO, 1989. Resistance to tidal
stress & desiccation in 4 N. Atlantic molluscs. 9pp., 3figs.,
3tabs., Italian summ. Euro 1.40
- BELLO, 1991. Role of cephalopods
in the diet of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, from the e.ern
Mediterranean Sea. 13pp., 4figs., 5tabs. Euro 1.90
- BELLO, 1995. Cephalopods in the
stomach contents of Galeus melastomus from the Adriatic Sea. 8pp.,
1fig., 3tabs., Italian summ. Euro 1.20
- BELLO, 1996. Biodiversity of
Mediterranean benthic cephalopods. 6pp., 1fig., 2tabs. Euro
- BELLO, 1996. Contenuti stomacali
di Astropecten aranciacus del Golfo di Taranto. 8pp., 2figs.,
1tab., English summ. Euro 1.30
- BELLO, 1999. Cephalopods in the
diet of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, from the Adriatic Sea. 8pp.,
4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.20
- BENGTSON & al., 1976.
Polymorphism in relation to habitat in the snail Cepaea hortensis
in Iceland. 16pp., 5tabs., 3figs. Euro 2.20
- BEQUAERT & al., 1936. An
unusually thick-shelled Achatina from the Kivu Region, Belgian
Congo (1). 4pp., 10figs. Euro 0.60
- BERG & al., 1959. The
respiration of freshwater snails. 19pp., 7figs. Euro 2.80
- BERGER, 1952. Zur Systematik der
Gehäuseformen der Konchiferen. 20pp., 8figs. Euro 3.00
- BERGER, 1963. Polish species of
the genus Carychium. 16pp., 2maps, 6tabs., 3figs., Polish &
Russian summ. Euro 2.20
- BERKHOUT, 1982. Het ontstaan van
de spiraalbouw bij de Mollusca. 13pp., 13figs. Euro 1.55
- BERNASCONI, 1990. Falniowskia
n.gen. for Bythiospeum neglectissimum. 5pp., Polish summ. Euro
Révision du genre Bythinella de la France du Centre-Ouest,
du Midi et des Pyrénées. 126pp. Euro 25.00
- BERNSTRÖM, 1936.
Ertholmenes Molluskfauna. 22pp., 2figs. Euro 3.15
- BERRIE, 1965. On the life cycle
of Lymnaea stagnalis in the w. of Scotland. 13pp., 5tabs., 3figs.
Euro 1.90
- BERRY & al., 1968.
Stabilizing selection in the dog-whelk (Nucella lapillus). 13pp.,
3figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.80
- BERRY, 1943. On the generic
relationships of certain Californian xerophile snails. 20pp.,
2pls., 7figs., 1map. Euro 3.85
- BERRY, 1963. Notices of new
E.ern Pacific Mollusca. - 5. 8pp. Euro 1.20
- BERRY, 1969. Notices of new
E.ern Pacific Mollusca. - 8. 8pp. Euro 1.20
- BERTI, 1996. L'utilizzo di
Dreissena polymorpha per il biomonitoraggio dei composti
organoclorurati. 1p., summ. of thesis. Euro 0.50
- BIELER, 1996. Taxonomic Atlas of
the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin & W.ern Santa
Barbara Channel, Volume 9, The Mollusca Part 2 - The Gastropoda.
By J. McLean & T. Gosliner. 2pp., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- BINDER ED., 1973. Proceedings of
the 4th European Malacological Congress (Geneva, 7-11 September
1971). 73papers, 478pp., figs., tabs. Euro 61.00
- BINDER, 1965. Existence d'un
organe de fixation sur la tête de certains Helicarionidae.
4pp., 1fig., 3pls. Euro 1.05
- BINDER, 1979. Gymnarion du Shaba
(= Katanga) Zaïre. 20pp., 1pl., 12figs. Euro 3.25
- BINGHAM & al., 1973.
Observations on the Attachment of Egg Capsules to a Substrate by
Melongena corona. 5pp., 14figs., with message from both authors.
Euro 0.70
- BIRD, 1960. An inland occurence
of the Pointed Snail. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- BLOK & al., 1968. The care
of a collection. 7pp. Euro 0.85
- BLOK & al., 1979. The care
of a collection. 7pp., 2nd reprint. Euro 0.85
- BODEANU & al., 1964.
Données sur l'importance des microphytes dans la nourriture
des mollusques. 10pp., 2tabs. Euro 1.40
- BODON & al., 1999. The
Moroccan stygobiont genus Heideella. 17pp., 45figs. Euro
- BODON & al., 2000. The genus
Avenionia redefined. 10pp., 1tab., 27figs. Euro 1.50
- BOER & al., 1959. On the
anatomy of the circulatory system in Ferrissia shimekii;
especially on the blood supply of the central nervous system.
8pp., 3figs. Euro 1.20
- BOER, 1965. A cytological &
cytochemical study of neurosecretory cells in Basommatophora, with
particular reference to Lymnaea stagnalis. 74pp., 6tabs., 8figs.,
4pls., thesis. Euro 11.50
- BOETERS & al., 1977. Acicula
(A.) lineata & A. (A.) lineolata. 6pp., 1pl., 4tabs. Euro
- BOETERS & al., 1983. Neues
über Avenionia. 6pp., 10figs. Euro 0.90
- BOETERS & al., 2001. A
remarkably rich prosobranch fauna endemic to the French Pyrenees.
15pp., 34figs. Euro 2.25
- BOETERS, 1999. Alzoniella
navarresis n.sp., P. (Corrosella) hydrobiopsis n.sp. & the
type species of Pseudamnicola. 5pp., 7figs. Euro 0.75
- BOETERS, 2000. The genus
Alzoniella in France. W. European Hydrobiidae, 9. 13pp., 41figs.
Euro 1.95
- BOETIUS, 1962. Temperature &
Growth in a Population of Mytilus edulis from the N.ern Harbour of
Copenhagen (the Sound). 8pp., 1pl., 4figs., 1tab. Euro 1.30
- BOETTGER, 1940. Zur Kenntnis der
subterranen Molluskenfauna Siebenburgens. 42pp., 2pls. Euro
- BOETTGER, 1949. Die
Einschleppung einer n.amerikanischen Süßwasserschnecke
der Gattung Ferrissia nach Deutschland. 1p. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1949. Die Entstehung
der Schalengestalt der o.alpinen Landschnecke Cylindrus obtusus.
2pp. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1949. Die N.grenze der
Nacktschnecke Milax rusticus in W.deutschland. 4pp. Euro
- BOETTGER, 1949. Die Schreibweise
des Gattungsnamens der als Mytilus polymorphus beschriebenen
Wandermuschel. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- BOETTGER, 1949. Eine neue
Landschnecke von der Insel Corsica. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1949. Zur Kenntnis der
großen Wegschnecken (Arion s.s.) Deutschlands. 18pp., 2figs.
Euro 2.70
- BOETTGER, 1950. Die
w.europäische Landschnecke Zonitoides excavatus in
Deutschland. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1952. Ein Albino der
Nacktschnecke Limax cinereoniger; combined with: BOETTGER, 1952.
Die N.grenze der Nacktschnecke Milax rusticus in W.deutschland.
2pp. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1953. Land- &
Süßwasserschnecken der Insel Sylt (N.friesische
Inseln). 4pp. Euro 0.60
- BOETTGER, 1953.
Phänotypische Schalengestaltung bei der Pantoffelschnecke
(Crepidula fornicata). 5pp., 2pls. Euro 1.05
- BOETTGER, 1953. Riesenwuchs der
Landschnecke Zebrina (Z.) detrita als Folge parasitärer
Kastration. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1954.
Überprüfung des Cardium casertanum an seinem
Originalfundort. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- BOETTGER, 1957. Verlust der
Rippung leerer Cepaea-Schalen durch Umweltsfaktoren. 3pp., 5figs.
Euro 0.50
- BOGDANOV, 1990. Mollusks of
Oenopotinae subfamily in the seas of the USSR. 275pp., 475figs.,
5tabs., in Russian, nomenclature in Latin, English summ. Euro
1982. The effect of lead pollution on the freshwater gastropod
Viviparus viviparus: biochemical & histochemical features.
3pp., 1tab. Euro 0.50
- BONDAREV & al., 1999. A
n.sp. of Fulgoraria from the E. China Sea. 2pp., 2pls. (
Euro 0.95
- BONE & al., 1996. Aerial
photography & geological mapping of Bracklesham Bay, W.
Sussex. 8pp., 8pls., 3figs., signed by 2nd author. Euro
- BONTES & al., 1998.
Variation in the Diacria trispinosa group, new interpretation of
colour patterns & description of D. rubecula n.sp. 8pp.,
6figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.20
- BORLAND, 1950. Ecological Study
of Benhamina obliquata, A Basommatophorous Pulmonate in Otago
Harbour. 9pp., 4pls., 3tabs. Euro 2.00
- BOSCH, 1998. Collectable e.ern
Arabian seashells Including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia & United Arab Emirates. 64pp., fully col., water
resistant cover, in English & Arab, signed by author. Euro
- BÖSE, 1910.
Monografía geológica & paleontológica del
Cerro de Muleros Cerca de Ciudad Juárez, Estado de
Chihuahua & descripcion de la fauna cretácea de la
Encantada, Placer de Guadalupe, Estado de Chihuahua. VI + 241pp.,
48pls., col. geological map, col. geological profile, not strictly
malacological, disbound. Euro 115.00
- BOSS & al., 1965. Benthic
ecology & faunal change in the estuary of the Patuxent River.
1p. Euro 0.50
- BOTNARIUC & al., 1963.
Observations on the biology of Fagotia esperi of the
Crapina-Jijila complex of pools. 11pp., 6figs., in Rumenian,
Russian & English summ., reproduced on 12pictures. Euro
- BOTTEMA & al., 1966.
Malacology & palynology of 2 cores from the Adriatic Sea
floor. 12pp., 3figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.75
- BOUCHET & al., 1995. A
review of the deep-water volute genus Calliotectum. 27pp.,
67figs., French summ. Euro 5.15
- BOYER & al., 1999. G.
fernandesi, a n.sp. from Cape Verde Isls, & some
considerations on the genus Granulina. 10pp., 17figs., French
& Spanish summ. Euro 1.65
- BOYKO & al., 2001. The
terrestrial Mollusca of Isl. 9pp., 3figs. Euro 1.35
- BOZETTI, 1997. 3 n.sp. of
Gastropoda from deep water off the Philippines. 5pp., 8figs. Euro
- BRACE, 1983. Observations on the
morphology & behaviour of Chilina fluctuosa, with a discusion
on the early evolution of pulmonate gastropods. 29pp., 9figs.,
1tab. Euro 3.95
- BRADNER & al., 1982. Optical
& SEM Comparison of Casmaria erinaceus & C. vibexmexicana.
3pp., 1tab., 3pls. Euro 0.95
- BRAGADO & al., 2000.
Catalogo de las colecciones zoologicas de Asia del Museo Nacional
de Ciencias Naturales: 2, Moluscos terrestres y dulceacuicolas.
540pp., softcover. Euro 45.00
- BRANCH, 1975. Intraspecific
competition in Patella cochlear. 19pp., 14figs., 1tab., 1pl. Euro
- BRANCH, 1975. Mechanisms
reducing intraspecific competition in Patella spp.: migration,
differentiation & territorial behaviour. 26pp., 16figs.,
3tabs., 2pls. Euro 3.95
- BRANCH, 1976. Interspecific
competition experienced by S. African Patella species. 23pp.,
17figs., 4tabs., 1pl. Euro 3.40
- BRANSON, 1967. Notes on &
Measurements of River-Drift Snails from Texas. 9pp. Euro
- BRATCHER & al., 1970. 4 new
terebrid gastropods from e.ern Pacific isls. 6pp., 8figs. Euro
- BRATCHER & al., 1985. 3 new
deep-water Indo-Pacific & 1 intertidal Brazilian species of
Terebra. 4pp., 6figs. Euro 0.60
- BRATCHER, 1977. Deshayes'
terebrid types in École des Mines, Paris. 4pp., 12figs.
Euro 0.60
- BRATCHER, 1979. A New
Indo-Pacific Terebrid. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- BRATCHER, 1983. Terebra knudseni
n.sp. from N. Borneo. 5pp., 1fig. Euro 0.70
- BRATCHER, 1988. 6 N.Sp. of
Terebridae from Panama & the Indo-W. Pacific. 5pp., 10figs.
Euro 0.85
- BRETSKY, 1967. Environmental
factors influencing the distribution of Barbatia domingensis on
the Bermuda Platform. 14pp., 2tabs., 2figs., xerox-copy. Euro
- BREURE & al., 1981. Notes on
& descriptions of Bulimulidae, 2. 109pp., 8pls., 376figs.,
4tabs., signed by 1st author. Euro 18.00
- BREURE, 1974. Caribbean land
molluscs: Bulimulidae 1. Bulimulus. 80pp., 7pls., 17tabs., 94figs.
Euro 13.00
- BRITTON & al. EDS, 1979.
Proceedings, 1st International Corbicula Symposium. 306pp.,
98figs., 50tabs., 19papers. Euro 42.00
- BROEKHUYSEN, 1940. A preliminary
investigation of the importance of desiccation, temperature &
salinity as factors controlling the vertical distribution of
certain intertidal marine gastropods in False Bay, S. Africa.
38pp., 2pls., 11tabs., 6figs. Euro 5.85
- BROGLIO, 1996. Distribuzione
& diversità delle malacocenosi costiere del Lago di
Como. 1p., summ. of thesis. Euro 0.50
Molluskengezelschappen van enkele bossen in de gemeente Udenhout,
in relatie tot vegetatie & bodem. mei-augustus 1973. 64pp.,
figs., tabs., type-script report. Euro 6.00
- BROWN, 1969. Molluscan survey of
the Tamaki River, Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, August, 1968, at
the site of the Otara Gas-Turbine Power Station. 22pp., 1tab.,
4figs. Euro 3.15
- BROWNE & al., 1966. The
Genus Aphanaia, Permian Representative of the Inoceramidae. 10pp.,
5figs. Euro 1.40
- BRYAN, 1969. The effects of
oil-spill removers ('detergents') on the gastropod Nucella
lapillus on a rocky shore & in the laboratory. 26pp., 2pls.,
6figs., 4tabs. Euro 3.80
- BUBEL, 1976. An electron
microscope study of the formation of the periostracum in the
freshwater bivalve, Anodonta cygnea. 22pp., 11figs. Euro
- BUCHANAN, 1979. On 2 n.sp. of
Coccidia from the marine bivalve, Tellina tenuis - an Adeliorine
from the renal organ & an Eimeriorine from the ovary. 9pp.,
6figs., French summ. Euro 1.30
- BUCHANAN, 1979. Ultrastructural
studies of a rickettsialike organism (with phage) from the
digestive gland of the marine bivalve, Tellina tenuis. 7pp., 1pl.,
French summ. Euro 1.05
MALACOLOGY TOKYO, 3(3). 18pp., 6pls. Euro 6.55
- BULLOCK, 1974. On the Identity
of Fasciolaria bistriata. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- BURCH & al., 1969. The
Systematic Relationships of Radix hamadai. 9pp., 13figs. Euro
- BURCHELL, 1969. The incidence
& distribution of the molluscan fauna in certain lateral
valleys of the Thames & Medway from the beginning of Late
Glacial times until the end of the Sub-boreal period. 3pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.50
- BURCHELL, 1971. Some
observations on the occurrence of the shell Hygromia hispida
during the Last Glaciation & in Holocene times. 9pp., 1fig.,
5tabs. Euro 1.25
- BURCHELL, 1973. A series of
loams in n. Kent, ranging in date from earliest Late Glacial times
to the middle of the Sub-boreal period, & their contained
molluscan & archaeological evidences. 10pp., 3figs. Euro
- BURCKHARDT, 1901. Le gisement
supracrétacique de Roca (Rio Negro). 15pp., 1fig., 1tab.,
4pls. (2pls. slightly affected by stamps), wrinkled (though
especially the wrappers). Euro 3.15
- BURCKHARDT, 1912. Faunes
jurassiques & cretaciques de San Pedro del Gallo [ammonites].
VIII + 310pp., 46pls., 3fold.tabs., hardcover, bumped at the
edges, cover soiled, topside text-part stained (almost
throughout), not affecting the text though. Euro 140.00
- BURDON-JONES & al., 19??.
Light responses of littoral gastropods. 3pp., 1fig. Euro
- BURKENROAD, 1937. The sex-ratio
in alternational hermaphrodites, with especial reference to the
determination of rate of reversal of sexual phase in oviparous
oysters. 10pp. Euro 1.40
- BUTOT & al., 1966. Notes on
the cytology of Rissoacea 1. Cytotaxonomical conditions in some
Hydrobiidae & Assimineidae. 14pp., 2tabs., 1pl. Euro
- BUTOT & al., 1967. The
chromosomes of C. arenaria with a review of the cytological
conditions within the genus Catinella & considerations of the
phylogenetic position of the Succineoidea ord. nov. 8pp., 3tabs.,
2figs. Euro 1.05
- BUTOT, 1960. De Markense
Malacofauna. 4pp., English summ. Euro 0.60
- BUTOT, 1960. De Molluskenfauna
van Zo. Walcheren, speciaal m.b.t. het natuurreservaat
Rammekenshoek. 10pp., 1map, English summ. Euro 1.50
- BUTOT, 1960. Gaasterland &
weekdieren. 6pp., 17figs. Euro 0.85
- BUTOT, 1961. Malacologisch
onderzoek op Goeree. 31pp., 7tabs., 1map, English summ. Euro
- BUTOT, 1962. Mollusken &
vegetatie langs de o.elijke Maasdalhelling bij Gronsveld &
Eisden. 18pp., 1fig., 5tabs., English summ. Euro 2.70
- BUTOT, 1964. De molluskenfauna
van het Belgische deel van de Sint Pietersberg. 7pp., 1map.,
1folded tab. Euro 1.20
- BUTOT, 1964. Recreatie &
natuurbescherming in het N.hollands Duinreservaat: De
molluskenfauna. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- BUTOT, 1965. Land molluscs in a
Dutch river valley wood at Millingen. 7pp., 1tab. Euro 1.05
- BUTOT, 1972. Beeldfilatelie -
een beschouwing over malacologische postzegels. 10pp., 9figs.,
with message from author. Euro 1.40
- BUTOT, 1974. De geschiedenis
& de verspreiding van de Wijngaardslak in de o.elijke &
n.elijke provincies van Nederland. 16pp., 9figs., English summ.
Euro 2.20
- BUZZURRO & al., 1995. Sull
'identita' di Pyrgulina pirinthella. 3pp., 4figs., English summ.
Euro 0.50
- CADÉE, 1981. Notes on
Bryozoa, 1. Cupuladria canariensis from the British Pliocene
Coralline Crag. 7pp., 3tabs., 6figs., not malacological; combined
with: RAVEN & al., 1981. Calais Deposits (Holocene) near
Benthuizen (province of Z.-Holland, The Netherlands), with a
paleoecological reconstruction. 18pp., 6tabs., 7figs., Dutch
summ., not specific malacological; &: JANSSEN, 1981. A
Holocene mollusc faunule from a temporary excavation near
Standdaarbuiten (The Netherlands, province of N. Brabant). 7pp.,
1pl., 2figs. Euro 5.15
- CADÉE, 1998. Rissoa
membranacea from the Dutch Wadden Sea. 10pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- CADÉE, 2001. Herring
gulls learn to feed on a recent invader in the Dutch Wadden Sea,
the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. 10pp., 4figs., Dutch summ.
Euro 1.50
- CAIN & al., 1969. Ecology
& variation of some helicid snails in n.ern Scotland. 31pp.,
9tabs., 9figs. Euro 4.30
- CALL, 1893. On certain recent,
Quaternary, & new fresh-water Mollusca. 8pp., 4figs., 1pl.
Euro 1.65
- CALNAN, 1980. Molluscan
distribution in Copano Bay, Texas. 57pp., 14pls., 9tabs., 17figs.
Euro 11.00
- CALOW, 1973. On the regulatory
nature of individual growth: some observations from freshwater
snails. 14pp., 6figs., 2tabs. Euro 2.00
- CAMBRIDGE, 19??. Post-pliocene
fossil Mollusca (land & freshwater). 8pp., reprint. Euro
- CAMERON & al., 1972. The
terrestrial Mollusca of the Malham area. 14pp., 4tabs., 2figs.
Euro 1.90
- CAMERON & al., 1975. Snail
faunas in the early stages of a chalk grassland succession. 15pp.,
3figs., 4tabs. Euro 2.10
- CAMERON, 1969. Predation by song
trushes Turdus ericetorum on the snails Cepaea hortensis &
Arianta arbustorum near Rickmansworth. 7pp., 2tabs., 3figs. Euro
- CAMERON, 1972. Shells. 98pp.,
127figs. (col.figs.), dustwrapper. Euro 11.50
- CAMPBELL, 1961. Range Extension
for Terebra ornata; combined with: TALMADGE, 1961. Haliotids &
Stomatellids from Swain's Reef, Queensland. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- CAMPBELL, 1977. Else4s gids van
strand & kust. 318pp., >800col.figs., not specific
malacological. Euro 11.50
- CAPROTTI, 1979. Simbologie sacre
& conchiglie: 1. Le culture primitive & l'Occidente.
47pp., 8figs. Euro 7.75
- CAPROTTI, 1989. La cultura
naturalistica insubrica ai tempi del porta. 12pp. Euro 1.75
- CAPROTTI, 1991. L'illustrazione
malacologica dalle origini al 1800. Bibliografia. 54pp., 54pls.
(8col.pls.), 1tab. Euro 20.00
- CARLSON & al., 1969. The
ionic basis of the fast action potentials in the isolated
cerebrovisceral connective of Anodonta cygnea. 20pp., 17figs.,
2tabs. Euro 2.70
- CARTER, 1971. Revision of Arenig
Bivalvia from Ramsey Isl., Pembrokeshire. 12pp., 2pls., 1fig. Euro
- CASTEEL, 1904. The cell-lineage
& early larval development of Fiona marina, a nudibranch
mollusk. 81pp., 15pls., last p. xerox-copy [explanation of pls.].
Euro 15.00
- CASTILLEJO & al., 1983.
Furcopenis gen.n. with Its 2 N.Sp. & a New Deroceras Species
from Spain. 15pp., 36figs. Euro 2.10
- CATE & al., 1968. A New
Cowrie Species from the Philippines. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- CAVALLARO & al., 1977.
Effetti di pubbliche discariche sulle biocenosi litorali lungo le
coste Siciliane dello Stretto di Messina. 10pp., 1fold. map,
1tab., English summ., with message from the 1st author, not
specific malacological. Euro 1.65
- CERNOHORSKY, 1966. The Radula,
Egg Capsules & Young of Murex (Chicoreus) torrefactus. 3pp.,
6figs., 3rd p. xerox-copy. Euro 0.50
- CERNOHORSKY, 1980. Systematics
of some w. Pacific Lyria with description of a n.sp. 8pp.,
13figs., 1tab. Euro 1.30
- CESARI & al., 1984. Il Bosco
di Carpenedo (Venezia) - 2° notule corologiche &
sistematiche sulla malacofauna di un ambiente relitto
dell'entroterra veneziano. 40pp., 6pls., 5tabs., 1fig., English
summ. [l, fw] Euro 7.00
- CESARI & al., 1985.
Molluschi pervenuti in Laguna di Venezia per apporti volontari o
casuali. Acclimazione di Saccostrea commercialis & di Tapes
philippinarum. 31pp., 7pls., English summ. Euro 5.40
- CHATFIELD, 1976. Limax grossui,
a slug new to the British Isls. 4pp., 1fig. Euro 0.60
- CHATFIELD, 1977. Hand lenses
& microscopes for conchologists. 6pp., 3figs. Euro 0.70
- CHEW, 1960. Study of food
preference & rate of feeding of Japanese oyster drill,
Ocinebra japonica. 27pp., 22tabs., 6figs. Euro 3.75
- CHIRLI, 2002. Malacofauna
Pliocenica Toscana Vol. 3 Muricoidea 2ƒ & Cancellarioidea +
Errata corrige al volume 1. X + 130pp., 37pls., privately
published, with message from author. Euro 50.00
- CHOE & al., 1995.
Classification of Superfamilies Buccinoidea, Volutoidea &
Cancellariodea from Korean Sea Waters. 25pp., 5pls., 2figs., in
Korean & English (mixture). Euro 4.75
- CHURCH & al., 1938. A giant
race of Helminthoglypta from Tulare Co., California. 4pp., 1pl.,
with message from 2nd author. Euro 0.80
- CLARKSON & al., 198?
Distribution & feeding of archaeogastropods in a boulder
habitat at W. Isl., S. Australia. 10pp., 5figs., 1tab. Euro
- CLENCH & al., 1962. New
Names Introduced by H. Pilsbry in the Mollusca & Crustacea.
218pp. Euro 21.00
- CLIMO, 1969. Classification of
New Zealand Arionacea 1. The higher classification. 14pp., 5figs.,
1tab. Euro 2.00
- CLIMO, 1969. The systematic
status of Phenacohelix sp. 4pp., 4figs. Euro 0.60
- CLIMO, 1970. A Revision of the
genera Charopa (excluding subgenus Ptychodon), Phenacharopa &
Flammocharopa n.gen. 73pp., 9pls., 22figs., 16tabs. Euro
- CLIMO, 1971. A n.sp. of
Paryphanta from s.-w. Fiordland, New Zealand. 4pp., 2figs. Euro
- CLIMO, 1971. A Revision of the
subfamily Otoconchinae. 7pp., 2figs. Euro 1.05
- CLIMO, 1971. Descriptions of
Some New Phenacohelicinid Taxa. 11pp., 5figs. Euro 1.55
- CLIMO, 1971. Venustilifer
bountyensis. 4pp., 7figs. Euro 0.60
- CLIMO, 1972. The reinstatement
of Mactra murchisoni. 7pp., 3figs. Euro 1.05
- CLIMO, 1974. A new subgenus of
Rhytida from New Zealand. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- CLIMO, 1978. A review of the New
Zealand charopine snails with lamellate apertures. 25pp., 11figs.
Euro 3.50
- CLIMO, 1980. Classification of
New Zealand Arionacea 7. The genera Aeschrodomus &
Pulchridomus n.gen. 11pp., 5figs. Euro 1.55
- CLIMO, 1981. Notes on some
charopid species, with description of new taxa. 7pp., 2figs. Euro
- CLIMO, 1982. The systematic
status of Auricula (Alexia) meridionalis & Rangitotoa
insularis in Australasia. 6pp., 2figs. Euro 0.85
- CLIMO, 1983. Classification of
New Zealand Arionacea. 9. The n.gen. Paracharopa. 11pp., 6figs.
Euro 1.55
- CLIMO, 1984. Classification of
New Zealand Arionacea. 10 Montaropa macsweeneyi n.gen., n.sp.
& the identity of Flammulina alpina. 4pp., 1fig. Euro
- COAN & al., 1980.
Nettastomella: proposed conservation under the plenary powers.
3pp., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- COAN, 1969. What is Macoma
truncaria? 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- COAN, 1970. The Date of
Publication of Gould's 'Descriptions of Shells from the Gulf of
California'. 1p. Euro 0.50
- COAN, 1976. The Availability of
Taxa Proposed in the Minutes of the Conchological Club of S.ern
California. 6pp. Euro 0.95
- COAN, 1977. Glans carpenteri vs.
G. subquadrata: The Rules Concerning Renamed Transient 2ndary
Homonyms. 1p. Euro 0.50
- COAN, 1979. Recognition of
Cyclocardia ovata in the E.ern Pacific. 1p. Euro 0.50
- COAN, 1981. What is Venericardia
morsei? 2pp., xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- COAN, 1984. S. Berry, 1887-1984.
1p., xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- COAN, 1984. What is Ervilia
californica? 1p., xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- COAN, 1985. A Bibliography &
List of Molluscan Names of J. Keep. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- COAN, 1987. Concerning the Type
Material of Lasaea subviridis. 1p., xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- COCKERELL, 1903. Variation in
the snail-genus Ashmunella. 2pp., 1tab. Euro 0.50
- COE & al., 1950. Population
studies, local growth rates & reproduction of the pismo clam
(Tivela stultorum). 23pp., 4figs., 13tabs. Euro 3.15
- COE, 1931. Sexual rhythm in the
California oyster (Ostrea lurida). 6pp. Euro 0.85
- COE, 1947. Biology of Crepidula
williamsi, a n.sp. of prosobranch gastropod from the Pacific
coast. 8pp., 8figs. Euro 1.25
- COE, 1947. Nutrition, growth
& sexuality of the Pismo clam (Tivela stultorum). 24pp.,
4figs., 1tab. Euro 3.30
- COE, 1948. Nutrition &
sexuality in protandric gastropods of the genus Crepidula. 3pp.
Euro 0.50
- COE, 1948. Variations in the
expression of sexuality in the normally protandric gastropod
Crepidula plana. 15pp., 2figs., with message from author. Euro
- COLEMAN, 198?. Molluscs from the
diets of commercially exploited fish off the coast of Victoria,
Australia. 12pp., 4tabs., 1fig. Euro 1.75
- COLWELL & al., 1960.
Bacteriological Study of the Natural Flora of Pacific Oysters
(Crassostrea gigas). 6pp., 5tabs., 2figs. Euro 0.85
- CONCHIGLIE, 4(1-2) [1968], 34pp.
Euro 3.40
- CONCHIGLIE, 7 [1971]. 180pp., in
6issues. Euro 17.00
- COOK, 1969. Results of breeding
experiments of Diver & Stelfox on Helix aspersa. 8pp., 4tabs.
Euro 1.20
- COOK, 1970. Habituation in a
freshwater snail (Limnaea stagnalis). 12pp., 10figs. Euro
- COOKE, 1917. Some N.Sp. of
Amastra. 30pp., 3pls. Euro 5.50
- COOKE, 1933. N.Sp. of
Amastridae. 25pp., 2pls. Euro 4.45
- COOMANS & al., 1979-86.
Alphabetical revision of the (sub) species in recent Conidae 1-9.
469pp., 760figs., in 9 issues. Euro 56.00
- COOMANS, 1962. Experiments on
the velocity of marine gastropods. 2pp., with message from author.
Euro 0.50
- COOMANS, 1967. The
classification of Columbella dormitor with description of a n.gen.
Minipyrene. 10pp., 9figs., poor xerox-copy. Euro 0.50
- COOMANS, 1974. Life &
malacological work of H. v. Rijgersma (1835-77) a Dutch physician
& scientist on St. Martin, Netherlands Antilles. 101pp.,
32figs., 3tabs., Dutch summ., thesis. Euro 18.50
- COOMBS, 1973. A quantitative
system of age analysis for the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus. 12pp.,
8figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.65
- COOMBS, 1973. Desiccation &
age as factors in the vertical distribution of the dog-whelk,
Nucella lapillus. 10pp., 4figs., 3tabs. Euro 1.40
- COOPER, 1925. A tentative list
of Buckinghamshire Mollusca. 6pp. Euro 1.05
- COREA, 1934. Reports on the
collections obtained by the 1st Johnson-Smithsonian Deep-Sea
Expedition to the Puerto Rican Deep. New marine mollusks. 9pp.,
3pls. Euro 2.05
- CORGAN & al., 1998. Notes on
Cyclodostomia. 2pp. Euro 0.45
- CORGAN & al., 1998. Saurin's
pyramidellacean gastropod names. 5pp. Euro 0.75
- COSSIGNANI ED., 1980. Il museo
malacologico naturalistico quale struttura didattica collaterale
da istituire nelle scuole dell'obligo (proposta). 41pp., figs.
Euro 4.65
- COSSMANN & al., 1924.
Conchologie Néogénique de l'Aquitaine tome 4
(Gastropodes) livraison 2. 299pp., 11pls. Euro 47.50
- COSTA & al., 1998. Nassarina
thetys, a n.sp. from the Brazilian coast. 9pp., 11figs., 1tab.
Euro 1.35
- COTTON, 1961. S. Australian
Mollusca Pelecypoda. 361pp., 353figs. Euro 27.00
- COX ED., 1957. The scallop.
Studies of a shell & its influences on humankind. 135pp.,
col.figs., bookcase (not perfect). Euro 18.50
- COX, 1953. Lower Cretaceous
Gastropoda, Lamellibranchia & Annelida from Alexander I Land
(Falkland Isls Dependencies). 16pp., 2pls., 1map, wrappers &
top-right-corner somewhat soiled. Euro 2.90
- CRAMPTON, 1896. Experimental
Studies on Gastropod Development. 19pp., 4pls. (3double pls.),
German summ.; combined with: WILSON, 1896. On Cleavage &
Mosaic-Work. 7pp., 4figs., wrapper loose. Euro 6.30
- CREIGHTON, 1899. Microscopic
researches on glycogen. - Part 2. Glycogen of snails & slugs
In Morphological & Physiological Correspondence with the Lymph
System of Vertebrates. VIII + 136pp., 9pls. (7 (partly) col.pls.),
a few stains & pencil-lines, hardcover. Euro 32.50
- CRISP, 1969. Studies on the
behavior of Nassarius obsoletus. 19pp., 18tabs., 1fig.,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.60
- CROOCKEWIT & al., 1953.
Malakologische Resultate einer Reise nach der asiatischen
Türkei. 16pp., 2figs., 2pls. Euro 2.45
- CROZIER, 1962. New Zealand
occurences of the Sydney mud cockle, Anadara trapezia. 6pp.,
3figs., 1map. Euro 0.85
- CUIF & al., 1983.
Étude des caractéristiques de la phase
minérake dans les structures prismatiques du test de
quelques Mollusques. 32pp., 7pls., English summ. Euro 5.30
- CURREY & al., 1974. The
mechanical behaviour of some molluscan hard tissues. 12pp.,
4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.65
- CURREY, 1976. Further studies on
the mechanical properties of mollusc shell material. 9pp., 5figs.,
1tab. Euro 1.30
- CURREY, 1979. The effect of
drying on the strength of mollusc shells. 8pp., 3tabs., 3figs.
Euro 1.20
- D'ASARO, 1966. The egg capsules,
embryogenesis, & early organogenesis of a common oyster
predator, Thais haemastoma floridana. 31pp., 10figs., Spanish
summ. Euro 4.30
- D'ASARO, 1969. The comparative
embryogenesis & early organogenesis of Bursa corrugata &
Distorsio clathrata. 41pp., 18figs., French, Spanish & Russian
summ. Euro 5.85
- D'ASARO, 1969. The spawn of the
emperor helmet shell, Cassis madagascariensis, from s. Florida.
6pp., 2figs., Spanish summ. Euro 0.85
- DAAN & al., 2001. 4 marine
mollusc species new to the Dutch recent fauna. 7pp., 5figs. Euro
- DAGUZAN, 1982. Contribution a
l'etude de la croissance & de la longévité de
Elona quimperiana vivant en Bretagne Occidentale. 10pp., 9figs.,
5tabs., English summ. Euro 1.40
- DAHMER, 1949. Sollea n.nom. 1p.
Euro 0.50
- DALE, 1974. Extrusion,
retraction & respiratory movements in Helix pomatia in
relation to distribution & circulation of the blood. 13pp.,
6figs. Euro 1.90
- DALL, 1910. On some land shells
collected by Dr. H. Bingham in Peru. 6pp., 4figs. Euro 1.10
- DALL, 1921. Annotated list of
the recent Brachiopoda in the collection of the USNM, with
descriptions of 33 new forms. 117pp. Euro 18.50
- DANCE & al., 1967. Notes on
Morum dennisoni & Related Species. 8pp., 1pl. Euro 1.30
- DATHE, 1950. Über
Schulp-Mißbildungen bei Sepia officinalis. 4pp., 4pls. Euro
- DAUTZENBERG & al., 1908.
Additions & rectifications à la liste des Mollusques
récoltés par M. Mansuy en Indo-Chine. 1p. Euro
- DAVIS & al., 1962. Survival
& growth of larvae of the European oyster, O. edulis, at
lowered salinities. 7pp., 1fig., 1tab., corner last p. missing
(without loss of text). Euro 0.95
- DAVIS & al., 1975. The
Endangered Status of Io fluvialis. 1p., xerox-copy. Euro
- DAVIS & al., 1990. N.Gen. of
Triculinae from China: Phylogenetic Relationships. 23pp., 9tabs.,
14figs. Euro 3.25
- DAVIS & al., 1997. Discovery
of Erhaia in n.ern India with description of a n.gen. of Erhaiini
from China. 27pp., 22figs., 8tabs. Euro 4.20
- DAVIS & al., 1998.
Cytochrome oxidase I-based phylogenetic relationships among the
Pomatiopsidae, Hydrobiidae, Rissoidae & Truncatellidae. 16pp.,
4figs., 3tabs. Euro 2.20
- DAVIS, 1984. Genetic
relationships among some N. American Unionidae: sibling species,
convergence, & cladistic relationships. 20pp., 10tabs., 6figs.
Euro 2.80
- DAWSON, 1971. On the proper
usage of the name Terebratulina hedleyi for Cancellothyris
australis. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- DE BLOK & al., 1958. The
substratum required for the settling of mussels (Mytilus edulis).
15pp., 5tabs., 3figs. Euro 2.10
- DE BRUYNE & al. EDS, 2001.
Van Nonnetje tot Tonnetje, de recente & fossiele weekdieren
(slakken & schelpen) van Amsterdam. 202pp., figs. (col.figs.),
maps. Euro 17.00
- DE BRUYNE, 2003.
Geïllustreerde schelpen encyclopedie. 336pp., col.figs.,
hardcover, dustwrapper, with message from author. Euro
- DE BRUYNE, 1994. Schelpen van de
Nederlandse kust. 165pp., num.figs., 2nd printing. Euro
& al., 1991. Anatomia & histologia do aparelho reprodutor
masculino de Pomacea canaliculata. 10pp., 8figs., English summ.
Euro 1.30
& al., 1991. Anatomia & histologia do conduto genital
feminino de Pomacea canaliculata. 7pp., 5figs., English summ. Euro
& al., 1991. Histologia da glândula de albúmen de
Pomacea canaliculata. 7pp., 5figs., English summ. Euro 0.95
- DE FOLIN, 1880.
Considérations sur le genre Acme & les operculés
terrestres. 27pp., 1pl. Euro 18.50
- DE JONG & al., 1988. Marine
gastropods from Curaçao, Aruba & Bonaire. 214pp.,
47pls., maps, hardcover. Euro 37.50
- DE LA TORRE & al., 1941. The
Cuban operculate land mollusks of the family Annulariidae,
exclusive of the subfamily Chondropominae. 265pp., 49figs. Euro
De regeling van den tonus in de spieren van Helix pomatia. 79pp.,
18figs., tabs., thesis. Euro 11.50
- DE STRANDVLO, 7(4). 5pp., not
the Belgian periodical. Euro 0.50
- DE VRIES, 1974. Caribbean land
molluscs: notes on Cerionidae. 37pp., 7pls., 10figs., 1tab. Euro
- DE WINTER & al., 1998. A 1st
record of Truncatellina from SE. Asia: T. cf. insulivaga on Java,
Indonesia. 3pp., 4figs. Euro 0.45
- DE WINTER, 1996. 6 n.sp. of
Streptaxidae from W. Africa. 10pp., 13figs. Euro 1.50
- DE WINTER, 1997. A giant
specimen of Archachatina marginata. 2pp., 2colfigs. Euro
- DE WOLF, 2000. Hyala vitrea, new
for the Dutch coastal fauna. 13pp., 3figs., 3tabs. Euro
- DEDEKIND, 1911. Ein Beitrag zur
Purpurkunde. 4. Band: Gewährung von Einblicken in die
internationale Literatur der letztvergangenen 4 Jahrhunderte
über Purpur. XVI + 848pp., frontispiece, figs., hardcover, a
few lines in colour-pencil in text. Euro 155.00
- DEGNER, 1954. Ein weiteres
Vorkommen von Delima itala in N.-Tirol. 1p. Euro 0.50
- DEKKER & al., 1994-5. Review
of the living Indo-W.-Pacific species of Divaricella sensu auct.
with descriptions of 2 n.sp. & a summary of the species from
other regions. (Part 1 & 2). 34pp., 21figs., 2tabs., in
English & Dutch. Euro 5.40
- DEKKER & al., 2000.
Check-list of Red Sea Mollusca. 46pp., 2maps, figs, in English
& Dutch. Euro 8.50
- DEKKER, 19??. Alfabetische
sleutel op F. Nordsieck, Die europäischen
Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken. (Prosobranchia) Vom Eismeer bis
Kapverden & Mittelmeer. Stuttgart, 1968. 10pp. Euro
- DEKKER, 19??. Alfabetische
sleutel op F. Nordsieck, Die europäischen Meeresmuscheln.
(Bivalvia) Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer & Schwarzes
Meer. Stuttgart, 1969. 7pp. Euro 0.85
- DELL & al., 1964. An example
of Pterynotus zealandicus living in Cook Strait. 2pp., 2figs. Euro
- DELL & al., 1964. Some notes
on the gastropod, Zelippistes benhami. 10pp., 14figs. Euro
- DELL, 1950. Notes on the
Taxonomy & Distribution of some New Zealand Mollusca with
Description of 4 N.Sp. 8pp., 10figs. Euro 1.20
- DELL, 1950. The Molluscan Genus
Venustas in New Zealand Waters. 16pp., 27figs. Euro 2.35
- DELL, 1952. A Deep Water
Molluscan Fauna from the Tasman Sea. 9pp., 11figs. Euro
- DELL, 1952. A Revision of the
Molluscan Fauna of the Hurupi Beds, S.ern Wairarapa. 16pp.,
21figs. Euro 2.35
- DELL, 1952. N.Sp. & Genera
of New Zealand Land Snails with a Revision of the Genus Cavellia.
11pp., 9figs. Euro 1.65
- DELL, 1952. Otoconcha & Its
Allies in New Zealand. 11pp., 16figs. Euro 1.65
- DELL, 1953. A Molluscan Fauna
from the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. 14pp., 25figs. Euro
- DELL, 1953. A Recent Species of
Galeodea in New Zealand. 3pp., 4figs. Euro 0.50
- DELL, 1956. A Contribution to
the Study of Rates of Growth in Paryphanta busbyi. 2pp., 2figs.
Euro 0.50
- DELL, 1956. A Synopsis of the
Nuculanidae with Check Lists of the Australian Tertiary &
Recent Species. 12pp. Euro 1.75
- DELL, 1956. Some New Zealand
Subfossil Land Mollusca. 10pp., 4figs., 1map. Euro 1.40
- DELL, 1963. The littoral marine
Mollusca of the Snares Isls. 9pp., 9figs. Euro 1.30
- DELL, 1964. The forms of Capulus
known from New Zealand. 9pp., 16figs. Euro 1.30
- DELL, 1967. Some Mollusca from
deep water to the n. of New Zealand, collected by the Tui, 1962.
11pp., 9figs. Euro 1.55
- DELL, 1971. The marine Mollusca
of the Royal Society Expedition to S.ern Chile, 1958-9. 74pp.,
5pls. Euro 11.00
- DELL, 1971. The rediscovery of
Montfortula in New Zealand. 5pp., 6figs. Euro 0.70
- DELL, 1972. A n.gen. of
Antarctic buccinid gastropod. 5pp., 7figs. Euro 0.70
- DELL, 1972. Notes on
nomenclature of some Mollusca from Antarctica & s.ern S.
America. 22pp., 34figs. Euro 3.15
- DELL, 1972. Some Mollusca from
the vicinity of Mawson Base, Antarctica, resulting from ANARE
collections. 7pp., 8figs. Euro 1.05
- DELL, 1978. Additions to the New
Zealand recent molluscan fauna with notes on Pachymelon
(Palomelon). 16pp., 35figs. Euro 2.35
- DELL, 1987. Mollusca of the
Family Mytilidae associated with organic remains from deep water
off New Zealand, with revisions of the genera Adipicola &
Idasola. 20pp., 53figs., 4tabs. Euro 2.80
- DELSAERDT, 1990. Complementary
information concerning Conus lemuriensis & C. milneedwardsi.
2pp., 1fig., in English & Dutch. Euro 0.50
- DELSAERDT, 1990. Conus visseri a
n.sp. from Phuket Isl. Note on C. coffeae. 4pp., 10figs., Dutch
summ. Euro 0.60
- DELSAERDT, 1992. A freak
specimen of Turbinella pyrum fusus. 2pp., 3figs., in Dutch &
English. Euro 0.50
- DELSAERDT, 1992. Addendum to
Gloria Maris 30 (2-3) - Celebration Edition. 2pp., 2figs., Dutch
summ. Euro 0.50
- DELSAERDT, 1992. De familie
Cassidae. (7). 6pp., 7figs., English summ. Euro 0.85
- DEMBINSKI & al., 1997.
Artenhilfsprogramm & Rote Liste der Binnenmollusken -
Schnecken & Muscheln - in Hamburg. 208pp., 34figs., softcover.
Euro 20.00
- DEN HOED, 1970. Informatie in
woord & beeld over het strand. 54pp., figs. (col.figs.),
loose. Euro 1.90
- DENIU & al., 1999. Fauna
Sinica Mollusca Gastropoda Pulmonata Stylommatophora Clausiliidae.
211pp., 5pls., 128figs., in Chinese, English summ., hardcover.
Euro 45.00
- DESLOUS-PAOLI & al., 1987.
Variations saisonnieres in situ de la production & de la
composition des biodepots de 3 mollusques estuariens (Mytilus
edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Crepidula fornicata). 13pp., 1fig.,
6tabs., English summ. Euro 1.90
- DEY & al., 2000. Catalogue
of Marine Mollucs of Andaman & Nicobar Isls. X + 323pp.,
softcover. Euro 32.50
- DI GERONIMO & al., 1997.
Homalopoma emulum, a bathyal cold stenohermic gastropod in the
Mediterranean Pleistocene. 8pp., 1pl., French summ., with message
from the 2nd author. Euro 1.40
- DICKINS, 1968. Correlation of
the Permian of the Hunter Valley, New S. Wales, & the Bowen
Basin, Queensland. 16pp., 1fig., not specific malacological. Euro
- DIJKSTRA & al., 1997.
Pectinoidea from e.ern Indonesia. 41pp., 159figs., 2tabs., French
summ. Euro 8.40
- DIJKSTRA & al., 1997. The
morphology & assignment of Pseudohinnites levii. 15pp.,
11figs., 1tab. Euro 2.25
- DIJKSTRA & al., 1998. Some
Pectinoidea of the Red Sea. 61pp., 2tabs., 51figs. Euro
- DIJKSTRA & al., 2000. A new
living scallop from the sw.ern Pacific. 6pp., 7figs. Euro
- DIJKSTRA & al., 2002.
Pectinoidea collected during the Dutch CANCAP & MAURITANIA
expeditions in the s.-e.ern region of the N. Atlantic Ocean.
51pp., 1tab., 77figs. (39col.figs.) Euro 11.50
- DIJKSTRA, 1988. Notities
betreffende groeistadia & determinatiekenmerken van enkele
Europese Pectinidae soorten. 7pp., 2pls., English summ. Euro
- DIJKSTRA, 1991. A contribution
to the knowledge of the pectinacean Mollusca from the Indonesian
Archipelago. 55pp., 91figs., 1tab. Euro 11.00
- DIJKSTRA, 1994. De Pectinidae
& Propeamussiidae van de A.B.C.-eilanden. 9pp., 4figs.,
English summ., 1st page xerox-copy. Euro 1.40
- DIJKSTRA, 1998. Notes on
taxonomy & nomenclature of Pectinoidea 3. Nomina nova. 17pp.,
1tab. Euro 2.55
- DIJKSTRA, 1999. Type specimens
of Pectinidae described by Linnaeus (1758-71). 51pp., 10pls.
(2col.pls.), 5tabs. Euro 16.00
- DIJKSTRA, 2001. Bathyal
Pectinoidea from Wallis & Futuna Isls, Vanuatu Archipelago
& New Caledonia. 23pp., 1tab., 38figs., French summ. Euro
- DILLON, 1981. Patterns in the
morphology & distribution of gastropods in Oneida Lake, New
York, detected using computer-generated null hypotheses. 19pp.,
7tabs., 3figs. Euro 2.70
- DIVAVIN & al., 1988.
Dynamics of fluctuations in biochemical composition of certain
organs of Mytilus galloprovincialis under solar intoxication.
7pp., 2tabs., 1fig., in Russian, English summ. Euro 0.95
- DIXON & al., 1858. A
descriptive manual of British land & fresh-water shells,
containing descriptions & figs. of all the species. X +88pp.,
8col.pls., decorative cover, spots & stains on cover, spine
not perfect, some foxing in text & pls., 1pl. is bound in
upside-down. Euro 70.00
50pp. Euro 12.00
Euro 12.00
- DÖLLE, 1968. 2 neue
Fundstellen von Azeca menkeana bei Weimar. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- DONOVAN, 1990. Fossils explained
12: Scaphopods. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- DRINNAN, 1958. The Winter
Feeding of the Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) on the Edible
Mussel (Mytilus edulis) in the Conway Estuary, N. Wales. 15pp.,
6figs., 1tab., with message from author. Euro 2.10
- DRIVAS & al., 1997. Report
on a collection of Columbellidae from the w. Indian Ocean region
(Madagascar, Glorieuses Isls, Comores Isls, & nearby banks
& coral shawls) with descriptions of 3 n.sp. & 1 n.gen.
12pp., 40figs., French summ. Euro 2.00
- DROZDOWSKI, 1979. Species
composition & numbers of snails of the reserve Szczerkowo near
Osie. 13pp., 3tabs., 1map, in Polish, English summ. Euro
Opisthobranchs from the Lesser Antilles. 76pp., 68figs., 1map.
Euro 11.70
some euthyneuran gastropods from the Indian & Pacific Oceans.
15pp., 20figs., with message from author. Euro 2.10
The Atlantic species of Onchidella part 2. 37pp., 56figs.,
Portuguese & German summ. Euro 5.75
- DUDGEON & al., 1984. Site
selection & attachment duration of Anodonta woodiana glochidia
on fish hosts. 8pp., 6tabs., 2figs. Euro 1.10
- DUFFUS, 1969. Associations of
marine Mollusca & benthic algae in the Canary Isl. of
Lanzarote. 7pp., 4tabs., 1fig. Euro 1.05
- DUNDEE, 1957. Aspects of the
Biology of Pomatiopsis lapidaria. 47pp., 8tabs., 2maps, 1fig.,
14pls. Euro 8.40
- DUPUIS, 1931. Description de
mollusques nouveaux recueillis au cours du voyage de S.A.R. le
Prince Leopold de Belgique aux Indes Orientales Neerlandaises (2e
note). 6pp., 3figs. Euro 0.90
- DUSHANE & al., 1965. A New
Scalina from the Gulf of California. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- DUSHANE & al., 1968. A
Checklist of Intertidal Mollusks for Bahía Willard &
the Sw.ern Portion of Bahía San Luis Gonzaga State of Baja
California, Mexico. 14pp., 1pl., 1map. Euro 2.20
- DUSHANE & al., 1969. A
Preliminary Survey of Mollusks for Consag Rock & Adjacent
Areas, Gulf of California, Mexico. 13pp., 1map. Euro 1.90
- DUSHANE, 1962. A Checklist of
Mollusks for Puertecitos, Baja California, Mexico. 12pp., 1map,
interleaved. Euro 1.75
- DUSHANE, 1966. A Rare Epitonium
from the Gulf of California. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- DUSHANE, 1967. Epitonium
(Asperiscala) billeeana non Scalina billeeana. 2pp. Euro
- DUSHANE, 1970. 2 New Epitoniidae
from the Galápagos Isls. 3pp., 1pl., 1tab. Euro 0.60
- DUSHANE, 1970. 5 new epitoniid
gastropods from the w. coast of the Americas. 6pp., 5figs.,
Spanish summ. Euro 0.95
- DUSHANE, 1982. Notes on Living
Casmaria vibexmexicana. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- DUSHANE, 1988. New Hawaiian
Species of Epitoniidae. 5pp., 7figs.; combined with: MCCARTHY
& al., 1988. N.ern Range Extension for Vitrinella floridana
from S. Florida to the James River, Virginia. 1p. Euro 0.95
gastropods of the Polish Tatra Mountains. 107pp., 56figs., 7tabs.,
Polish summ. Euro 15.00
- EDMUNDS, 1966. Protective
mechanisms in the Eolidacea. 45pp., 4pls., 8tabs., 17figs. Euro
- EGOROV, 2000. Treasure of
Russian shells Vol. 4 Trochiformes Trochidae, Calliostomatidae,
Liotiidae, Turbinidae, Tricoliidae. 82pp., figs., 1tab. Euro
- EGOROV, 2001. Treasure of
Russian shells Vol. 5(1) Clausiliidae Serrulininae Alopiinae
Mentissoideinae. 60pp., 33maps, 41figs., 1tab. Euro 28.00
- EHILE, 1980. Effets du
tetra-ethylammonium & des inhibiteurs du flux de calcium sur
l'activité electrique de certains neurones stables d'Helix
pomatia. 23pp., 8figs., English summ. Euro 3.15
- EIJKENDUIJN & al., 1988-91.
Catalogus voor de malacofilatelist + Supplement 1 + Supplement 1a.
161pp., num.figs. Euro 12.50
- ELBERS, 1959. Over de
beginoorzaak van het Li-effect in de morphogenese Een
electronenmicroscopisch onderzoek aan eieren van Limnaea stagnalis
& Paracentrotus lividus. 51pp., 48pls., 3figs., French summ.,
thesis. Euro 14.00
- ELLIS & al., 1979. Key to
British slugs. 16pp., 26figs., 2nd ed. Euro 1.90
- ELLIS, 19??. Key to Land Shells
of Great Britain. 9pp. Euro 1.05
- ELLIS, 1969. Key to British
slugs. 12pp., 22figs. Euro 1.40
- EMBERTON, 1963. Relationships
between pigmentation of shell & of mantle in the snails Cepaea
nemoralis & C. hortensis. 21pp., 2figs., 5tabs. Euro
- EMERSON & al., 1953. A
catalogue of the molluscan genus Distorsio. 14pp. Euro 2.10
- EMERSON & al., 1953. A
Pleistocene invertebrate fauna from the sw corner of San Diego
County, California. 13pp., 1tab., 1map. Euro 1.90
- EMERSON & al., 1960.
Pliocene & Pleistocene Invertebrates from Punta
Rosalía, Baja California, Mexico. 8pp., 3figs. Euro
- EMERSON & al., 1964.
Invertebrate megafossils of the Belvedere Expedition to the Gulf
of California. 35pp., 6figs., not specific malacological. Euro
- EMERSON & al., 1981. Age
relations & zoogeographic implications of late Pleistocene
marine invertebrate faunas from Turtle Bay, Baja California Sur,
Mexico. 12pp., 3figs., 6tabs. Euro 1.65
- EMERSON & al., 1986. On the
rediscovery of Teramachia mirabilis & its relationship to
other calliotectine volutes. 5pp., 10figs. Euro 0.70
- EMERSON & al., 1988.
Harpidae Bronn, 1849 Conserved by ICZN. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- EMERSON, 1958. Resultats of the
Puritan-AMNH Expedition to W.ern Mexico. 1. General Account.
25pp., 9figs., not specific malacological. Euro 3.50
- EMERSON, 1960. Resultats of the
Puritan-AMNH Expedition to W.ern Mexico. 11. Pleistocene
Invertebrates from Ceralvo Isl. 6pp., 1fig. Euro 0.85
- EMERSON, 1960. Resultats of the
Puritan-AMNH Expedition to W.ern Mexico. 12. Shell Middens of San
José Isl. 9pp., 4figs. Euro 1.30
- EMERSON, 1965. Strombus
(Tricornis) oldi n.sp. 2pp., 4figs. Euro 0.50
- EMERSON, 1965. The E.ern Pacific
Species of Niso. 12pp., 11figs. Euro 1.65
- EMERSON, 1968. A Record of the
Indo-Pacific Cone, Conus ebraeus, in Guatemala. 1p. Euro
- EMERSON, 1969. Galapagan records
for Morum veleroae. 4pp., 4figs. Euro 0.60
- EMERSON, 1971. Cadulus (Gadila)
perpusillus, an earlier name for C. (G.) panamensis. 5pp., 4figs.
Euro 0.70
- EMERSON, 1971. Niso (Neovolusia)
imbricata rediscovered. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- EMERSON, 1989. On the occurence
of Charonia tritonis in the e.ern Pacific. 3pp., 3figs. Euro
- EMERSON, 1990. New Records for
W.ern Pacific Morum with Biogeographic Implications. 10pp.,
20figs., 1tab. Euro 1.40
- EMERSON, 1991. 1st Records For
Cymatium mundum in the E.ern Pacific Ocean, with Comments on the
Zoogeography of the Tropical Trans-Pacific Tonnacean &
Non-Tonnacean Prosobranch Gastropods with Indo-Pacific Faunal
Affinities in W. American Waters. 19pp., 24figs., 4tabs. Euro
- ENTROP, 1956. Inrichting &
onderhoud van het zee-aquarium. 231pp., 142figs., tabs., spine
lacking. Euro 9.00
- ENTROP, 1959. Schelpen vinden
& herkennen. 316pp., 225figs., hardcover, dustwrapper lacking,
bookpl. Euro 17.00
- ENTROP, 1977. Muscheln &
Schnecken an Europas Küsten Ein Bestimmungsbuch für
Strandwanderer mit 120 Farbfotos. 68pp., 137figs. (120col.figs.).
Euro 7.00
- ESU, 2000. A n.sp. of
Multidentula in the Early Pleistocene of Italy. 4pp., 5figs.,
German summ. Euro 0.60
- EVANS, 1989. Biochemical
variation & shell shape in populations of the fresh-water
snail Lymnaea peregra from s.-w. Ireland. 14pp., 6figs., 4tabs.
Euro 1.95
- FALKNER, 1994. Systematik
vorderorientalischer Najaden als Vorstudie zur Bearbeitung
archäologischer Funde. 28pp., 44figs. Euro 4.30
- FALKNER, 1994. Systematik
vorderorientalischer Najaden als Vorstudie zur Bearbeitung
archäologischer Funde. 28pp., 44figs., xerox-copy. Euro
- FALKNER, 1998. Malakologische
Neufunde & Forschungsprobleme in den Bayerischen Alpen &
ihrem Vorland. 36pp., 27figs., 1map, xerox-copy. Euro 2.10
- FALNIOWSKI & al., 1977.
Molluscs from Puck Bay (Baltic Sea) collected in 1973. 25pp.,
4pls., 7figs., 6tabs., Polish summ. Euro 4.20
- FANUKO & al., 1989. Toxicity
Testing of Mussels during the Dinoflagellate Bloom. 5pp., in
Yugoslavian, English summ. Euro 0.70
- FAUER, 1991. Eine neue
Chilostoma aus Griechisch-O.makedonien. 4pp., 2figs. Euro
- FAUER, 1991. Eine neue Unterart
von Charpentieria (Itala) stenzii. 4pp., 2figs. Euro 0.60
all issued, lacking 1(3), Italian periodical on shellfishery,
106pp. Euro 4.65
Euro 0.50
- FENGSHAN, 1997. Bivalve Mollusca
of China seas. 357pp., 2maps, in Chinese. Euro 27.00
- FENGSHAN, 1999. Fauna Sinica
Phylum Mollusca Class Bivalvia Subclasses Protobranchia &
Anomalodesmata. 246pp., 156figs., 3tabs., in Chinese, English
summ., hardcover. Euro 44.50
- FERNANDES & al., 1995.
Cymbula bebae n.sp. new species for the Angolan fauna. 4pp.,
7figs. Euro 0.70
- FERREIRA & al., 1978. Notas
sobre o Quaternário marinho ao norte de Vitória
Espírito Santo. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- FERREIRA, 1972.
Depuração de moluscos por radiações UV
- posto de depuração de Olhão. 14pp., 1pl.,
3tabs., 2figs. Euro 2.10
- FIEDLER, 1936. The story of
oysters. 30pp., 21figs., contains 35recipes, folds, scribling in
pencil on backside. Euro 4.20
- FINET, 1987. An Indo-Pacific
tonnid recorded from the Galapagos Isls. 9pp., 3figs., French
summ. Euro 1.30
- FINET, 1987. Pinna rugosa at the
Galápagos Isls. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- FISCHER & al., 1890. Sur le
mécanisme de la respiration chez les Ampullaridés.
4pp. Euro 0.95
- FISCHER, 1853. Des
phénomènes qui accompagnent l'immersion des
mollusques terrestres. 11pp. Euro 3.50
- FISCHER, 1855. Mélanges
de conchyliologie. - Troisième partie. - Parmacella
deshayesii. 22pp., 1pl. Euro 6.30
- FISCHER, 1856. Note sur les
limaçons comestibles. 10pp. Euro 2.80
- FISCHER, 1876. Supplément
a la notice sur les travaux zoologiques publiés par M. P.
Fischer. 6pp. Euro 1.40
- FISCHER, 1882. Sur la faune
malacologique abyssale de la Méditerranée. 3pp. Euro
- FISCHER, 1884. Sur les
espèces de Mollusques arctiques trouvées dans les
grandes profondeurs de l'océan Atlantique intertropical.
3pp. Euro 0.70
- FISCHER, 1885. Notice sur les
travaux scientifiques de R. Tournouër. 15pp. Euro 3.50
- FISCHER, 1885. Sur l'existence
de Mollusques pulmonés terrestres dans le terrain permien
de Saône-&-Loire. 3pp. Euro 0.70
- FISCHER, 1885. Sur l'existence
de mollusques pulmonés terrestres dans le terrain Permien
de Saone-&-Loire. 4pp., 1fig. Euro 0.95
- FISCHER, 1889. Découverte
d'un nouveau type de Mollusques Gastropodes entoparasites
(Entocolax); combined with: CROSSE, 1889. Note sur le nouveau
genre Livinhacia. 12pp. Euro 2.20
- FISCHER, 1889.
Détermination des régions du globe dont la faune est
insuffisamment connue. 35pp., not specific malacological. Euro
- FISCHER, 1891. Sur le
développement du foie chez la paludine. 3pp. Euro
- FISCHER, 1909. Sur la figuration
des coquilles par les procédés photographiques.
43pp., 9figs. Euro 6.10
- FISCHER, 1937. Hernie du canal
godronné chez Helix pomatia. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- FISCHER, 1938. Remarques sur la
ponte & l'éclosion des succinées;
précocité du caractère terrestre. 7pp.,
5figs. Euro 1.20
- FISCHER, 1939. Sur l'habitat
& l'hygrophilie des Succinées. 18pp., 3figs. Euro
- FISCHER, 1953. Croissance
relative de la coquille, de l'opercule & des parties molles
chez quelques Gastéropodes. 2pp., 3tabs. Euro 0.50
- FISCHER-PIETTE & al., 1970.
Sur une espèce peu connue de Cymatium. 3pp., 2figs. Euro
Contribution à l'écologie intercotidale du
Détroit de Gibraltar. 32pp., 5figs., English summ., not
specific malacological. Euro 4.90
Veneridae indéterminées des collections de Calcutta.
23pp., 1pl. Euro 3.85
- FITCH, 1953. Common Marine
Bivalves of California. 96pp., 63figs., col.frontispiece, spine
not perfect. Euro 10.00
- FITCH, 1963. The enigma of a
hitch-hiking snail; combined with: SMITH, 1963. New Californian
records for Cionella lubrica. 4pp., 2pls. Euro 0.85
- FLEMING & al., 1974. 3
radiocarbon dates for Quaternary Mollusca from 3pp. Euro
- FLEMING, 1944. Molluscan
Evidence of Pliocene Climatic Change in New Zealand. 14pp.,
2figs., with message from author. Euro 2.35
- FLEMING, 1952. A Foveaux Strait
Oyster-bed. 13pp., 4figs. Euro 2.00
- FLEMING, 1958. A N.Sp. of
Sigapatella from Cape Maria van Diemen,, New Zealand. 3pp.,
4figs. Euro 0.50
STUDIES, 7. Euro 3.50
- FORBES, 1995. Protecting marine
biodiversity - goals & obstacles. 7pp., not malacological.
Euro 0.95
- FORCART, 1947. Schnecken &
Muscheln. 40pp., 21col.pls., 13figs. Euro 8.00
- FORCART, 1954. Die systematische
Stellung von Helix lanuginosa, & die Taxonomie der Gattung
Hygromia. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- FORCART, 1956. Die Taxonomie
& Nomenklatur der als Succinea elegans & S. pfeifferi
bekannten Bernsteinschnecken. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- FORCART, 1956. Die Vitrinidae
der O.alpen. 14pp., 2figs., 2pls. Euro 2.40
- FOREST, 1956. Schön ist die
Welt Wunder des Meeres. 98pp., 133figs. (some col.figs.),
dustwrapper (not perfect), not specific malacological. Euro
- FOX & al., 1937. The rate of
water propulsion by the California mussel. 32pp., 8figs., 5tabs.,
8titles from 'literature' missing (hole in p.). Euro 3.75
- FOX ED., 1936. The habitat &
food of the California sea mussel. 60pp., frontispiece, 6figs.,
16tabs., 8papers. Euro 8.30
- FRANK, 1981. Aquatische &
terrestrische Molluskenassoziationen der
niederösterreichischen Donau-Auengebiet & der
angrenzenden Biotope Teil 1. 31pp., 1map, 2figs., 4pls., English
summ., with message from author. Euro 4.20
- FRANK, 1988. Zur Expansion von
Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, 3. 9 weitere Standorte aus Ober- &
Niederösterreich. 3pp., 1map, English summ. Euro 0.50
- FRANZEN, 1959. Anatomy of
Succinea ovalis. 7pp., 7figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.05
- FRANZEN, 1963. Variations in the
anatomy of the succineid gastropod Oxyloma retusa. 14pp., 4figs.,
2tabs. Euro 2.00
- FRANZEN, 1964. Anatomy of the
succineid gastropod Oxyloma haydeni. 9pp., 1fig., 2tabs. Euro
- FRANZEN, 1966. Anatomy of the
succineid gastropod Oxyloma salleana. 11pp., 3figs., 2tabs. Euro
- FRANZEN, 1971. Anatomy &
geographic distribution of the succineid gastropod, Succinea
vaginacontorta. 12pp., 2tabs., 3figs. Euro 1.75
- FRENGUELLI, 1937. Sobre una
perla fósil del Aonikense de Punta Norte en la
península Valdez (Chubut). 8pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- FRENTROP, 1964. Weekdieren in de
Lijmers (slot). 6pp., 4figs. Euro 0.85
- FRETTER, 1952. Experiments with
P32 & I131 on Species of Helix, Arion, & Agriolimax.
14pp., 3figs. Euro 2.00
- FRETTER, 1972. Metamorphic
changes in the velar musculature, head & shell of some
prosobranch veligers. 17pp., 4figs. Euro 2.30
- FRETTER, 1975. Umbonium
vestiarium, a filter-feeding trochid. 13pp., 4figs. Euro
- FREY & al., 1988. Carbonate
Skeletal Remains in Beach-to-Offshore Sediments, Pensacola,
Florida. 26pp., 1pl., 3tabs., 6figs., German summ. Euro
- FRIEDRICH, 1954. Orcula gularis
bei Berchtesgaden. 1p. Euro 0.50
- FRIEDRICH, 1956. Columbella
fulgurans albocincta n.var. 1p., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- FRIMAN & al., 1983. Erster
Nachweis von Eomegalodus fuchsi aus der N.-Eifel (Rheinisches
Schiefergebirge, Sötenicher Mulde). 7pp., 1pl., 2figs.,
English summ. Euro 1.20
- FRIZZELL, 1936. Preliminary
reclassification of veneracean pelecypods. 84pp., 1fig., 1tab.,
with message from author. Euro 12.60
- FRÖMMING, 1950.
Untersuchungen über die mengenmäßige
Nahrungsaufnahme der Weinbergschnecke Helix pomatia. 3pp. Euro
- FRÖMMING, 1952.
Biologisch-chemische Untersuchungen an nw.europäischen
Gewässern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der in ihnen
lebenden Gastropoden. 8pp., 4tabs. Euro 1.20
- FRÖMMING, 1952. Über
das Verhalten unserer Wasserschnecken gegenüber den
Lemnaceae. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- FRÖMMING, 1953.
Massenvorkommen von roten Arion rufus in Berlin. 2pp. Euro
- FRÖMMING, 1953.
Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Nahrungsaufnahme der
Süßwasserlungenschnecke Lymnaea stagnalis. 6pp., 2figs.
Euro 0.85
- FUKUDA, 2000. A new replacement
name for Ditropis. 2pp. Euro 0.45
- FÜRSICH & al., 1987.
Taphonomy of Tidal Flat Molluscs in the N.ern Gulf of California:
Paleoenvironmental Analysis Despite the Perils of Preservation.
17pp., 21figs. Euro 2.45
- GAGLINI & al., 1994.
Priorità di Peracle diversa su P. apicifulva. 3pp., 1pl.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- GAGLINI, 1991. Terze spigolature
... monterosatiane. 56pp., 69figs. (31col.figs.), in Italian &
English. Euro 8.50
- GAILLARD & al. EDS, 1982.
Proceedings of the 7th International Malacological Congress
(Perpignan - Banyuls-sur-Mer) 31 August - 7 September 1980.
117papers, 765pp., figs., tabs. Euro 75.00
- GALTSOFF, 1933. Pearl &
Hermes Reef, Hawaii, hydrographical & biological observations.
II + 49pp., 5pls., 9figs. (3fold.figs.), 6tabs., not strictly
malacological, with message from author. Euro 8.00
- GEIGER, 1998. Recent Genera
& Species of the Family Haliotidae. 32pp., 33figs., 2tabs.,
xerox-copy. Euro 1.50
- GEIJSKES & al., 1957.
Suriname freshwater snails of the genus Pomacea. 8pp., 2pls. Euro
- GEILENKIRCHEN, 1961. Effects of
mono- & divalent cations on viability & oxygen uptake of
eggs of Limnaea stagnalis. 90pp., 30figs., 7tabs., Dutch summ.,
thesis. Euro 12.50
- GERMAIN, 1921. Faune
malacologique terrestre & fluviatile des Iles Mascareignes.
493pp., 13pls. (; 5doublepls.), 42figs., modern wrapper.
Euro 115.00
- GHISOTTI & al., 1975.
Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo 5
[Trochidae]. 62pp., figs., 2pp. xerox-copies, some annotations in
pencil. Euro 9.35
- GHISOTTI, 1978. Problemi di
nomenclatura: Omalogyra o Homalogyra? 2pp., English summ. Euro
- GHISOTTI, 1988. Storia del
Nautilus. 12pp., 7figs. Euro 1.90
- GHOSE, 1961. Observations on the
digestive enzymes & cellulolytic bacteria of the giant land
snail Achatina fulica & their occurence in the Gastropoda.
7pp., 4tabs. Euro 0.95
- GHOSE, 1962. Origin &
Development of the Digestive System of the Giant Land Snail
Achatina fulica. 22pp., 19figs., last p. xerox-copy. Euro
- GHOSE, 1963. Embryogenesis &
Larval Organs of the Giant Land Snail Achatina fulica. 24pp.,
25figs., 1tab. Euro 3.30
- GHOSE, 1963. Reproductive system
of the snail Achatina fulica. 15pp., 2pls., 1fig. Euro 2.35
- GIBSON, 1970. The function of
the operculum of Thais lapillus in resisting desiccation &
predation. 10pp., 2tabs., 2figs. Euro 1.40
- GIBSON-SMITH, 1981. The Status
of Pholadomya candida. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- GIESE & al. EDS, 1979.
Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates - Vol. 5 - Molluscs:
pelecypods & lesser classes. XVI + 369pp., 89figs., 24tabs.,
hardcover, dustwrapper (not perfect). Euro 45.00
- GILLESPIE & al., 1999. A
Manual for Intertidal Clam Surveys. X + 144pp., figs., tabs.,
spiral bound. Euro 17.50
- GITTENBERGER & al., 1998.
The resurrection of Clausilia portensis, as a Macrogastra
(Pseudovestia) species. 5pp., 5figs. Euro 0.75
- GITTENBERGER & al., 2001.
Oospira (O.) pyknosoma n.sp., an impressive clausiliid species
from Vietnam. 7pp., 11figs. Euro 1.05
Conchologische termen 1, Gastropoda. 18pp., 5pls. Euro 2.70
- GITTENBERGER, 1986. 2 n.sp. of
Enidae from Turkey. 8pp., 6figs. Euro 1.20
- GITTENBERGER, 1993. Helix
nitidula & H. nitens: proposed conservation of the specific
names & designation of a neotype for H. nitidula. 4pp. Euro
- GITTENBERGER, 1998. 1 more
Albinaria G&N-type species pair from the Peloponnese, once
more dictating a revised definition of A. & Isabellaria. 6pp.,
3figs. Euro 0.90
- GITTENBERGER, 1998. The genus
Agathylla in Greece. 4pp., 5figs. Euro 0.60
- GITTENBERGER, 2000. Alternative
pathways in the development of the clausilial apparatus in shells
of Albinaria & Isabellaria. 4pp., 6figs. Euro 0.60
- GITTENBERGER, 2000. Serrulininae
in Greece, there may be more. 7pp., 9figs. (2col.figs.). Euro
- GITTENBERGER, 2001. In memoriam
W. Neuteboom, 1920-2000. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.45
- GIUSTI & al., 1977. Primo
contributo alla revisione del genere Bythinella in Italia. 64pp.,
14pls., 18figs., 20tabs., English summ. Euro 11.00
- GIUSTI & al., 1995. Prima
segnalazione di Gegania jeffreysi in mar Mediterraneo. 4pp.,
3figs., English summ. Euro 0.60
- GIUSTI & al., 1997. How to
distinguish Oxychilus cellarius easily from O. draparnaudi. 14pp.,
31figs. Euro 2.10
- GIUSTI & al., 1999.
Redescription of 2 problematic Alpine Oxychilus: O. adamii &
O. polygyra. 34pp., 4tabs., 33figs. Euro 5.10
- GLIBERT & al., 1971.
Mollusques Cenozoiques nouveaux ou mal connus. 17pp., 12pls. Euro
- GLIBERT, 1936. Faune
malacologique de Sables de Wemmel - 1 Pélécypodes.
254pp., 7folded pls., 75figs. Euro 36.50
- GODAN, 1974. Common names von
Schadgastropoden in 12 Sprachen. 89pp., Danish, German, English,
French, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Swedish,
Spanish, Czechian. Euro 13.00
- GODEFROID, 1972.
Pseudosieberella, n.gen. couvinien, & genres apparentes.
41pp., 5pls., 7figs., tabs., English summ. Euro 6.45
- GOFAS, 1990. The littoral
Rissoidae & Anabathridae of São Miguel, Azores. 38pp.,
73figs., Portuguese summ. Euro 5.50
- GOLIKOV & al., 1988. New
data on the systematics of the subfamily Buccininae. 20pp.,
30figs., in Russian, English summ., xerox-copy. Euro 0.60
- GOODFRIEND, 1986. Variation in
land-snail shell form & size & its causes: a review.
20pp., 4tabs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.60
- GOODRICH, 1941. Distribution of
the gastropods of the Cahaba River, Alabama. 30pp. Euro
- GOREAU & al., 1973. On the
utilization of photosynthetic products from zooxanthellae & of
a dissolved amino acid in Tridacna maxima f. elongata. 31pp.,
6figs., 1tab., 7pls. Euro 5.40
- GOSLINER, 1990. Opisthobranch
mollusks from the Azores Isls. 1. Runcinidae &
Chromodorididae. 32pp., 25figs. (2col.figs.), Portuguese summ.
Euro 4.65
- GOUD, 1999. Setia lidyae, a
junior synonym of Alvania iunoniae, with additional data on the
distribution of some Setia species described by Verduin. 3pp. Euro
- GOULD, 1989. Wonderful Life The
Burgess Shale & the Nature of History. 347pp., 115figs.,
hardcover, dustwrapper (price clipped off), not specific
malacological. Euro 16.00
- GRAACK & al., 1999. Die
Heideschnecken Helicella itala, Xerolenta obvia, Cernuella
neglecta & C. aginnica im Vergleich. 3pp., 3tabs., 1fig. Euro
- GRAHAM, 1953. Form &
function in the molluscs; combined with: FRETTER, 1953. The
transference of sperm from male to female prosobranch, with
reference, also, to the pyramidellids. &: FORREST, 1953. On
the feeding habits & the morphology & mode of functioning
of the alimentary canal in some littoral dorid nudibranchiate
Mollusca. &: BOYCOTT, 1953. The chromatophore system of
cephalopods. &: MORTON, 1953. The functions of the gastropod
stomach. 34pp., 2pls., 12figs. Euro 5.40
- GRAHAM, 1988. Synopses of the
British Fauna (New Series) No. 2 (2nd Ed.) Molluscs: Prosobranch
& Pyramidellid Gastropods. VIII + 662pp., 276figs. Euro
- GRAU, 1960. A new Chlamys from
the s. Pacific. 3pp., 1pl. Euro 0.60
- GRECCHI, 1988. Note introduttive
alla conoscenza dei Nautiloidi fossili. 14pp., 8col.figs., 1tab.
Euro 2.10
- GRÉGOIRE, 1966.
Experimental diagenesis of the Nautilus shell. 13pp., 12figs. Euro
- GRÉGOIRE, 1972.
Experimental alteration of the Nautilus shell by factors involved
in diagenesis & in metamorphism Part 3. - Thermal &
hydrothermal changes in the organic & mineral components of
the mural mother-of-pearl. 85pp., 2tabs., 42pls. Euro 19.05
- GRÉGOIRE, 1974. On the
organic & mineral components of the shells of Aetheriidae.
50pp., 25pls., 5figs. Euro 11.00
- GREKE, 1999. Die Arionidae
Lettlands. 3pp., English summ. Euro 0.50
- GREKE, 1999. Für die Fauna
Lettlands neue & seltene Landgastropoden. 4pp., 1map, English
summ. Euro 0.60
- GREKE, 1999. Literaturkritik:
Rudzite & al., 1997. Molluskenfauna Lettlands. Liste der in
Lettland vorkommenden Molluskenarten. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- GROSSU & al., 1957.
Deroceras (Hydrolimax) melanocephalus, eine kaukasische Limacide
in Rumänien. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- GROSSU, 1955. Fauna Republicii
Populare Romîne Mollusca 3(1) Gastropoda Pulmonata. 518pp.,
282figs., in Rumanian, hardcover, bookpl., spine somewhat dull.
Euro 47.50
- GUADAGNI, 1988. Cammei in
conchiglia del Rinascimento. 59pp., 33figs. Euro 9.50
- GUANGYU, 1997. Fauna Sinica
Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Subclass Opisthobranchia Order
Cephalaspidea. 225pp., 28pls. (3col.pls.), 35figs., 2tabs., in
Chinese, English summ., hardcover. Euro 37.50
- GUIDASTRI & al., 1984.
Systematic position of 'Trochus' wiseri. 12pp., 27figs., 1tab.,
Italian summ. Euro 1.80
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Costellariidae des
Philippines. 3pp., 5figs., English summ. Euro 0.50
Description de Vexillum (Costellaria) alvinobalani des
Philippines. 2pp., 3pls. (, English summ. Euro
- GUSAROV, 1999. Treasure of
Russian shells Vol. 3 Succineidae. 25pp., 18+figs. Euro
- HAAS, 1931. Die Entstehung der
Perlen im Lichte gewebsphysiologischer Untersuchungen. 5pp.,
8figs. Euro 0.85
- HAAS, 1955. Binnenschnecken aus
einer Karbon-Landschaft im unteren Amazonas-gebiete. 5pp., 6figs.
Euro 0.75
- HAAS, 1955. Malakozoologisches
aus O. Hamann's 'Europäischer Höhlenfauna'. 1p. Euro
- HAAS, 1956. Was ist Bulimus
minimus? 1p. Euro 0.50
- HAAS, 1960. Caribbean land
molluscs: Vertiginidae. 17pp., 5pls., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- HAAS, 1962. Caribbean land
molluscs: Subulinidae & Oleacinidae. 12pp., 5pls., 1fig.,
1tab. Euro 2.70
- HABE & al., 1962. Tricula
chiui n.sp., a New Snail Host of the Lung Fluke Paragonimus
iloktsuenensis in Formosa. 3pp., 5figs. Euro 0.50
- HABE & al., 1970. On the C14
Age Estimation of Shell Fossils Taken from the Tsushima Trough
& its Geological Significance. 8pp., 1pl., 2figs., 2tabs., in
Japanese, English summ. Euro 1.30
- HABE, 1956. Notes on the
Systematic Position of 3 American Sea Shells. 6pp., 4figs., in
Japanese & English, with message from author. Euro 0.95
- HABE, 1960. Fauna of
Shell-bearing Mollusks of the Sea around Shirikishinai, Hokkaido
1. Pelecypoda. 16pp., 5pls., in Japanese, English summ. Euro
- HABE, 1983. A N.Sp. of the Genus
Angustassiminea from the N.ern Kyushu, Japan. 3pp., 4figs.,
Japanese summ. Euro 0.50
- HABE, 1992. A N.Sp., Hypermastus
araeosomae Parasitic on Sea Urchin, Araeosoma owstoni; combined
with: New Name for Amusium japonicum formosum. 3pp., 2figs., in
Japanese & English. Euro 0.50
- HADORN & al., 2000. Revision
of recent Fusinus from tropical w.ern Atlantic, with description
of 6 n.sp. 37pp., 16pls. (15col.pls.). Euro 10.00
- HALDEMANN, 1984. Neuer Fundort
von Helicella itala im Löcknitztal bei Grünheide (Bezirk
Frankfurt/Oder). 3pp., 1fig., English summ. Euro 0.50
- HALL & al., 1982. The
influence of ingestive conditioning on the prey species selection
in Aeolidia papillosa. 15pp., 7tabs., 2figs. Euro 2.10
Morphology of the oviparous rough winkle, Littorina arcana, with
notes on the taxonomy of the L. saxatilis species-complex. 15pp.,
9figs., 3pls., 2tabs. Euro 2.45
- HARDER & al., 1949. The
marine quaternary sediments in Disko Bugt. 83pp., 6pls., 18figs.,
with message from 2nd author. Euro 13.00
- HARRY, 1976. Correlation of
Benthic Mollusca with Substrate Composition in Lower Galveston
Bay, Texas. 18pp., 1tab., 5figs. Euro 2.55
- HASEGAWA & al., 1995.
Illustrations & annotated checklist of the molluscan type
specimens contained in the Sakurai Collection in the National
Science Museum, Tokyo. 48pp., 7col.pls., in Japanese &
English. Euro 10.50
- HASEGAWA, 1997. Sunken
Wood-Associated Gastropods Collected from Suruga Bay, Pacific Side
of the Central Honshu, Japan, with Descriptions of 12 N.Sp. 65pp.,
1tab., 31figs. Euro 10.00
- HÄSSLEIN, 1949. Campylaea
faustina in W.litauen. 1p. Euro 0.50
- HÄSSLEIN, 1950. Trichia
hispida, T. sericea & Zenobiella rubiginosa, ein Beitrag zur
Schneckenfauna des Rieses; combined with: HÄSSLEIN, 1950.
Bemerkungen zum Erstnachweis von Semilimax kotulae im Allgäu.
23pp., 1tab., 1map. Euro 3.50
- HÄSSLEIN, 1960.
Weichtierfauna der Landschaften an der Pegnitz Ein Beitrag zur
Ökologie & Soziologie niederer Tiere. 150pp., 4pls.,
13tabs., 3figs., 1map. Euro 23.50
- HÄSSLEIN, 1966. Die
Molluskengesellschaften des Bayerischen Waldes & des
anliegenden Donautales. 177pp., figs., tabs., maps. Euro
- HAUSDORF, 1991. Über 2
Candidula-Arten von der s.lichen Balkanhalbinsel. 10pp., 1pl.,
2figs., 2maps, English summ. Euro 1.65
- HAUSDORF, 1993. Über
Trochula filocincta & Gollumia pageti. 2pp., 1fig. Euro
386. Euro 1.40 each issue
- HECHT, 1919. Sensory equilibrium
& dark adaptation in Mya arenaria. 14pp., 3figs., 4tabs. Euro
- HECHT, 1919. The effect of
temperature on the latent period in the photic response of Mya
arenaria. 19pp., 4figs., 2tabs. Euro 2.85
- HECHT, 1919. The nature of the
latent period in the photic response of Mya arenaria. 10pp.,
4figs., 1tab. Euro 1.50
- HEDING, 1934. Entocolax
trochodotae n.sp. A new endoparasitic Gastropod. 8pp., 14figs.
Euro 1.30
- HEILPRIN, 1891. The geology
& paleontology of the Cretaceous deposits of Mexico. 25pp.,
lacks the 3pls. Euro 3.50
- HEIMAN, 1999. A guide to cowry
names & terms. 82pp., privately published. Euro 16.00
- HEINSIUS & al., 1913. Het
strandboekje, 1e deel, 2e stuk. 156pp., 26figs., frontispiece, not
specific malacological. Euro 7.00
- HENDERSON & al., 1920. A
classification of the American operculate land mollusks of the
family Annulariidae. 34pp. Euro 5.85
- HENDERSON & al., 1985.
Maastrichtian non-heteromorph ammonites from the Miria Formation,
W.ern Australia. 35pp., 9pls., 15figs. Euro 6.00
- HENDERSON & al., 1992.
Maastrichtian heteromorph ammonites from the Carnarvon Basin,
W.ern Australia. 38pp., 26figs. Euro 5.25
- HENDERSON, 1935. Fossil
non-marine Mollusca of N. America. 313pp., ex-library copy
(numbers on frontcover & inside, bookpl., stamps, cardholder
somewhat crudely removed (slight damage to backcover)). Euro
- HENDERSON, 1990. Late Albian
ammonites from the N.ern Territory, Australia. 40pp., 20figs.,
8tabs. Euro 5.50
- HENRARD, 19??. A n.sp. of
Pseudobba from w.ern New Guinea. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- HEPPELL, 1961. The
naturalization in Europe of the quahog, M. mercenaria. 14pp., 1pl.
Euro 2.10
- HEPPLESTON, 1972. Life history
& population fluctuations of Lymnaea truncatula, the snail
vector of fascioliasis. 14pp., 5figs., 3tabs., 2pls. Euro
- HERBERT, 1994. Notes on synonymy
within the genus Priotrochus. 13pp., 22figs. Euro 2.35
- HERKLOTS, 1862. De dieren van
Nederland. Weekdieren & lagere dieren. 208pp., 24pls., figs.,
original wrapper poor, binding loose, on non-molluscan
invertebrates. Euro 35.00
- HERTLEIN & al., 1956. Marine
Pleistocene invertebrates from near Puerto Penasco, Sonora,
Mexico. 18pp., 1pl., 2figs. Euro 2.70
- HERTLEIN & al., 1957.
Additional Notes on the Invertebrate Fauna of Clipperton Isl.
9pp., 1map, not specific malacological. Euro 1.30
- HERTLEIN & al., 1959.
Resultats of the Puritan-AMNH Expedition to W.ern Mexico. 5.
Pliocene & Pleistocene Megafossils from the 3 Marias Isls.
15pp., 5figs., 2tabs. Euro 2.10
- HERTLEIN, 1968. 3 late Cenozoic
molluscan faunules from Baja California, with a note on diatomite
from w. of San Felipe. 5pp., 1map. Euro 0.70
- HERTLEIN, 1970. A n.sp. of
fossil Kelletia from the Lomita Marl, Late Cenozoic of San Pedro,
California. 8pp., 3figs. Euro 1.20
- HET ZEEPAARD, 1-61, complete,
Dutch marine biological periodical, includes quite some articles
about Mollusca. Euro 375.00
- HETZEL, 1993.
Reproduktionsbiologie - Aspekte der Viviparie bei Sphaeriidae Mit
dem Untersuchungsschwerpunkt Musculium lacustre. XII + 273pp.,
306figs., 28tabs., thesis, author & keyword written on spine.
Euro 28.00
- HILGERSOM & al., 1987. E.-w.
variation in Diacria off nw.ern Africa. 8pp., 10figs., 1tab. Euro
- HILL & al., 1962. Common sea
shells of the L.A. County Coast. 48pp., 106figs., 3rd printing,
backcover somewhat dampstained. Euro 8.50
- HINDE & al., 1975. The role
of photosynthesis in the nutrition of the mollusc Elysia viridis.
11pp., 2figs., 3tabs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.70
- HINZ & al., 1993.
Siedlungsdichte von Dreissena polymorpha im Rhein-Herne-Kanal bei
Oberhausen. 4pp., 3figs. Euro 0.70
- HOAGLAND & al., 1980. Range
Extensions of Teredinids (Shipworms) & Polychaetes in the
Vicinity of a Temperate-Zone Nuclear Generating Station. 10pp.,
4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.40
- HOAGLAND & al., 1982. Larval
development in Crepidula maculosa from Florida. 1p. Euro
- HOAGLAND & al., 1988. An
Assessment of Poecilogony in Marine Invertebrates: Phenomenon or
Fantasy? 17pp., 2tabs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.95
- HOAGLAND, 1983. Ecology &
larval development of Crepidula protea from s.ern Brasil: a new
type of egg capsule for the genus. 5pp., 1fig., 2tabs. Euro
- HOAGLAND, 1984. Aerial exposure
in the genus Crepidula with comparison to other taxa. 8pp.,
7figs., 1tab. Euro 0.95
- HOAGLAND, 1986. Effects of
temperature, salinity, & substratum on larvae of the shipworms
Teredo bartschi & T. navalis. 11pp., 5figs., 5tabs. Euro
- HOEKSEMA, 1998. Note on the
occurence of Hydrobia acuta in w.ern Europe, with special
reference to a record from S. Brittany, France. 13pp., 18figs.
Euro 1.95
- HOEKSEMA, 2000. A new record of
Microgloma guilonardi from the Mediterranean. 2pp., 1fig. Euro
- HOENSELAAR & al., 1998.
Molluscs of the Great Bitter Lake, Suez Canal, Egypt, collected by
C. Beets in 1950. 18pp., 6figs. Euro 2.70
- HOENSELAAR & al., 1998. The
Rissoidae of the CANCAP expeditions, I: the genus Alvania. 47pp.,
89figs., 1tab. Euro 7.05
- HOFFMAN, 1947. Studien über
das Integument der Solenogastren nebst Bemerkungen über die
Verwandschaft zwischen den Solenogastren & Placophoren.
135pp., 52figs., with message from author. Euro 21.00
- HOFFMANN, 1937. Über die
Stammesgeschichte der Weichtiere. 37pp., 25figs. Euro 6.50
- HOLLIS, 1971. Occurrence of the
ammonite Ptychoceras adpressum in the Upper Albian of Kent,
England. 3pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- HÖLZL, 1958. Die
Mollusken-Fauna des oberbayerischen Burdigals. 369pp., 22pls.,
6figs., tabs., light damage to cover. Euro 52.50
- HOMMAY & al., 1978.
Contribution a l'etude de la croissance de Thais lapillus.
Resultats preliminaires. 4pp., 3tabs., 1fig., English summ. Euro
- HOPKINS, 1931. Temperature &
the shell movements of oysters. 14pp., 10figs., 2tabs. Euro
- HOPKINS, 1936. Adaptation of the
feeding mechanism of the oyster (Ostrea gigas) to changes in
salinity. 20pp., 1tab., 11figs. Euro 2.90
- HOPKINS, 1937. Experimental
observations on spawning, larval development, & setting in the
Olympia oyster Ostrea lurida. 69pp., 41figs., 35tabs. Euro
- HORI & al., 2001.
Spermatophores in Iolaea scitula. 7pp., 10figs. Euro 1.05
- HORVATH, 1972. Aquatic Mollusca
fauna of the flood area & dead arms of the Tisza. 10pp., 1map,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.60
- HOUART & al., 1997.
Additions to 'Les Muricidae de Polynésie Française'
& description of a n.sp. of Morula from French Polynesia.
7pp., 11figs., French summ. Euro 1.20
- HOUART & al., 1997.
Description of a n.sp. of Drupa from the W.ern Indian Ocean. 7pp.,
10figs., 2tabs., French summ. Euro 1.20
- HOUART, 1996. The W. African
Muricidae 1. Muricinae & Muricopsinae. 67pp., 162figs. 1tab.,
in English & French, with message from author; combined with:
GREIFENEDER & al., 1996. Type specimens vs. figures: on the
identity of some Oliva species. 11pp., 2pls., French summ. Euro
- HOUART, 1997. Description of
Pterynotus laurae n.sp. from the Philippine Isls. 4pp., 9figs.,
French summ. Euro 0.70
- HOUART, 1997. The W. African
Muricidae. 2. Ocenebrinae, Ergalataxinae, Tripterotypinae,
Typhinae, Trophoninae & Rapaninae. 43pp., 100figs., in English
& French, with message from author; combined with: TURSCH,
1997. Non-isometric growth & problems of species delimitation
in the genus Oliva. 8pp., 13figs., French summ.; &: DRIVAS
& al., 1997. On a collection of Columbellidae from the Red
Sea. Erratum. 1p., 1fig. Euro 14.00
- HOUART, 1998. Description of 8
n.sp. of Muricidae. 15pp., 47figs., French summ. Euro 2.80
- HOUART, 1998. Description of
Trophon iarae n.sp., a new muricid from s.ern W. Atlantic with
illustration of related species. 4pp., 12figs. Euro 0.70
- HOUART, 2001. A reciew of the
recent Mediterranean & N.e.ern Atlantic Species of Muricidae.
230 pp., 526figs. (320col.figs.), hardcover. Euro 86.50
- HOUBRICK, 1987. Anatomy,
Reproductive Biology, & Phylogeny of the Planaxidae. 57pp.,
6tabs., 27figs. Euro 9.35
- HOUBRICK, 1993. Phylogenetic
relationships & generic review of the Bittiinae. 53pp.,
26figs., 5tabs. Euro 7.50
- HOWARD, 1961. Range Extension
for Trivia elsiae; combined with: DUSHANE, 1961. Range Extension
for Tenaturris nereis; &: CATE, 1961. Name Change in Mitra;
&: BURN, 1961. Eucrairia nom.nov. for Drepaniella. 2pp.,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- HOWARD, 1963. Notes on a
Mitrella from the Gulf of California. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- HU & al., 1995. Shells of
Taiwan illustrated in color. 360pp., 25figs., 123col.pls., in
Chinese, nomenclature in Latin. Euro 63.00
- HUBENDICK, 1947. Die
Verbreitungsverhältnisse der limnischen Gastropoden in
S.schweden. 141pp., 42maps, 6tabs. (1large, English
summ. Euro 25.00
- HUBENDICK, 1947. On a new
Siphonaria from New Guinea, on S. normalis & on the structure
of the epiphallus gland in Siphonariidae. 8pp., 10figs. Euro
- HUGHES, 1970. Population
dynamics of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana on an intertidal
mud-flat in n. Wales. 24pp., 8figs., 7tabs., 1pl.; combined with:
HUGHES, 1970. An energy budget for a tidal-flat population of the
bivalve Scrobicularia plana. 25pp., 11figs., 8tabs. Euro
- HUMES, 1997. New
poecilostomatoid copepod (Anthessiidae) associated with the
opisthobranch Discodoris heathi off California. 7pp., 3figs. Euro
- HUNTER, 1961. Annual variations
in growth & density in natural populations of freshwater
snails in the w. of Scotland. 35pp., 4figs., 2tabs. Euro
- HUNTER, 1961. Life cycles of 4
freshwater snails in limited populations in Loch Lomond, with a
discussion of infraspecific variation. 37pp., 9figs., 7tabs. Euro
- HUNTER, 1989. Effects of low pH
and low calcium concentration on the pulmonate snail Planorbella
trivolvis: a laboratory study. 6pp., 2figs., 4tabs. Euro
- HUTCHINSON, 2000. 3 into 2
doesn't go: 2-dimensional models of bird eggs, snail shells &
plant roots. 27pp., 8figs. Euro 4.90
- HYMAN, 1967. The Invertebrates
Volume 6 Mollusca 1 Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora,
Gastropoda The coelomate Bilateria. VIII + 792pp., 249figs.,
hardcover, dustwrapper. Euro 72.50
- IDATO & al., 1981. Ricerche
sui popolamenti bentonici di substrato duro del Porto di Ischia.
Infralitorale fotofilo: 4. Molluschi. 15pp., 13figs., 1tab.,
English summ. Euro 2.20
- IMAGIMA & al., 19??. Living
Things in the Water. A Gakken Picture Book. 192pp., fully ill. in
b&w & col., in Japanese, not specific malacological, in
bookcase. Euro 23.50
- INABA, 1969. Cytotaxonomic
studies of lymnaeid snails. 26pp., 102figs., 2tab., French,
Spanish & Russian summ. Euro 3.60
- INGRAM, 1942. Food habits of
Haplotrema minimum & habits of associated mollusks on the
Mills College campus. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- INGRAM, 1947. Additions to the
knowledge of the Cypraeidae based on the collections of the AMNH.
4pp. Euro 0.70
- JACOBSON & al., 1966. On the
identity of Spisula similis. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- JACOBSON, 1953. The phyletic
development of the Pulmonata after J. Thiele. 12pp. Euro
- JACOBSON, 1966. The lost
colonies of Cepea nemoralis in Rockaway, N.Y. 2pp., 1fig. Euro
- JACOBSON, 1968. On a collection
of terrestrial mollusks from Nicaragua. 7pp., 1fig. Euro
- JACOBSON, 1969. On Lymnaea
pseudopinguis. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- JACOBSON, 1971. Acmaea
testudinalis or A. tessulata: an explanation & apology. 1p.
Euro 0.50
- JACOBSON, 1972. Observations on
the siphonal behavior of young surf clams, Spisula solidissima.
1p. Euro 0.50
- JACOBSON, 1972. On deformations
of the surf clam. 1p. Euro 0.50
- JACOBSON, 1974. C. Wright
(1811-85) in Cuba as revealed by his letters. 6pp., 1pl. Euro
- JACOBSON, 1975. The freshwater
prosobranch, Tarebia granifera, in Oriente, Cuba. 1p. Euro
- JACOBSON, 1976. Some Remarks on
F. Poey's 'Memorias Sobre la Historia Natural de la Isla de Cuba'.
4pp., 1fig. Euro 0.60
- JACOBSON, 1977. F. Poey of Cuba
& his 'Memorias'. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- JAECKEL, 1950. Über einige
neotropische Landschnecken. 4pp., 2figs. Euro 0.60
- JAECKEL, 1952. Die Muscheln
& Schnecken der deutschen Meeresküsten. 58pp., 7pls.,
2tabs., 47figs., dustwrapper (not 100% perfect). Euro 8.25
- JAECKEL, 1955. Bau &
Lebensweise der Tiefseemollusken. 68pp., 4tabs., 46figs.,
softcover, dustwrapper (not perfect). Euro 10.00
- JANSSEN & al., 1993.
Revision of Middle Miocene holoplanktonic gastropods from Poland,
published by the late W. Krach. 71pp., 11pls., 13figs., 6tabs.
Euro 13.55
- JANSSEN & al., 2001. Notes
on the systematics, morphology & biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 10. Clio (Balantium) collina n.sp., for
'C. sp.? an C. lavayssei' non Rutsch, 1934 (Miocene, Italy). 4pp.,
2figs. Euro 0.60
- JANSSEN & al., 2001. Notes
on the systematics, morphology & biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 11. Limacina: precedence over Spiratella.
3pp. Euro 0.45
- JANSSEN, 1998. Notes on the
systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 1. Holoplanktonic molluscs from the
Miocene of Wadi Gharandel, W.ern Sinai (Egypt), revised. 4pp. Euro
- JANSSEN, 1998. Notes on the
systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 2. Edithinella curva n.sp. from the
Bockup Sandstone (Miocene, Reinbekian) of Wanzeberg near
Ludwigslust (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany). 4pp., 1fig. Euro
- JANSSEN, 1999. Notes on the
systematics, morphology & biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 3. Revision of M. Tembrock's (1989)
pteropod taxa. 10pp., 17figs. Euro 1.50
- JANSSEN, 1999. Notes on the
systematics, morphology & biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 4. A collection of euthecosomatous
pteropods from the Miocene of the Karaman Basin, Turkey. 7pp.,
4figs. Euro 1.05
- JANSSEN, 2000. Notes on the
systematics, morphology & biostratigraphy of fossil
holoplanktonic Mollusca, 7-9. 7, Clio lucai n.sp. from the
Plio/Pleistocene of n.ern Italy, with notes on evolutionary
lineages of the genus Clio; 8, Cavolinia grandis from the Early
Pliocene of New Zealand, a further example of long-distance
correlation by means of pteropods; 9, apertural reinforcements in
Limacina atypica from the Miocene of New Zealand. 16pp., 13figs.,
2tabs. Euro 2.40
- JANUS, 1961. Die Typen &
Typoide südafrikanischer Meeresmollusken im Staatlichen
Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart 1. Gastropoda. 15pp.,
4pls. Euro 2.80
- JARNE & al., 1992. Aphally
versus euphally in self-fertile hermaphrodite snails from the
species Bulinus truncatus. 9pp., 4tabs. Euro 1.30
- JE & al., 1988. Distribution
Pattern of Benthic Molluscs on the Soft Bottoms of the Se.ern
Yellow Sea. 11pp., 4tabs., 7figs., in Korean, Japanese summ.,
appendix in English. Euro 1.65
- JEFFERY, 2000. The status of
'Murex' suspensus & Voluta ambigua var. monstrosa, from the
Middle Eocene of Barton on Sea, Hampshire. 2pp., 2pls. Euro
- JEFFREYS, 1862. British
Conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the
British Isles & the surrounding seas. Vol. 1. Land &
Freshwater Shells. CXIV + 341pp., 8pls., frontispiece &
title-page in xerox-copy, ex-library copy (number on spine,
cardholder removed), spine and backcover discoloured, wear at the
edges, underlinings & notes in pen & pencil. Euro
- JEPPESEN & al., 1976. The
influence of photoperiod, temperature & internal factors on
the hibernation of Helix pomatia. 14pp., 4figs., 4tabs. Euro
- JOHANSEN, 1913. Om forandringer
i Ringkøbing Fjords fauna. 142pp., 30figs., tabs., not
specific malacological. Euro 20.00
- JOHANSEN, 1918.
Bløddyrene i Randers Fjord. 52pp., 19figs., with message
from author. Euro 9.00
- JOHANSEN, 1918. Oversigt over
dyrelivet i Randers Fjord. 22pp., 4figs., not specific
malacological. Euro 3.00
- JOHANSSON, 1939. Anatomische
Studien über die Gastropodenfamilien Rissoidae &
Littorinidae. 110pp., 11pls., 35figs., thesis, with message from
author. Euro 21.00
- JOHNSON, 1934. List of marine
Mollusca of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Texas. 203pp.,
fold in frontwrapper. Euro 23.50
- JOHNSON, 1964. The Recent
Mollusca of A. Gould Illustrations of the Types Described by Gould
With a Bibliography & Catalog of His Species. 224pp., 45pls.
Euro 25.00
- JONES & al., 19??. Wonders
of the World of Shells: Sea, Land & Freshwater By Jacobson
& al., 1971 [bookreview]. 1p. Euro 0.50
- JONES & al., 1973. Upper
Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) fossils from the Kenai-Chugach
Mountains, Kodiak & Shumagin Isls, s.ern Alaska. 12pp., 1tab.,
8figs. Euro 1.75
- JONES, 1973. The mechanism of
locomotion of Agriolimax reticulatus. 9pp., 2figs., 1pl. Euro
- JONGES, 1980. Genital ducts in
several species of the cyclophorid genus Leptopoma. 8pp., 3pls.,
with message from author Euro 1.65
- JOOSSE, 1964. Dorsal bodies and
dorsal neursecretory cells of the cerebral ganglia of Lymnaea
stagnalis. 103pp., 8pls., 25figs., 14tabs., thesis. Euro
- JORDAN & al., 1921.
Über die Bedeutung des Darmes von Helix pomatia. Ein Beitrag
zur vergleichenden & allgemeinen Physiologie der Resorption.
18pp., 1tab. Euro 2.45
- JORDAN, 1918. Het leven der
dieren in het zoete water Hydrobiologische proeven &
onderzoekingen. 91pp., 19figs., partly loose, backwrapper lacking,
not specific malacological. Euro 8.00
- JOUBIN, 1912. Études
préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes recueillis au
cours des croisières de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. 1re
Note: Melanoteuthis lucens n.gen & sp. 14pp., 12figs. Euro
- JOUBIN, 1912. Études
préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes recueillis au
cours des croisières de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. 2e
Note: Cirroteuthis grimaldii, n.sp. 13pp., 7figs. Euro 2.10
- JOUBIN, 1913. Études
préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes recueillis au
cours des Croisières de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. 3e
Note: Mastigoteuthis magna n.sp. 10pp., 1pl. Euro 1.75
issues. Euro 42.00
84pp. Euro 7.70
60pp. Euro 5.60
69pp. Euro 6.55
70pp. Euro 6.55
56pp. Euro 5.15
63pp. Euro 5.85
76pp. Euro 7.00
93pp. Euro 13.00
SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, 2(4). 74pp. Euro 7.00
- KAAS & al., 1942.
Nederlandse zeemollusken. 232pp., 44figs., 16pls. Euro
- KAAS, 1972. Polyplacophora of
the Caribbean region. 162pp., 9pls., 247figs., 3tabs. Euro
- KADOLSKY, 1998. Euchilus &
Stalioa: proposed designation of Bithinia deschiensiana &
Paludina desmarestii as the respective type species, with the
conservation of Bania. 5pp., with message from author. Euro
- KANAKOFF & al., 1966.
Recognition of the cancellariid genus Neadmete, in the w. American
fauna, with description of a n.sp. from the Lomita Marl of Los
Angeles County, California. 4pp., 2pls. Euro 0.95
- KANTOR & al., 1998. Oliva
ouini, a n.sp. from Hansa Bay, Papua New Guinea, with notes on the
anatomy of O. oliva. 14pp., 9pls., 3tabs., 2figs., French summ.
Euro 4.30
- KANTOR, 1990. Gastropods of the
subfamily Volutopsiinae of the World Ocean. 178pp., 16pls.,
114figs., 5tabs., in Russian, nomenclature in Latin, English summ.
Euro 27.00
- KARNEKAMP, 2000. Strobilops
vanderdusseni, a new Miocene (Sarmatian) gastropod species of the
Nördlinger Ries (Bavaria, Germany). 2pp., 1pl. Euro
- KAT, 1983. Fossil Evidence from
Fish House Clays for the Origin & Changes in Species
Composition through Time of the N.ern Atlantic Slope Unionid
Fauna. 17pp., 1tab., 4figs., last p. xerox-copy. Euro 2.35
- KAY & al., 1969. The
Doridacea of the Hawaiian Isls. 60pp., 82figs., 1tab. Euro
- KAY, 1974. Fanning Isl.:
Editor's Note. 4pp., 1fig., not specific malacological. Euro
- KEEN, 1937. Nomenclatural units
of the pelecypod family Cardiidae. 22pp. Euro 3.30
- KEEN, 1958. New mollusks from
tropical w. America. 17pp., 2pls., 'corrections' lacking. Euro
- KEEN, 1968. W. American Mollusk
Types at the BM(NH) 4. Carpenter's Mazatlan Collection. 51pp.,
171figs., 5pls. Euro 9.35
- KEEN, 1970. Comment on a
Nomenclatural Matter in Mitridae. 1p. Euro 0.50
- KEEN, 1980. Pseudocardia, a
disregarded name in Carditidae. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- KEEP & al., 1935. W. Coast
Shells A description in familiar terms of the principal marine,
fresh-water, & land mollusks of the U.S., British Columbia,
& Alaska, found w. of the Sierra. XII + 350pp., 334figs. Euro
- KENNEDY & al., 1996. New
Records of Acanthoceratid Ammonoids from the Upper Cenomanian of
S. Dakota. 18pp., 3tabs., 17figs. Euro 2.50
- KENNEDY & al., 1998. Marine
connections in N. America during the late Maastrichtian:
palaeogeographic & palaeobiogeographic significance of
Jeletzkytes nebrascensis Zone cephalopod fauna from the Elk Butte
Member of the Pierre Shale, SE S. Dakota & NE Nebraska. 31pp.,
9figs., 2tabs., xerox-copy. Euro 1.40
- KESTEVEN, 1941. The Biology
& Cultivation of Oysters in Australia 1. - Some Economic
Aspects. 32pp., 8figs., tabs. Euro 4.45
- KEYES, 1896. 2 remarkable
cephalopods from the Upper Paleozoic. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- KEYES, 1972. Biological type
specimens in the New Zealand Geological Survey 2. Cenozoic bivalve
& scaphopod Mollusca. 113pp. Euro 20.00
- KHAN, 1970. On the morphology
& biology of a new arhynchodine thigmotrichid ciliate from the
dog whelk Nucella lapillus. 9pp., 5figs. Euro 1.25
- KHIM & al., 1998. Oxygen
Isotope Profile & Age Determination of Venus Clam Mercenaria
stimpsoni from the E. Sea. 9pp., 6figs., Korean summ. Euro
- KIAUTA & al., 1967. Notes on
the cytology of Rissoacea 2. The chromosomes of Assiminea grayana.
6pp., 2pls., 2tabs. Euro 1.50
- KIDWELL, 1991. The Stratigraphy
of Shell Concentrations. 80pp., 8tabs., 16figs. Euro 11.20
- KILBURN, 1998. Description of 4
new neogastropods of superfamilies Muricoidea & Conoidea from
S. Africa. 6pp., 9figs. Euro 1.20
- KILIAS, 1981. Cymatiidae in den
Sammlungen des Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale in
Tervuren (Belgien). 20pp. Euro 2.80
- KING, 1953. Some Suggested
Changes in S. African Stratigraphy. 13pp., 1tab., not
malacological. Euro 1.75
- KINZELBACH, 1991. Die
Körbchenmuscheln Corbicula fluminalis, C. fluminea & C.
fluviatilis in Europa. 14pp., 3figs., English summ., xerox-copy.
Euro 0.50
- KITCHING & al., 1966. The
ecology of Lough Ine. 15. The ecological significance of shell
& body forms in Nucella. 14pp., 2tabs., 8figs. Euro
- KITTEL, 1991. Die Landschnecken
im Landkreis Aschaffenburg. 250pp., 8col.pls., 107figs., num.maps.
Euro 14.00
- KITTEL, 1993. Bithynia leachii,
1er Lebendnachweis für Bayern im w.lichen Unterfranken. 3pp.,
1fig. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1993. Die Landschnecken
des Trockengebietes 'Ammerfeld-Ellern' bei Aschfeld im Landkreis
Main-Spessart. 16pp., 6figs. (2col.figs.). Euro 2.20
- KITTEL, 1993. Die Mollusken des
Naturdenkmals 'Klingelbachschlucht' bei Triefenstein, Landkreis
Main-Spessart. 92pp., 56maps, 6figs. (2col.figs.), 7tabs. Euro
- KITTEL, 1995. Die
Körbchenmuschel Corbicula fluminea im bayerischen Untermain.
2pp. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1995. Die Molluskenfauna
des Naturschutzgebietes 'Romberg' bei Lohr am Main, Landkreis
Main-Spessart. 19pp., 8figs. (3col.figs.), 2tabs. Euro 2.70
- KITTEL, 1995. Die Schnecken
& Muscheln der 'Riedwiesen im Ölgrund' bei
Gössenheim (Main-Spessart-Kreis) mit Erstnachweis von Vertigo
moulinsiana für 9pp., 4figs. (1col.fig.). Euro
- KITTEL, 1996. Die Landmollusken
der Ruine Wildenburg bei Preunschen (Markt Kirchzell) im Odenwald,
Landkreis Miltenberg, mit einem Nachweis der Alpen-Windelschnecke
Vertigo alpestris. 10pp., 5figs., 1tab. Euro 1.40
- KITTEL, 1996. Die
Landschneckenfauna des Naturschutzgebietes 'Mäusberg' bei
Wiesenfeld, Landkreis Main-Spessart. 13pp., 2tabs., 6figs.
(2col.figs.). Euro 1.90
- KITTEL, 1996. Die
Landschneckenfauna des Naturschutzgebietes 'Rammersberg' bei
Wiesenfeld, Landkreis Main-Spessart. 13pp., 2tabs., 7figs.
(3col.figs.). Euro 1.90
- KITTEL, 1996. Die
Landschneckenfauna des Naturschutzgebietes 'Trockengebiete &
Hangwälder bei der Ruine Homburg' bei Gössenheim,
Landkreis Main-Spessart. 16pp., 2tabs., 7figs. (2col.figs.). Euro
- KITTEL, 1996. Die
Landschneckenfauna in den verschiedenen xerothermen
Biozönosen des Naturschutgebietes 'Grainberg-Kalbenstein' bei
Karlstadt, Landkreis Main-Spessart. 24pp., 11figs. (4col.figs.),
2tabs. Euro 3.40
- KITTEL, 1996. Lebendnachweis der
3zahn-Turmschnecke Chondrula tridens im Trockengebiet
'Ammerfeld-Ellern' bei Aschfeld, Landkreis Main-Spessart. 2pp.,
1col.fig. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1996.
Molluskenbeobachtungen im Hafenlohrtal (Spessart) zwischen
Rothenbuch & Hafenlohr, Landkreise Aschaffenburg &
Main-Spessart. 23pp., 1tab., 8figs. (2col.figs.). Euro 3.25
- KITTEL, 1996. Weitere Funde der
Körbchenmuschel Corbicula fluminea im bayerischen Untermain.
3pp., 2col.figs. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1997. Der Iberische
Mantelschnegel Parmacella valenciennii & seine Verbreitung in
Portugal. 5pp.,, 2figs., 1map, English summ. Euro
- KITTEL, 1998. Beobachtungen an
der Rötlichen Daudebardie Daudebardia rufa. 3pp., 3figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1998. Laufkäfer als
natürliche Schneckenfeind. 3pp., 3figs., English summ. Euro
- KITTEL, 1998. Muschel- &
Schneckengehäuse als Baumaterial für
Köcherfliegenlarven. 3pp., 3figs., English summ. Euro
- KITTEL, 1998. Schneckenkanker
als natürliche Schneckenfeinde. 3pp., 4figs., English summ.
Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1999. Eine
rechtsgewundene Cochlodina fimbriata aus Kärnten,
Österreich. 1p., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- KITTEL, 1999. Hygromia cinctella
in Nw.-Bayern. 3pp., 1map, 1fig., English summ. Euro 0.50
- KLAPPENBACH, 1968. Semele
martinii of S.ern Brazil & Uruguay. 1p. Euro 0.50
- KLAUSNITZER, 1968. Zur
Molluskenfauna des Weißeritztales & einiger
Nebentäler bei Tharandt. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- KLEEMANN, 1986. Das Bohren &
Wachstum von Gregariella aus der Karibik & dem O.-Pazifik.
20pp., 3pls., 3figs., 1tab., English summ. Euro 3.25
- KLEMM, 1949. Wölbungsgrad
& Aufwindungswinkel (Abschließende Entgegnung). 2pp.
Euro 0.50
- KLEMM, 1957. F. Käufel.
3pp., 1pic. Euro 0.50
- KLIKA, 1891. Die tertiaeren
Land- & Süsswasser-Conchylien des nw.lichen Böhmen.
120pp., 115figs. Euro 37.50
- KNIGHT, 1939. Review: Handbuch
der Paläozoologie - Gastropoda (Wenz). 3pp. Euro 0.50
- KOCZY & al., 1958. Radium
content of carbonate shells. 10pp., 1fig., 2tabs. Euro 1.40
- KOHN, 1964. Mollusks [on a
symposium on the Mollusca at the Zoological Society of London, 4-5
March 1964]. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- KOHN, 1966. Food specialization
in Conus in Hawaii & California. 3pp., 1tab., 1fig. Euro
molluscs of Wielkopolska. 35pp., 3maps, in Polish, English summ.
Euro 4.65
- KORNIUSHIN, 1994. Review of the
European species of the genus Sphaerium. 18pp., 12figs., 4tabs.,
Russian summ. Euro 2.80
- KORNIUSHIN, 1996. Bivalve
molluscs of the superfamily Pisidioidea in the Palaearctic region
(Fauna, systematics, phylogeny). 173pp., 2pls., 86figs., 13tabs.,
in Russian, nomenclature in Latin, English summ. Euro 21.00
- KORNIUSHIN, 2000. Review of the
Family Sphaeriidae of Australia, With the Description of 4 N.Sp.
62pp., 58figs., 7tabs. Euro 10.00
- KORRINGA & al., 1957.
Investigations into the fertility of the Gulf of Naples &
adjacent salt water lakes, with special reference to shellfish
cultivation. 56pp., 11figs., 9tabs., Italian, German & French
summ. Euro 7.70
- KORRINGA, 1940. Experiments
& observations on swarming, pelagic life & setting in the
European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. 249pp., 24fig., also
available in thesis-version. Euro 22.00
- KORRINGA, 1951. Difficulties
Encountered in Tank-Breeding of Oysters (Ostrea edulis). 4pp.;
combined with: KORRINGA, 1951. Investigations on Shell-Disease in
the Oyster, Ostrea edulis. 5pp.; &: KORRINGA, 1951. Crepidula
fornicata as an Oyster-Pest. 5pp. Euro 2.00
- KORRINGA, 1951. On the nature
& function of 'chalky' deposits in the shell of Ostrea edulis.
26pp., 2figs. Euro 3.60
- KOTHBAUER, 1988. Über
Liebespfeile, Schnecken & Weltbilder. 7pp., English summ. Euro
- KRAUS, 1952. Pupilla sterri im
Schwemmlöß (Diluvium) der Wetterau. 2pp. Euro
- KRAUS, 1953. Vaginulidae aus
Peru. 3pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- KRAUSE, 1950. Quantitative
Schilluntersuchungen im See- & Wattengebiet von Norderney
& Juist & ihre Verwendung zur Klärung
hydrographischer Fragen. 26pp., 3figs., 6tabs. Euro 3.90
- KRAUSP, 1952. Über eine
Population von Trichia villosa bei Schwerin in Mecklenburg;
combined with: KRAUSP, 1952. Helicellen der Insel Rügen. 4pp.
Euro 0.60
- KRISTENSEN & al., 1968.
'Homing' bij Patella vulgata. 7pp., figs., last p. xerox-copy.
Euro 0.85
- KRISTENSEN, 1956. De
Artemisschelp. 3pp., 1fig., 1tab. Euro 0.50
- KRISTENSEN, 1957. De
groeisnelheid van het tafelmesheft (Ensis siliqua). 3pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.50
- KRISTENSEN, 1963. Levende
Schelpen. 4pp., 1pl., 5figs. Euro 0.85
- KRISTENSEN, 1969. Heart rhythm
in Patella & Diodora when exposed to air. 7pp., 3figs., 1tab.,
with message from author. Euro 1.05
nomenclatural note on Strombus wilsoni & S. wilsonorum with
the introduction of S. praeraninus n.n. 2pp. Euro 0.45
- KUBO & al., 1995. Molluscs
of Okinawa. 263pp., num.col.figs., with dustjacket, in Japanese,
nomenclature in Latin, mainly on seashells, but also 32pp. on
landshells. Euro 32.50
- KUCKUCK, 1977. Wat vind ik aan
het strand? De belangrijkste strandplanten, zeewieren &
zeedieren. 220pp., 32pls. (some col.pls.), 111figs., beachguide.
Euro 9.00
- KUDINKSY & al., 1990. The
effect of parasites on sexual glands of the Black Sea mussels.
4pp., 1fig., in Russian, English summ. Euro 0.60
- KUFTARKOVA & al., 1990.
Estimation of hydrochemical conditions of the Laspi Bay, the
region of mussel cultivation; combined with: SENICHEVA, 1990.
Characteristic of phytoplankton as an object of nutrition for
mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis in the region of the marine farm
of the Laspi Bay. 16pp., 6tabs., 6figs., in Russian, English summ.
Euro 2.20
- KÜHL, 1951. Über den
Bohrmuschelbefall in Fischkuttern. 3pp., 3figs., with message from
author. Euro 0.50
- KÜHL, 1951. Über die
Siedlungsweise von Mya arenaria. 7pp., 6figs., with message from
author. Euro 1.05
- KÜHL, 1953. Studien
über die Klaffmuschel Mya arenaria Die Myasiedlungen am
Hakensand (Elbmündung). 7pp., 2figs., 1tab., English summ.,
with message from author. Euro 1.05
- KUIJPER & al., 1993. De
grondwaterslak Bythiospeum husmanni in Nederland. 6pp., 3figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.85
- KUIJPER, 1971. Gyraulus laevis
in Nederland. 8pp., 1fig., English summ., with message from
author. Euro 1.20
- KUIJPER, 1979. Palaeontological
investigation of a brackish-marine Late Holocene deposit at
Wervershoof (Province of N.-Holland, The Netherlands). 17pp.,
2pls., 9figs., 3tabs., Dutch summ., not specific malacological;
combined with: CADÉE, 1979. Gemmulae of Eunapius fragilis
from a Holocene freshwater deposit at Beveren-Waas near Kallo
(Belgium). 4pp., 1pl., not malacological. Euro 3.75
- KURODA & al., 1987.
Description of Oguranodonta ogurae n.gen. & sp. 4pp., 5figs.,
in Japanese & English. Euro 0.60
- KUTASSY, 1931. Fossilium
Catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 51: Lamellibranchiata triadica 2. IV +
217pp. Euro 41.00
- KWON & al., 1979. New Record
of Euhadra dixoni from the S.ern Korea. 2pp., 3figs., in Japanese,
English summ. Euro 0.50
- KWON & al., 1980. Satsuma
myomphala, New to Korea. 1p., 3figs., in Japanese, English summ.
Euro 0.50
- LA PERNA, 1990. Fori di
predazione da naticidi sui bivalvi della spiaggia di Catania.
22pp., 4col.pls., 15figs., 2tabs., English summ., with message
from author. Euro 4.10
- LA PERNA, 1996. Phyletic
relationships & ecological implications between Pagodula
vaginata & P. echinata. 9pp., 3pls., 1fig., Italian summ.,
with message from author. Euro 2.00
- LABBÉ, 1933. La place
systématique des oncidiadés. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- LADD, 1970. Eocene Mollusks From
Eua, Tonga. 22pp., 5pls., 2tabs., 2figs. Euro 4.25
- LADLE & al., 1969. Studies
on 3 species of Pisidium from a chalk stream. 7pp., 4figs. Euro
- LAN & al., 2000. Rediscovery
& Designation of Neotype of Babylonia feicheni. 2pp.,
2col.figs., Japanese summ. Euro 0.50
- LANDMAN & al., 1999.
Impressions of the Attachment of the Soft Body to the Shell in
Late Cretaceous Pachydiscid Ammonites from the W.ern Interior of
the U.S. 31pp., 24figs., xerox-copy. Euro 1.40
- LANKHORST, 1971. De malacofauna
van het natuurreservaat 'De Berghofweide' in relatie tot de
bodemgesteldheid & de vegetatie 1969-71. 57pp., 5figs.,
8tabs., 1map, type-script report. Euro 7.00
- LANZER & al., 1985. Aspectos
morfológicos & biológicos de uma
população de Gundlachia concentrica de um
açude do sul do Brasil. 16pp., 11figs., 2tabs., English
summ. Euro 2.45
- LARGEN, 1967. The diet of the
dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus. 5pp., 2pls., 1tab. Euro 0.95
- LARGEN, 1967. The influence of
water temperature upon the life of the dog-whelk Thais lapillus.
8pp., 4figs., 3tabs. Euro 1.10
- LE FEVRE & al., 1995. La
magie africaine - Les cauris: paroles des dieux. 149pp., 87figs.,
softcover. Euro 20.00
- LEAL & al., 1999. Deepest
Atlantic molluscs: hadal limpets from the n.ern boundary of the
Caribbean Plate. 21pp., 9figs., 3tabs. Euro 3.50
- LEISTIKOW & al., 1997. A
record of the bivalve Guianadesma sinuosum from the central Amazon
Basin. 6pp., 3figs. Euro 0.90
- LELOUP & al., 1951. A propos
de la synonymie du Solaropsis serpens de la Guyane
Française. 8pp. Euro 1.20
- LELOUP, 1940. Caractères
anatomiques de certains chitons de la côte californienne.
39pp., 94figs. Euro 8.50
- LELOUP, 1942. Contribution
á la connaissance des Polyplacophores 1. Famille
Mopaliidae. 62pp., 27figs., 6pls. Euro 14.50
- LELOUP, 1952. Polyplacophores de
l'océan Indien & des côtes de l'Indochine
Française. 67pp., 22figs., 6pls. Euro 16.00
- LEMCHE, 1948. N.ern & Arctic
tectibranch gastropods 1. The larval shells 2. A revision of the
cephalaspid species. 130pp., 80figs. Euro 25.00
- LEROY & al., 1975. Benthonic
Foraminifera & some Pteropoda from a deep-water dredge sample,
n.ern Gulf of Mexico. 17pp., 11pls., 6figs. Euro 3.95
- LETSON, 1905. Check list of the
Mollusca of New York. 112pp. Euro 16.00
- LEVER & al., 1961. Pleural
ganglia & water balance in the fresh water pulmonate Limnaea
stagnalis. 12pp., 6figs., 1tab. Euro 1.65
- LEVER, 1958. Quantitative beach
research 1. The 'left-right-phenomenon': sorting of Lamellibranch
valves on sandy beaches. 31pp., 16figs., 16tabs., Dutch summ. Euro
- LEVER, 1974. Slakkenonderzoek,
waarom? 20pp., 4figs., 1tab. Euro 2.35
- LEWIS, 1975. Shell polymorphism
in the snail Cochlicella acuta & some data on its genetics.
14pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro 1.90
- LIEBERKIND, 193?. De inktvisch
& andere dierenvertellingen. 90pp., 16figs., translated from
Danish, contents only for a part malacological, children's
booklet, issued by The Quaker Oats Company, Rotterdam. Euro
- LIGHT & al., 1991. Keeping a
Marine Aquarium. 28pp., 4figs., not specific malacological. Euro
- LILJEDAHL, 1985. Ecological
aspects of a silicified bivalve fauna from the Silurian of
Gotland. 14pp., 7figs. Euro 2.00
- LILJEDAHL, 1986. Endolithic
micro-organisms & silification of a bivalve fauna from the
Silurian of Gotland. 12pp., 6figs. Euro 1.65
- LIND, 1968. Hibernating
behaviour of Helix pomatia. 23pp., 12figs. Euro 3.25
- LIND, 1973. The functional
significance of the spermatophore & the fate of spermatozoa in
the genital tract of Helix pomatia. 26pp., 5figs., 8tabs. Euro
- LITTLE, 1965. Osmotic &
ionic regulation in the prosobranch gastropod mollusc, V.
viviparus. 15pp., 5figs., 10tabs. Euro 2.05
- LLOYD, 1968. Outline of the
Tertiary geology of n.ern Australia. 26pp., 3figs.,,
not specific malacological. Euro 3.60
- LLOYD, 1968. Possible Miocene
marine transgression in n.ern Australia. 16pp., 1pl., 1fig., not
specific malacological. Euro 2.35
- LOHMANDER, 1937. Über die
n.ischen Formen von Arion circumscriptus. 23pp., 16figs. Euro
- LOOSANOFF & al., 1940.
Spawning & setting of oysters in Long Isl. Sound in 1937,
& discussion of the method for predicting the intensity &
time of oyster setting. 39pp., 18tabs., 11figs. Euro 5.40
- LOOSJES & al., 1968.
Contributions to the distribution of the Clausiliidae in the Karst
regions of Romania. 15pp., 1pl., 2figs., French summ. Euro
- LOOSJES, 1948. On the inner
structure of the shells of Hemiphaedusa cambojensis & Phaedusa
paviei. 8pp., 8figs. Euro 1.20
- LOOSJES, 1953. Monograph of the
Indo-Australian Clausiliidae. 224pp., 56figs., 2tabs., 4pics.,
1pl., 1map, Dutch summ. Euro 35.00
- LOOSJES, 1956. Euphaedusa
cumingiana recondita auf Flores. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- LOOSJES, 1964. Einiges über
Armenica. 6pp., 5figs. Euro 0.90
- LOOSJES, 1966. Eine
Clausiliiden-Ausbeute aus Mazedonien. 4pp., 1fig., Russian summ.,
with message from author. Euro 0.70
- LOOSJES, 1966. Some anatomical,
systematical & geographical data on Neniinae. 57pp., 1pl.,
38figs., 1tab., with message from author. Euro 11.50
- LOOSJES, 1973. Das System der
Clausiliiden. 4pp., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- LOSOVSKAYA, 1988. Successional
changes in mussel biocenosis in the n.-w.ern part of the Black Sea
as a reflection of fluctuations in the number & biomass of the
dominant species under suffocation effect. 3pp., 4tabs., in
Russian, English summ. Euro 0.50
- LU & al., 1975. Vertical
distribution of cephalopods at 40°N, 53°N &
60°N at 20°W in the N. Atlantic. 21pp., 6tabs., 6figs.;
combined with: CLARKE & al., 1975. Vertical distribution of
cephalopods at 18°N 25°W in the N. Atlantic. 18pp.,
5tabs. (2fold.tabs.), 11figs.; &: LU & al., 1975. Vertical
distribution of cephalopods at 11°N, 20°W in the N.
Atlantic. 21pp., 3tabs. (2fold.tabs.), 13figs. Euro 9.00
- LU & al., 1979. Cephalopods
from Deepwater Dumpsite 106 (W.ern Atlantic): Vertical
Distribution & Seasonal Abundance. 36pp., 11figs., 3tabs. Euro
- LUBET & al., 1964. Influence
de le température sur le rythme cardiaque des
Mytilidés. 2pp., 1fig., xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- LUQUE & al., 1985. Primera
cita de Cancellaria minima para el mar Mediterraneo. 3pp., 1fig.,
English summ. Euro 0.50
- LUTAENKO, 1997. Panomya
nipponica in the Nw.ern Sea of Japan (E. Sea). 5pp., 2pls., 1tab.,
1fig., Korean summ. Euro 1.05
- LUTHER & al., 1961. Die
Unterwasserfauna der Mittelmeerküsten. 249pp., 46pls. (some
col.pls.), 28figs., dustwrapper (not perfect), not specific
malacological. Euro 12.50
- MAAS GEESTERANUS, 1942. On the
formation of banks by Mytilus edulis. 44pp., 5figs., tabs. Euro
- MAAS, 1938. Die
visco-elastischen Eigenschaften von Kautschuk & glatten
Muskeln, kontrolliert am Stoffwechsel des Helixfusses. 78pp.,
22figs., 6tabs., thesis. Euro 11.50
- MAASSEN & al., 1996. Notes
on terrestrial molluscs of the isl. of Sulawesi. 1. The Pupinidae.
6pp., 7figs. (1col.fig.). Euro 0.90
- MAASSEN, 1991. Aanvulling op
'Die Aciculidae' door H. Boeters & al. 4pp., English summ.
Euro 0.50
- MAASSEN, 1995. Observations on
the genus Mastus from Crete (Greece), with descriptions of 12
n.sp. 34pp., 49figs. Euro 4.80
- MAASSEN, 1997. A preliminary
checklist of the terrestrial molluscs of Sulawesi, Indonesia. A
new start? 74pp., 3maps. Euro 8.00
- MAASSEN, 1998. Notes on
terrestrial molluscs of the isl. of Sulawesi. 2. Description of
Coccoderma wilhelminae n.sp. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.45
- MAASSEN, 1998. Vitrea meijeri
n.sp. aus Mazedonien. 3pp., 3figs., English summ. Euro 0.45
- MAASSEN, 2000. A separate
duplicate penis in a specimen of Mastus from Greece. 2pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.45
- MAASSEN, 2000. Deroceras
dewinteri n.sp. from the isl. of Crete, Greece. 2pp., 3figs. Euro
- MAASSEN, 2000. Notes on
terrestrial molluscs of Sumatra, Indonesia, with descriptions of
10 n.sp. 14pp., 30figs. Euro 2.10
- MAASSEN, 2001. 4 new
Diplommatinidae from s.ern Thailand & n.ern Peninsular
Malaysia. 6pp., 15figs. Euro 0.90
- MAC GILLAVRY, 1932. The Rudist
Fauna of Seroe Teintje Limestone (N.ern Curaçao). 12pp.,
5figs., 2pls., with message from author. Euro 2.10
- MAC GILLAVRY, 1934. Some Rudists
from the Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 7pp., 8figs., 1pl., with message
from author. Euro 1.20
- MACGILLIVRAY, 1844. A history of
the molluscous animals of Scotland, as found in the n.e.ern
district, particularly in the shires of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and
Banff; to which is appended an account of the cirripedal animals
of the same district. 2nd edition. XXIV + 372pp., original front-
& backcover (bumped at the corners), frontcover with gilt
imprint, new spine with label (paper) with title & label
(leather) with year, bookpl. Euro 72.50
- MACGILLIVRAY, 1844. A history of
the molluscous animals of Scotland, as found in the n.e.ern
district, particularly in the shires of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and
Banff; to which is appended an account of the cirripedal animals
of the same district. 2nd edition. XXIV + 372pp., original front-
& backcover (bumped at the corners), frontcover with gilt
imprint, new spine, ex-library copy (number on spine, bookpls.,
numbers, stamps & barcode inside), 1st p. fragile. Euro
- MACGINITIE, 1934. The egg-laying
activities of the sea hare, Tethys californicus. 4pp., 1tab. Euro
- MACGINITIE, 1955. Distribution
& ecology of the marine invertebrates of Point Barrow, Alaska.
IV + 201pp., 8pls., 11tabs., 2figs., not strictly malacological.
Euro 29.00
- MACGINITIE, 1959. Marine
Mollusca of Point Barrow, Alaska. 177pp., 27pls., 2tabs.,
short-title written on spine, pp. somewhat uneven cut, slight
damage to 1 of the pls. [not affecting the figs.]. Euro
- MACHEVSKY & al., 1990.
Helminthofauna of bullheads in the Egorlytsian Bay & Lake
Donuzlav, places for arrangement of mussel farms; combined with:
MACHEVSKY, 1990. Helminthofauna of labrids in the places of
cultivation of Black-Sea mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. 14pp.,
7tabs., in Russian, English summ. Euro 2.00
- MACHIN, 1967. Structural
adaption for reducing water-loss in 3 species of terrestrial
snail. 11pp., 2figs., 6tabs. Euro 1.50
- MAHLER, 1952. Trichia montana im
Lande Salzburg. 6pp. Euro 0.90
- MAJOOR & al., 1999.
Succession in the snail fauna of a rehabilitated limestone quarry
near Maastricht, The Netherlands. 6pp. Euro 0.90
- MAKIYAMA, 1934. The Asagaian
Molluscs of Yotukura & Matchgar. 32pp., 2figs., 5pls. lacking,
somewhat wrinkled. Euro 4.45
1.20pp. Euro 2.00
- MALACOLOGIA, 7(1), 10(1), 12(2).
Euro 20.00 each issue
- MALAVOLTI, 1942. La Stenogyra
decollata nei livelli romani del sottosuolo di Modena. 5pp. Euro
- MALICK, 1977. Malicks' Fossils,
Inc. Catalog #22. 83pp., 25pls., not specific malacological. Euro
- MANDAHL-BARTH, 1956. Acutorbis
n.nom. 1p. Euro 0.50
- MANGANELLI & al., 1998. New
hydrobiids from subterranean waters of e.ern Sardinia, Italy.
25pp., 62figs., 2tabs. Euro 3.75
- MANGANELLI & al., 1998.
Oxychilus mortilleti: a redescription. 21pp., 22figs., 2tabs. Euro
- MANIA, 1973.
Paläoökologie, Faunenentwicklung & Stratigraphie des
Eiszeitalters im mittleren Elbe-Saalegebiet auf Grund von
Molluskengesellschaften. 175pp., 14figs., 33tabs., English, French
& Russian summ. Euro 25.00
- MANN, 1949. Über die
proteolytische Verdauung von Mya arrhenaria. 5pp., 3figs., 2tabs.
Euro 0.70
- MANN, 1951. Vergleichende
Untersuchungen an einigen Muscheln des Watts. 5pp., 2figs., 1tab.
Euro 0.70
- MANNING, 1957. The Maryland soft
shell clam industry & its effects on tidewater resources.
25pp., 19figs., 7tabs. Euro 3.50
- MAPES & al., 1988. Color
pattern on the Carboniferous bivalve Streblochondria? 3pp.,
2figs., 1tab. Euro 0.50
- MARAZANOF, 1969. Contribution a
l'etude ecologique des mollusques des eaux douces & saumatres
de Camargue 1. - Milieux - espèces. 123pp., 76figs.,
13tabs., English & German summ. Euro 17.00
- MARAZANOF, 1970. Contribution a
l'etude ecologique des mollusques des eaux douces & saumatres
de Camargue 2. - Anisus rotundatus. 23pp., 12figs., English &
German summ. Euro 3.00
- MARCHI, 1929. Ricerche sulla
presenza di Vitamina C in alcuni Molluschi eduli. 16pp., 2figs.
Euro 2.35
- MARCUS, 1963. On Brazilian
supralittoral & brackish water snails. 12pp., 9figs.,
Portugese summ. Euro 1.90
- MARCUS, 1970. Opisthobranchs
from Curaçao & faunistically related regions. 129pp.,
160figs. Euro 17.50
- MARELLI & al., 1978. A N.Sp.
Record for Mytilopsis sallei in Central America; combined with:
BRATCHER, 1978. Protoconch of Ovoviviparous Volutes of W. Africa.
2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- MARQUET & al., 1999. Neogene
species of Pseudamussium from Belgium. 11pp., 2pls., 2tabs. Euro
- MARQUET & al., 2000.
Pliocene species of Aequipecten from the N. Sea Basin. 15pp.,
2pls., 6figs. Euro 2.80
- MARQUET, 1997. 2 Ataxiocerithium
species from the Miocene of Belgium. 5pp., 2figs. Euro 0.75
- MARQUET, 1997. Cerithiella
genei, new for the Miocene of Belgium. 4pp., 4figs. Euro
- MARQUET, 1998. 3 Cerithiopsis
species, new for the Miocene of Belgium. 7pp., 3figs. Euro
- MARQUIS & al., 19??. Upriver
Dayak art: beads & textiles from Borneo selections from the
collection of E. Marquis A Checklist. 5pp., 3 shell-related items
listed. Euro 0.60
- MARSHALL & al., 1932. New
fossil fresh-water mollusks from Ecuador. 7pp., 1pl. Euro
- MARSHALL, 1921. New fresh-water
shells from Guatemala. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- MARSHALL, 1926. New fossil
fresh-water mollusks from Florida. 4pp., 1pl. Euro 0.85
- MARSHALL, 1929. 3 new land
shells of the genus Oreohelix from Arizona. 3pp., 1pl. Euro
- MARSHALL, 1983. Acremodontinae:
a new subfamily of the Trochidae. 4pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- MARSHALL, 1983. The family
Cocculinellidae in New Zealand. 5pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- MARTEL & al., 1991.
Foot-raising behaviour & active participation during the
initial phase of post-metamorphic drifting in the gastropod Lacuna
spp. 8pp., 5figs. Euro 1.20
- MARTINEZ-ORTI & al., 2000.
Taxonomical revision of Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) llopisi from the
province of Castellón, Spain. 8pp., 5figs., 2tabs., Spanish
summ. Euro 1.20
- MARTOJA, 1964. Contribution a
l'étude de l'appareil digestif & de la digestion chez
les gastéropodes carnivores de la famille des
nassaridés. 98pp., 4pls., tabs., 16figs., spine repaired
with tape. Euro 14.00
- MASCELLARO, 1961. Depurazione
dei molluschi eduli. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- MASSIN, 1982. Contribution to
the knowledge of 2 boring gastropods with an annotated list of the
genera Magilus & Leptoconchus. 28pp., 1pl., 4figs., French
summ. Euro 4.35
- MASSIN, 1983. Note on the genus
Leptoconchus with the description of 2 n.sp., L. vangoethemi &
L. cyphastreae, from Papua New Guinea. 16pp., 5pls., 8figs.,
French summ. Euro 3.15
- MASUDA & al., 1983. Shell
bearing molluscs in Sendai Bay, ne. Honshu, Japan. 34pp., 5pls.,
3figs., 2tabs. Euro 6.10
- MATSUSHIMA & al., 1983.
Radiocarbon Age of the Molluscan Shells from the Holocene Deposits
in the Kawachi Plain, Osaka. 7pp., 2pls., 2figs., 2tabs., in
Japanese, English summ. Euro 1.30
- MATSUSHIMA, 1982. Radiocarbon
Ages of the Holocene Marine Deposits along Kucharo Lake, N.ern
Hokkaido. 12pp., 4pls., 5figs., 2tabs., in Japanese, English
summ.; combined with: MATSUSHIMA, 1982. The Radiocarbon Age of the
Wood Remain from the Alluvial Deposits along the Morito River,
Hayama, Miura Peninsula. 8pp., 6figs., in Japanese, English summ.
Euro 3.40
- MATZKE, 1968. Arion
circumscriptus f. flava & Cochlicopa lubrica f. hyalina auf
Bergwiesen im Thüringer Wald. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- MATZKE, 1976. Zur
Schneckenbesiedlung von Auenwiesen im S.en der DDR. 4pp., 1tab.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- MATZKE, 1985. Arion intermedius
im Forst bei Lichtenstein am n.lichen Fuße des
W.erzgebirges. 2pp., English summ. Euro 0.50
- MAY, 1921. A checklist of the
Mollusca of Tasmania. 112pp. Euro 18.50
- MCLEAN, 1967. Note on the Radula
of Mitromica. 1p., 1fig. Euro 0.50
1968-1977, complete for the indicated period, in issues, including
5 indices. It started as a mimeographic periodical in A4-size; now
it is a printed periodical; in the beginning it was mainly in
Dutch, now mainly in English; the molluscan part is substantial.
Euro 150.00
VOOR TERTIAIRE EN KWARTAIRE GEOLOGIE, 2(2) [Zelzate-nummer], repr.
from 1969, cover not perfect. Euro 3.30
Euro 3.00
(1966-7). Euro 0.70
- MEEK & al., 1964. The
ultrastructural localization of phosphatases in the neurones of
the snail, Helix aspersa. 10pp., 6pls. Euro 2.20
- MEHL & al., 1992.
Sipho-Erhaltung bei Pholadomya fidicula aus dem Mittleren Jura
(Bajocium), ein Vergleich mit der rezenten P. candida. 9pp.,
5figs., English summ. Euro 1.30
- MEIJER, 1969. Een monster
basisveen uit een steekboring nabij Dirksland. 3pp., English summ.
Euro 0.50
- MEIJER, 1970. De moeraskalk in
het Blekkinkveen bij Winterswijk. 3pp., 3figs., English summ. Euro
- MEIJER, 1972. Enkele mollusken
uit de klei van Neede. 2pp., English summ. Euro 0.50
- MEIJER, 1973. De land- &
zoetwatermollusken van de opgespoten terreinen in het
N.zeekanaalgebied & de Zaanstreek (Nederland, provincie N.
Holland). 24pp., 6pls., 1tab., English & German summ. Euro
- MEIJER, 1974. Aantekeningen over
de Bithyniidae in het Nederlandse Kwartair. 18pp., 5pls., English
& German summ. Euro 3.15
Weinbergschnecke Helix pomatia. 140pp., 72figs., col.frontispiece,
cover rather poor. Euro 16.50
Weinbergschnecke Helix pomatia. 140pp., 72figs., col.frontispiece,
small label on frontcover. Euro 20.00
- MELDAHL & al., 1992.
Neotectonics & Taphonomy: Pleistocene Molluscan Shell
Accumulations in the N.ern Gulf of California. 11pp., 6figs. Euro
- MELLON & al., 1969.
Exchanges of sodium ions in the central nervous system of Anodonta
cygnea. 10pp., 2figs., 4tabs. Euro 1.35
- MELONE & al., 1980.
Ritrovamento di Alvania subareolata. 5pp., 1pl., English &
French summ. Euro 0.95
- MENZEL, 1961. Shellfish
Mariculture. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- MENZEL, 1968. Cytotaxonomy of
species of clams (Mercenaria) & oysters (Crassostrea). 10pp.,
3pls., 4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.90
- MERRILL & al., 1965.
Mollusks new to S. Carolina. 9pp. Euro 1.30
- MERRILL & al., 1966. Further
note on distribution of Cymatiidae in w.ern Atlantic. 2pp. Euro
- MERRILL, 1961. Remarks
concerning the benefits of systematic & repetitive collecting
from navigation bouys. 1p., not specific malacological. Euro
- MERRILL, 1962. Range extension
for Cymatium caribbaeum with a note on adventitious dispersal.
2pp. Euro 0.50
- MERRILL, 1962. Variation &
change in surface sculpture in Anomia aculeata. 8pp., 1fig.,
1tab., 1pl. Euro 1.30
- MERRILL, 1963. Mollusks from a
buoy off Georgia. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- METZ, 1996. Some observations on
Thyca callista. 2pp., 4figs. Euro 0.50
- MEYER & al., 1993.
Schneckenbekämpfung, giftfrei & naturgemäss. 80pp.
[16pp. advertisements], 8col.pls., 26figs., softcover. Euro
- MICALI, 1985. Revisione delle
specie Mediterranee del genere Miralda. 5pp., 4figs., English
summ., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- MIENIS, 1978. Strombus
gibberulus gibbosus from the Galapagos Isls. 1p. Euro 0.50
- MIENIS, 1992. On the alleged
occurence of Limax flavus in Takarazuka-City, Japan. 1p.,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.15
- MIFSUD, 2001. A mysterious,
living, 'giant' Gymnosomata species near the Maltese Isls. 4pp.,
3figs. Euro 0.60
- MIFSUD, 2001. The genus
Mitromorpha & its sub-genera with notes on the European
species. 32pp., 4col.pls., 3tabs. Euro 11.50
- MIGLAVS & al., 1993. Brood
protection of Oenopota eggs by the shrimp Slerocrangon boreas.
3pp., 3figs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- MILLER, 1982. Report of
freshwater mollusks workshop 19-20 May 1981. X + 184pp., 57figs.,
6tabs., 15papers. Euro 26.50
- MISRA & al., 1997. Thermal
effects on a medically important snail species Lymnaea (Radix)
acuminata. 8pp., 5figs., 3tabs. Euro 1.20
- MÖHRES & al., 1964.
Welt unter Wasser Tiere des Mittelmeeres. 252pp., 118figs.
(107col.figs.), dustwrapper, not specific malacological. Euro
- MOLINIER & al., 1963.
Contribution à l'étude du peuplement infralittoral
de substrat solide dans le port du Brusc. 11pp., 1fig., 3fold.
tabs., English & Russian summ., not specific malacological.
Euro 2.00
- MOLL, 1941. Fossilium Catalogus
1: Animalia. Pars 95: Teredinidae. 87pp., tabs., cover soiled,
small part of frontcover missing, some foxing. Euro 16.50
- MONKS & al., 2000. A new
record of the Eocene coleoid Spirulirostra anomala & its
relationships to modern Spirula. 5pp., 1pl., 2figs. Euro
- MONKS & al., 2000. A new
record of the Eocene coleoid Spirulirostra anomala & its
relationships to modern Spirula. 5pp., 1pl., 2figs., xerox-copy.
Euro 0.30
- MOOK, 1971. Paleotemperatures
& chlorinities from stable carbon & oxygen isotopes in
shell carbonate. 19pp., 8figs., 2tabs. Euro 2.70
- MOOKHERJEE, 1985. Contributions
to the Molluscan fauna of India, Part 3. Marine molluscs of the
Coromandel coast, Palk Bay & Gulf of Mannar - Gastropoda:
Mesogastropoda (Part 2). 108pp., 15pls. Euro 17.00
- MOORE & al., 1960. A
deep-water coral reef in the Gulf of Mexico. 4pp., 2figs., not
specific malacological. Euro 0.60
- MOORE & al., 1966. Records
for Parabornia squillina. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- MOORE, 190?. Survey of oyster
bottoms in Matagorda Bay, Texas. 84pp., 13pls., tabs., large, no wrappers, some wear to 1st & last pp., some
foxing. Euro 14.00
- MOORE, 1957. A note on Cuna
dalli. 3pp., 1pl. Euro 0.60
- MOORE, 1969. Cyclostrema
miranda, a Synonym of Tornus subcarinatus. 2pp., 3figs. Euro
- MOQUIN-TANDON, 1855. Histoire
naturelle des mollusques terrestres & fluviatiles de France
contenant des études générales sur leur
anatomie & leur physiologie & la description particuliere
des genres, des especes & des variétés. VIII +
416 + 646pp, 2vols., vol. with pls. is lacking, hardcover, gilt
lettering on spines, a little foxing. Euro 250.00
- MORENO & al., 1982.
Histochemical & ultrastructural studies on the salivary glands
of Helix aspersa. 8pp., 4pls., 1tab. Euro 1.65
- MORGAN, 1972. The influence of
prey availability on the distribution & predatory behaviour of
Nucella lapillus. 18pp., 3figs., 7tabs. Euro 2.55
- MORRISON, 1929. A preliminary
list of the Mollusca of Dane County, Wisconsin. 21pp. Euro
- MORRISON, 1932. Studies on the
life history of Acella haldemani. 16pp., 2pls., 2figs. Euro
- MORRISON, 1949. Notes on the
Florida species of Bursa (A condensation). 3pp. Euro 0.50
- MORSE, 1910. An early stage of
Acmaea. 11pp., 8figs. Euro 1.75
- MORSE, 1921. Observations on
living gasteropods of New England. 38pp., 9pls. Euro 8.65
- MORTON & al. EDS., 1998.
Coastal ecology of the Açores. 249pp., tabs., (col.) figs.,
not specific malacological. Euro 42.50
- MORTON & al., 1959. A key to
the land snails of the Flatford Area, Suffolk. 11pp., 4pls.,
3figs. Euro 2.35
- MORTON & al., 1995.
Partitioning of shell resources by Aspidosiphon muelleri &
Anapagurus laevis in the Azores. 11pp., 3tabs., Portuguese summ.
Euro 1.55
- MORTON ED., 1994. The
malacofauna of Hong Kong & S.ern China 3 Proceedings of the
3rd International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong &
S.ern China, Hong Kong, 13 April - 1 May 1992. XXII + 482pp.,
233figs. (18col.figs.), 54tabs., 22papers, softcover. Euro
- MORTON, 1956. The tidal rhythm
& action of the digestive system of the lamellibranch Lasaea
rubra. 24pp., 8figs., 4tabs. Euro 3.30
- MORTON, 1969. Studies on the
biology of Dreissena polymorpha I. General anatomy &
morphology. 21pp., 13figs. Euro 2.90
- MORTON, 1977. The population
dynamics of Corbicula fluminea in Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong
Kong. 22pp., 13figs. Euro 3.05
- MORTON, 1980. Anatomy of the
'living fossil' Pholadomya candida. 91pp., 4pls., 65figs. Euro
- MORTON, 1985. Statocyst
structure in the Anomalodesmata. 12pp., 3figs., 2tabs. Euro
- MORTON, 1985. The population
dynamics, reproductive strategy & life history tactics of
Musculium lacustre in Hong Kong. 23pp., 10figs., 2tabs. Euro
- MORTON, 1986. Prey preference
& capture by Hemifusus ternatanus. 4pp., 4figs., 1tab. Euro
- MORTON, 1986. The population
dynamics & life history tactics of Pisidium clarkeanum &
P. annandalei sympatric in Hong Kong. 22pp., 4tabs., 8figs., 1pl.
Euro 3.15
- MORTON, 1990. The intertidal
ecology of Ilhéu de Vila Franca - a drowned volcanic crater
in the Azores. 18pp., 8figs., 1tab., Portuguese summ., not
specific malacological. Euro 2.55
1959. The Netherlands as an Environment for Land Mollusca. 43pp.,
6figs., Dutch summ. Euro 6.10
- MOUTHON & al., 2000.
Musculium transversum: a species new to the fauna of France. 7pp.,
7figs., 1tab. Euro 1.05
- MOYER & al., 1982. Massive
destruction of scleractinian corals by the muricid gastropod,
Drupella, in Japan & the Philippines. 14pp., 2tabs., 8figs.
Euro 2.00
- MÜHLIG & al., 1996. Zum
'Frühjahrstreffen der DMG' in Lohr am Main vom 24-7. Mai
1996. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- MURRAY & al., 1962. Unionid
mussels in Kansas. 185pp., 87figs., 5tabs. Euro 27.00
MALAKOZOOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, 32-38, bound in 4vols., some
underlining in (colour-) pencil, edges & spine-ends somewhat
bumped. Euro 230.00
- NAKAGAWA & al., 1993. Fossil
Shell Assemblages & 14C-ages on the Holocene Shell Bed
Discovered at Takahama-cho, W.ern Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan.
13pp., 5tabs., 2figs., in Japanese, English summ. Euro 1.90
- NARANJO-GARCIA & al., 2000.
A n.gen. & sp. of semi-slug from s.ern Chiapas, Mexico. 9pp.,
5figs., Spanish summ. Euro 1.35
- NECKHEIM, 1992. De mollusken van
de N.elijke Oeverlanden. 23pp., 1pl., 4maps, tabs., English summ.
Euro 3.25
- NEDEAU & al., 2000. The
Freshwater Mussels of Maine. 118pp., num. maps, tabs. & figs.
(mostly col.). Euro 18.00
- NEKHOROSHEV & al., 1990.
Chemical composition of biodeposits & the rate of their
extraction by cultivated mussels; combined with: IVANOV, 1990.
Mussel cultivation in highly trophic regions. 12pp., 9tabs.,
1fig., in Russian, English summ. Euro 1.65
- NEUBERT & al., 1998.
Contributions to the nomenclature & phylogeny of Boettgeria
with description of Loosjesiella n.subgen. 12pp., 2tabs., 8figs.
Euro 1.80
- NEUBERT & al., 2000. The
land snails of the area between Kas & Demre, s.w.ern Turkey,
with special reference to Albinaria. 19pp., 9figs. Euro
- NEUBERT, 1998. New data on the
fauna of Clausiliidae of Greece, in particular on Albinaria from
Attica & the Peloponnese. 31pp., 63figs., 1tab. Euro
- NEWELL & al., 1962. A New
Bivalve from the Permian of the W.ern U.S. 4pp., 8figs. Euro
- NEWELL, 1939. Permian pelecypod
genus Liebea. 5pp., 1pl., 3figs., last p. xerox-copy. Euro
- NICKLES, 1953. Quelques
lamellibranches de littoral ouest-africain. 11pp., 1pl. Euro
- NIKOLIC & al., 1968. El
ostion del mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae (experimentos iniciales
en el cultivo). 9pp., 17pls., English & French summ. Euro
- NISHI & al., 1998.
Preliminary report of macrobenthic surveys in Osaka Bay, the
Inland Sea of Japan, in the year of 1993 & 1996. 12pp.,
3tabs., 1fig., in Japanese, English summ., not specific
malacological. Euro 1.65
- NISHIMURA & al., 1985. Notes
on 2 Freshwater Clams Imported from China. 1p., 1pl., in Japanese.
Euro 0.50
- NODA & al., 1986.
Distribution of Anadara (Hataiarca) kakehataensis &
characteristics of the associated molluscan fauna in the early
Middle Miocene of Japan. 12pp., 1pl., 1fig., 2tabs., in Japanese,
English summ. Euro 1.75
- NOFRONI & al., 2000.
Turbonilla penasi, new name for T. buttoni. 1p. Euro 0.50
- NOFRONI, 1993. Odostomia
nisoides, sinonimo juniore di Eulimella scillae. 4pp., 3figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- NORDSIECK, 1968. Die
europäischen Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken. Vom Eismeer bis
Kapverden & Mittelmeer. 242pp., 35pls. (4col.pls.), hardcover,
dustwrapper. Euro 42.00
- NORDSIECK, 1976. Clausilien aus
dem O-Pliozän des Elsaß, 2 (mit Bemerkungen zur
systematischen Stellung von Triptychia). 8pp., 2figs., 2pls.,
1tab., French summ. Euro 1.50
- NORDSIECK, 1993. Türkische
Clausiliidae, 1: Neue Arttaxa des Genus Albinaria in S.-Anatolien.
25pp., 6pls., 5figs., English summ. Euro 4.30
- NORDSIECK, 1994. Türkische
Clausiliidae, 2: Neue Taxa der Unterfamilien Serrulininae &
Mentissoideinae in Anatolien. 30pp., 6pls., 7figs., English summ.
Euro 5.15
- NORDSIECK, 1995. Iranische
Clausiliidae: Die Arten in Gilan & Mazandaran (mit
Beschreibung neuer Taxa). 24pp., 3pls., 5figs., English summ. Euro
- NOTIZIARIO S.I.M., 8-9. 400pp.
Euro 18.50
- ODHNER, 1912. N.ern & Arctic
invertebrates in the collection of the Swedish State Museum
(Riksmuseum) - 5. Prosobranchia. 1 Diotocardia. 91pp., 7pls.,
7figs., tabs., waterstained (wrinkled), cover not perfect. Euro
- ODHNER, 1913. N.ern & Arctic
invertebrates in the collection of the Swedish State Museum
(Riksmuseum) - 6. Prosobranchia. 2 Semiproboscidifera. 87pp.,
5pls., 5figs., tabs., cover not perfect. Euro 25.00
- OHNO, 1989. Palaeotidal
characteristics determined by micro-growth patterns in bivalves.
25pp., 2pls., 9figs., 4tabs. Euro 3.95
- OKAMOTO & al., 1994. Shell
Corrosion observed on Vicarya Specimens from the Miocene
Formations in Shobara & Tsuyama Areas, SW. Japan. 6pp., 1pl.,
1tab., in Japanese, English summ. Euro 1.05
- OKAMOTO, 1978. Paleontological
note of megafossils. 3pp., 1pl., 1tab., with message from author.
Euro 0.60
- OKUTANI & al., 2000. 2
Additional N.Sp. to Gastropod Fauna of Chemosynthetic Site on N.
Knoll of Iheya Ridge, Okinawa Trough. 9pp., 6figs., Japanese summ.
Euro 1.55
- OLD, 1964. Comments on Thais
planosipra. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- OLD, 1965. On the identity of
Conus pastinaca. 4pp., 1pl. Euro 0.70
- OLDHAM, 1928. Albinistic
Varieties of Planorbis corneus. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- OLIVER & al., 1970.
Collecting tropical marine molluscs. 7pp. Euro 0.85
- OLIVER & al., 1976.
Collecting tropical marine molluscs. 7pp., 1st reprint. Euro
- OMURA & al., 1979.
Uranium-series ages of echinoids & corals from the upper
Pleistocene Magdalena Terrace, Baja California Sur, Mexico. 6pp.,
1fig., 1tab. Euro 0.85
- OOSTERHOFF, 1977. Variation in
growth rate as an ecological factor in the landsnail Cepaea
nemoralis. 132pp., 58figs. Euro 14.00
- OOYAGI & al., 1984. Notes on
Some Freshwater Molluscs Found in Shimokita Peninsula, the
N.ernmost of Honshu. 2pp., 6figs., in Japanese. Euro 0.50
- ORLANDO, 19??. La collezione
malacologica [Museo Mandralisca]. 8pp., 17col.figs. Euro
- ORLANDO, 1987. E. Pirajno di
Mandralisca (1809-64). 8pp., in Italian, English summ. Euro
- ORR, 2000. Seashells of Cyprus.
231pp., col.figs., softcover. Euro 15.00
- OSTERGAARD, 1939. Reports on
Fossil Mollusca of Molokai & Maui. 11pp. Euro 1.75
Vandremuslingen (Dreissenssia polymorpha) i Furesø. 9pp.,
2figs., 5tabs. Euro 1.30
- PACAUD & al., 2000. The
occurence of the genus Fusulculus in the Eocene of England, with a
description of 2 n.sp. 5pp., 1pl., 2tabs., French summ. Euro
- PACAUD, 1998. Un nouveau genre
de Pholadidae du Paléogène inférieur du n. de
l'Atlantique. 14pp., 34figs., 2tabs., English summ. Euro
- PAETEL, 1887-90. Catalog der
Conchylien-Sammlung von F. Paetel. 4te Neubearbeitung. Mit
Hinzufügung der bis jetzt publicirten recenten Arten, sowie
der ermittelten Synonyma. 1452pp., 3parts in 3vols., spines
slightly rubbed, edges slightly bumped. Euro 420.00
- PAIN, 19??. A Short Glossary of
Molluscan Terms. 9pp. Euro 1.05
- PAJARDI, 1996. Studio sui
differenti comportamenti nel ciclo vitale di Ancylus fluviatilis
in diversi ambienti. 1p., summ. of thesis; combined with:
TRENTINI, 1996. Dinamiche di popolazione di Lymnaea peregra in
ambienti con differenti caratterizzazioni geografiche. 1p., summ.
of thesis. Euro 0.50
- PALAZZI, 1978. Osservazioni
sull'habitat di Gibbula nivosa. 4pp., 1map, English summ. Euro
- PALLANT, 1969. The food of the
grey slug (Agriolimax reticulatus) in woodland. 7pp., 1fig.,
5tabs. Euro 0.95
- PALLANT, 1972. The food of the
grey field slug, Agriolimax reticulatus, on grassland. 9pp.,
3figs., 5tabs. Euro 1.20
- PALMER, 1979. An introduction to
the Scaphopoda. 11pp., 5figs. Euro 1.30
- PALMQVIST, 1991. Differences in
the fossilization potential of bivalve & gastropod species
related to their life sites & trophic resources. 2pp., 1tab.
Euro 0.50
- PANETTA, 1980. Importanza dei
molluschi nella definizione delle biocenosi del Mar Grande di
Taranto. 2pp., English summ. Euro 0.50
- PARAVICINI, 1940. Die
Molluskenfauna des Krinauertales im Toggenburg. 3pp. Euro
- PARENZAN, 1970. Carta
d'identità delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo Volume primo
Gasteropodi. 279pp., 53pls., 4figs. Euro 38.50
- PARKER & al., 1956. Fauna
& bathymetry of banks on continental shelf, nw. Gulf of
Mexico. 11pp., 1pl., 1tab., 6figs. Euro 1.90
- PARKER, 1955. Changes in the
invertebrate fauna, apparently attributable to salinity changes,
in the bays of central Texas. 19pp., 8figs., 2tabs. Euro
- PARKIN, 1973. A further example
of natural selection on phenotypes of the land snail Arianta
arbustorum. 13pp., 2figs., 5tabs. Euro 1.75
- PARKINSON, 2000. Common
Seashells of New Zealand. 55pp., 39col.pls., softcover. Euro
- PAVIA, 1983. New data on
Orthogarantiana (Torrensia) in the European Upper Bajocian. 12pp.,
1pl., 3figs., Italian summ. Euro 1.90
- PAYNE & al., 1972.
Cellulolytic activity & a study of the bacterial population in
the digestive tract of Scrobicularia plana. 14pp., 5tabs., 5figs.
Euro 2.00
- PELOSI, 1959. The Book of
Shellcraft Instruction 2nd Ed. 80pp., light fold in frontcover.
Euro 10.00
- PELSENEER, 1937. Le
mécanisme de l'évolution: l'adaptation, les
variations adaptatives & leur hérédité.
40pp., 7figs. Euro 7.00
- PEÑAS & al., 2000.
The family Pyramidellidae in W. Africa. 7. Addenda to the genera
Eulimella & Turbonilla, with a list of the E. Atlantic species
& synonyms. 14pp., 8pls., 2tabs., Spanish summ. Euro
- PENN, 1958. Studies on Ciliates
from Mollusks of Iowa. 18pp., 27figs., 1tab. Euro 2.35
- PERERA & al., 1996. Apple
snails in the aquarium Ampullariids: their identification, care,
& breeding. IV + 123pp., num.figs., fullcol., glossy,
hardcover. Euro 30.00
- PERRONE & al., 1997.
Opisthobranchia of the genus Chelidonura from the Isle of Malta.
10pp., 1tab., 8figs. (1col.fig.). Euro 1.55
- PERRONE, 1983. Cyerce
cristallina nel Golfo di Taranto. 6pp., 2figs., English summ. Euro
- PERRONE, 1983. Descrizione di un
raro nudibranco Mediterraneo: Atagema rugosa. 8pp., 4figs.,
English summ. Euro 1.20
- PERRONE, 2000. A n.sp. of
Nudibranchia of the genus Phyllidia from the Maldive Isls. 9pp.,
4figs. (1col.fig.), 1tab. Euro 1.35
- PERRONE, 2001. A n.sp. of
Nudibranchia of the genus Aldisa from Thailand. 12pp., 5figs.
(1col.fig.), 1tab. Euro 1.80
- PERRONE, 2001. A n.sp. of
Nudibranchia of the genus Doriopsilla from S. Africa. 8pp., 4figs.
Euro 1.20
- PERRY & al., 1955. Marine
shells of the w.ern coast of Florida. 263pp., 55pls.,
frontispiece, 6figs., hardcover. Euro 35.00
- PETERSEN, 1964. The distribution
of Eulota fruticum & Arianta arbustorum in Denmark. 8pp.,
6maps. Euro 1.20
- PETKEVICH, 1990. Microelements
in cultivated mussels of the Odessa Bay; combined with: STEPANYUK
& al., 1990. Protein & amino acid pool of the Odessa Bay
mussels. 12pp., 3tabs., 2figs., in Russian, English summ. Euro
- PFEIFFER, 1949. Levantina
spiriplana. 51pp., 7pls., 3maps, 1fig., 6tabs. Euro 8.85
- PFITZENMEYER & al., 19??.
Some Factors Influencing Reburrowing Activity of Soft-Shell Clam,
Mya arenaria. 7pp., 4tabs., 2figs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- PHILLIPS & al., 1937. Growth
Indices of Littorina irrorata. Part 1. Width, Length,
Peristome-Width & Volume. 9pp., 4tabs., 2figs.; combined with:
NEWCOMBE & al., 1937. Growth Indices of Littorina irrorata.
Part 2. Width, Shell Weights, Fresh & Dry Weights of Body
Parts. 8pp., 7tabs., 1fig. Euro 2.70
- PHILLIPS, 1982. Catalogue of the
Type & Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda (excluding
Mesozoic Ammonoidea) in the BM(NH). 94pp. Euro 17.50
- PHILLIPS, 1982. Catalogue of the
Type & Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda (excluding
Mesozoic Ammonoidea) in the BM(NH). 94pp., frontwrapper & 1st
3pp. repaired with tape. Euro 15.00
- PIECHOCKI & al., 1993.
Mieczaki (Mollusca) Matze (Bivalvia) [Bivalves of Poland]. 198pp.,
107figs., in Polish. Euro 22.00
- PILSBRY, 1897. New Brazilian
Streptaxidæ. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- PILSBRY, 1899. Relations of the
Land Molluscan Fauna of S. America. 1p. Euro 0.50
- PILSBRY, 1900. Lower Californian
species of Cúlocentrum & Berendtia; combined with:
Sonorella, a n.gen. of helices. 11pp., 4figs., 1pl., 1p. in
xerox-copy. Euro 1.75
- PILSBRY, 1900. New S. American
land snails. 10pp., 2pls., 1pl. in xerox-copy. Euro 1.65
- PILSBRY, 1919. A Review of the
Land Mollusks of the Belgian Congo Chiefly Based on the
Collections of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-15. X +
370pp., 163figs., 3maps, 23pls. (8col.pls.), small part of
frontcover is missing. Euro 75.00
- PILSBRY, 1933. W. African snails
of the family Achatinidae in the USNM. 6pp., 2pls. Euro
- PILSBRY, 1935. S. American Land
& Freshwater Mollusks, 9 - Colombian Species. 6pp., 1pl. Euro
- PILSBRY, 1938. A n.sp. of
Glyptostoma. 1p. Euro 0.50
- PILSBRY, 1944. Molluscan fossils
from the Rio Pachitea & vicinity in e.ern Peru. 17pp., 3pls.,
3figs. Euro 3.50
- PIMENTA & al., 2000.
Odostomella carceralis n.sp. from Ilha Grande, SE Brazil. 6pp.,
7figs., 1tab. Euro 0.90
- PIMENTA & al., 2001.
Taxonomic revision of the species of Turbonilla with type
localities in Brazil, & description of a n.sp. 20pp., 41figs.
Euro 3.00
- PINTÉR & al., 1980.
Metafruticicola. 1p. Euro 0.50
- PINTÉR & al., 1983.
Über eine neue Lindbergia-Art von Kérkyra,
Griechenland. 3pp., 3figs. Euro 0.50
- PODANI & al., EDS, 1992. A
complex malacological & ecological survey of the Bükk
Mountains, Hungary. 69pp., 36figs., 8tabs., 1map, 8papers. Euro
- POINTIER & al., 1979. Le
genre Lyria & une étude taxonomique, anatomique &
écologique de L. archeri en Guadeloupe (Antilles
françaises). 33pp., 2pls., 23figs., 2tabs., English summ.
Euro 5.55
- POJETA & al., 1987.
Ascaulocardium armatum, new genus (Late Cretaceous): The Ultimate
Variation on the Bivalve Paradigm. 77pp., 42figs. Euro
- POLLARD, 1975. Aspects of the
ecology of Helix pomatia. 25pp., 7tabs., 10figs., 1pl. Euro
- PONDER & al., 1992.
Predatory shell drilling by 2 species of Austroginella. 12pp.,
1tab., 5figs. Euro 1.90
- PONDER, 1966. The New Zealand
species previously known as Zelaxitas. 14pp., 34figs. Euro
- PONDER, 1968. 3 commensal
bivalves from New Zealand. 7pp., 9figs. Euro 1.05
- PONDER, 1968. Nomenclatural
notes on some New Zealand rachiglossan gastropods with
descriptions of 5 n.sp. 19pp., 62figs. Euro 2.70
- PONDER, 1968. Notes on New
Zealand prosobranchs with descriptions of n.sp. & ssp. 12pp.,
14figs. Euro 1.75
- PONDER, 1968. The morphology of
some small New Zealand prosobranchs. 35pp., 37figs. Euro
- PONDER, 1971. Some New Zealand
& Subantarctic bivalves of the Cymiacea & Leptonacea with
descriptions of new taxa. 23pp., 48figs. Euro 3.25
- PONDER, 1983. The Eatoniellidae,
Rissoidae, Barleeidae, Cingulopsidae, Orbitestellidae &
Rissoellidae of Signy Isl., S. Orkney Isls, with a review of the
Antarctic & sub-Antarctic (excluding s.ern S. America &
the New Zealand sub-Antarctic isls) species. 67pp., 29pls., 2tabs.
Euro 22.50
- POSTMA & al., 1961. Het
strand in kleuren. 42pp., 64col.pls. with 263figs., beachguide,
3rd printing. Euro 5.50
- POVCHUN, 1987. Formation of the
Black Sea mussel community. Communication 1 & 2. 21pp.,
9tabs., 3figs., in Russian, English summ. Euro 2.90
- POWELL, 1966. The molluscan
families Speightiidae & Turridae An evaluation of the valid
taxa, both Recent & fossil, with lists of characteristic
species. 181pp., 23pls., 8figs. Euro 37.50
- POWELL, 1966. The molluscan
families Speightiidae & Turridae An evaluation of the valid
taxa, both Recent & fossil, with lists of characteristic
species. 181pp., 23pls., 8figs., spine not perfect, cover somewhat
stained, bottomcorner of pls. a little ribbled as a result of
damp. Euro 32.50
- POWELL, 1967. Mollusca of the
Kermadec Isls Part 2. 3pp., 1pl. Euro 0.60
- PRIEUR, 1981. Nouvelles donnees
sur les relations entre bacteries & bivalves marins. 8pp.,
2pls., 2tabs., English summ. Euro 1.40
- PRITCHARD & al., 1900.
Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Part 4. 18pp. Euro
- PRITCHARD & al., 1902.
Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Part 5. 54pp., with
message from 2nd author. Euro 10.30
- PRITCHARD & al., 1903.
Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Part 7. 44pp. Euro
SOCIETY OF LONDON, 9(1),9(4), 9(5), 9(6). Euro 0.17,5 per
SOCIETY OF LONDON, 13-4. hardcover. Euro 89.00
SOCIETY OF LONDON, 29(4), 29(6). Euro 0.15 per page/plate
SOCIETY OF LONDON, 36(2)-37(4). Euro 49.00
SOCIETY OF LONDON, 37(6), 39(1), 39(4), 39(5), 39(6), 41(1). Euro
0.10 per page/plate
vind ik in sloot & plas? 4de druk. 122pp., 34pls. (8col.pls.),
not specific malacological. Euro 8.00
vind ik aan het strand? 4de druk. 100pp., 34pls. (5col.pls.),
beachguide, a former owner filled the empty spaces with postcards,
paper-clippings & stamps. Euro 4.50
vind ik aan het strand? 4de druk. 100pp., 34pls. (5col.pls.),
beachguide, spine 100% loose. Euro 4.50
vind ik aan het strand? 8ste druk. 99pp., 34pls. (19col.pls.),
figs., not specific malacological. Euro 11.50
- PURCHON, 1939. The effect of the
environment upon the shell of Cardium edule. 12pp., 9tabs.,
3figs., xerox-copy. Euro 0.35
- PURCHON, 1957. The stomach in
the Filibranchia & Pseudolamellibranchia. 34pp., 13figs.,
1tab. Euro 4.65
- PURCHON, 1958. The stomach in
the Eulamellibranchia; stomach type 4. 39pp., 14figs., 1tab. Euro
- PURCHON, 1987. The stomach in
the Bivalvia. 94pp., 7tabs., 16figs.; combined with: PURCHON,
1987. Classification & evolution of the Bivalvia: an
analytical study. 26pp., 1fig., 12tabs. Euro 16.85
- QIQIAN, 2001. Fauna Sinica
Phyllum Mollusca Class Bivalvia Family Veneridae. VIII + 269pp.,
145figs., 19tabs., in Chinese, English summ., hardcover. Euro
- QUAYLE, 1956. [tabular data on
the life history & ecology of several species of British
Columbia mollusks]. 7pp., xerox-copies. Euro 0.50
- QUAYLE, 1960. The Intertidal
Bivalves of British Columbia. 104pp., figs., a few notes in
pencil, cover somewhat soiled. Euro 7.50
- QUICK, 1949. Synopses of the
British fauna No. 8 - Slugs. 27pp., 2pls., 26figs. Euro
- RAFFY & al., 1934. Survie
& respiration de Succinées immergées. 2pp. Euro
- RAFFY & al., 1935. Influence
de la suroxygénation de l'atmosphère sur le milieu
intérieur d'Helix pomatia. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- RÄHLE & al., 1987. Eine
neue, unterirdisch lebende Zonitiden-Art aus SW.anatolien,
Türkei. 5pp., 2figs., English summ. Euro 0.70
- RÄHLE, 1993. Deroceras
kasium n.sp., eine neue Nacktschnecke von der Insel Kasos
(Dodekanes, Griechenland). 5pp., 8figs., English summ. Euro
- RÄHLE, 1997. Ein Fund von
Tandonia nigra in den Bergamasker Alpen (Alpi Orobie, N.italien).
6pp., 3figs., English summ. Euro 0.90
- RANTAMÄKI, 1999.
Biochemical effects of crude oil on the common mussel Mytilus
edulis. 160pp., 8figs., 21tabs., thesis, some light folds. Euro
- RAPAPORT, 1995. Pearl Farming in
the Tuamotus: Atoll Development & Its Consequences. 25pp.,
1tab., 5figs. Euro 3.85
- RAVEN, 1958. Morphogenesis: the
analysis of molluscan development. XII + 311pp., 66figs., 12pls.,
hardcover. Euro 42.00
- RAVN, 1902. Molluskerne i
Danmarks Kridtaflejringer. 2. Scaphopoder, Gastropoder &
Cephalopoder. 76pp., 5pls., 2figs., description of n.sp. in
French. Euro 25.00
- RAVN, 1907. Molluskfaunaen i
Jyllands Tertiæraflejringer en
palæontologisk-stratigrafisk undersøgelse. 187pp.,
8pls., 1map, 1fig., tabs., French summ. Euro 65.00
- RAYMOND, 1890. Notes on the
subalpine Mollusca of the Sierra Nevada, near lat. 38°. 9pp.,
1pl.; combined with: COOPER, 1890. Additional Notes &
Description of N.Sp. 22pp. Euro 7.25
- RAZIN, 1934. Marine commercial
molluscs of the s.ern part of the maritime province of the Soviet
Far E. 108pp., tabs., 13figs., large (rather frayed at
the edges), in Russian, English summ. (3.5p.), softcover,
ex-library copy (cardholder). Euro 29.00
- READER, 1973. Histological &
ultrastructural studies on the testis of Bithynia tentaculata,
& on the effects of Cercaria helvetica 12 on this host organ.
13pp., 8pls., 2figs. Euro 2.85
- RECKSIEK & al., 1978.
Biological oceanographic, & acoustic aspects of the market
squid, Loligo opalescens. 183pp., 32tabs., 62figs. Euro
- REDEKE, 1948. Hydrobiologie van
Nederland De zoete wateren. 574pp., 1pl., 461figs., 14tabs., repr.
from 1975, not specific malacological. Euro 26.50
- REESIDE, 1927. Cephalopods from
the lower part of the Cody Shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming. II +
19pp., 8pls.; combined with: REESIDE, 1927. The cephalopods of the
Eagle sandstone & related formations in the w.ern interior of
the U.S. IV + 87pp., 45pls., 1fig.; &: SMITH, 1932. Lower
Triassic ammonoids of N. America. VI + 199pp., 81pls., hardcover,
slightly bumped at edges. Euro 100.00
- REHDER, 1944. A new Vitrinella
from Maryland. 1p., pl. lacking. Euro 0.15
- REHDER, 1970. Supplementary
Comments on Deep Water Volutidae from the S. China Sea & S.
Africa. 2pp., 1pl. Euro 0.50
- REID, 1965. The structure &
function of the stomach in bivalve molluscs. 29pp., 14figs. Euro
- REID, 1969. Mussel survey
Hauraki Gulf & Firth of Thames 1958. 24pp., 13figs., 1tab.
Euro 3.40
- REIMER & al., 1996.
Phenotypical improvement of morphological defences in the mussel
Mytilus edulis induced by exposure to the predator Asterias
rubens. 8pp., 3figs., 1tab. Euro 1.20
- REISE & al., 1997. Deroceras
rodnae in der Sächsischen Schweiz (Sachsen). 3pp., 2figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.50
- REISE, 1995. Mating behaviour of
Deroceras rodnae & D. praecox. 6pp., 1fig. Euro 0.95
- REISE, 1996. Laboratory studies
on mating & egg-laying of Deroceras rodnae & D. praecox.
5pp., 2tabs., 2figs. Euro 0.70
- RENSCH, 1934. Studies on Papuina
& Dendrotrochus, pulmonate mollusks from the Solomon Isls.
26pp., 16figs. Euro 4.20
- REPETTO, 1983. Come collezionare
le conchiglie marine, dulcicole & terrestri. 29pp., 4pls.,
9figs., 1tab. Euro 4.65
- REPETTO, 1984. Malacofauna
dulcicola albese. 1 - Gli stagni topino. 11pp., 5tabs., 1map,
12figs., English summ. Euro 1.75
- REPETTO, 1985. Malacofauna
dulcicola albese 2 - Le sorgenti del Belbo. 8pp., 7figs., 3tabs.,
English summ., with message from author. Euro 1.30
- REPETTO, 1985. Malacofauna
presente nella tanatocenosi di una posatura detritica vegetale del
fiume Belbo. 7pp., 4pls., English & French summ. Euro
- RICCI & al., 1988. Diplodon
(D.) multistriatus: concha, partes moles &
considerações taxonômicas. 19pp., 15figs.,
English summ. Euro 2.10
- RICHARD & al., 1970. Bilan
comparatif qualitatif & quantitatif des mollusques de
récifs extérieurs d'atolls ou d'iles hautes de
Polynésie Francaise. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- RIEDEL, 1964. Zonitidae der
Azoren. 54pp., 1pl., 43figs., xerox-copy. Euro 2.55
- RIEDEL, 1993. Early Ontogenetic
Shell Formation in Some Freshwater Gastropods & Taxonomic
Implications of the Protoconch. 15pp., 5pls., 38figs. Euro
- RIGBY, 1963. Alimentary &
reproductive systems of Oxychilus cellarius. 49pp., 18figs.,
3tabs. Euro 7.00
- RIGBY, 1965. Succinea putris: a
terrestrial opisthobranch mollusc. 42pp., 1pl., 11figs., 2tabs.
Euro 6.10
- ROBERTSON & al., 19??.
Abnormal Dextral Hyperstrophy of Post-Larval Heliacus. 4pp., 2pls.
Euro 0.95
- ROBERTSON & al., 1948. The
Mollusca of the Niagara Frontier Region & Adjacent Territory.
XII + 177pp., 14pls., 4figs., frontispiece, large Euro
- ROBERTSON & al., 1970. The
Feeding, Larval Dispersal, & Metamorphosis of Philippia.
11pp., 7figs. Euro 1.75
- ROBERTSON & al., 1979. The
ectoparasitism of Boonea & Fargoa. 14pp., 5tabs. Euro
- ROBERTSON, 1963. Bathymetric
& geographic distribution of Panopea bitruncata. 8pp., 1fig.
Euro 1.20
- ROBERTSON, 1964. Dispersal &
wastage of larval Philippia krebsii in the N. Atlantic. 27pp.,
17figs., 6tabs. Euro 4.20
- ROBERTSON, 1967. Heliacus
Symbiotic with Zoanthiniaria. 2pp., 1tab., 1fig., tear. Euro
- ROBERTSON, 1971. Biological
systematics of marine bivalves & gastropods. 2pp. Euro
- ROBERTSON, 1985.
Archaeogastropod biology & the systematics of the genus
Tricolia in the Indo-W.-Pacific. 4pp., 3figs., brochure for
'Monographs of marine Mollusca'. Euro 0.50
- ROBERTSON, 1989. Spermatophores
of aquatic non-stylommatophoran gastropods: a review with new data
on Heliacus. 24pp., 3figs., 1tab. Euro 3.60
- ROBERTSON, 1996. Fargoa
bartschi: a little-known Atlantic & Gulf coast American
odostomian & its generic relationships. 11pp., 18figs., 1tab.
Euro 1.65
- ROBSON, 1948. The Cephalopoda
Decapoda of the Arcturus Oceanographic Expedition, 1925. 18pp.,
18figs. Euro 2.55
- RÖCKEL & al., 1990. Zur
Identität von C. lizardensis & C. sibogae - mit
Beschreibung 3er neuer Conus-Arten von Queensland, Australien.
29pp., 10pls. (, 1tab., 4figs., English summ.; combined
with: RÖCKEL & al., 1990. Conus species from the W.ern
Indian Ocean, dredged by Soviet biologists. 5pp., 1fig., 1tab.
Euro 8.00
- RODING, 1966. Molluskenfunde
während 2 Fahrten in Jugoslavien, insbesondere in Mazedonien.
18pp., 1map, Russian summ. Euro 2.90
- ROE & al., 1997.
Identification of a Fish Host of the Inflated Heelsplitter
Potamilus inflatus with a Description of Its Glochidium. 7pp.,
2figs., 1tab. Euro 0.95
- ROE & al., 1998. Molecular
systematics of the freshwater mussel genus Potamilus. 11pp.,
4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.55
- ROGERS, 1937. The shell book.
483pp., figs., 104pls. (8colpls.) Euro 28.00
- ROLAN & al., 1990.
Coralliophila adansoni new name for Ocinebrina adansoni. 2pp.,
Spanish & Italian summ. Euro 0.50
- ROLAN & al., 1998. Las
familias Barleeiidae & Anabathridae en Quintana Roo,
México. 10pp., 42figs., English & Italian summ. Euro
- ROLAN & al., 1998. The
genera Megalomphalus & Macrophalina in the Caribbean area,
with the description of 13 n.sp. 52pp., 2tabs., 120figs., Spanish
summ. Euro 7.95
- ROLAN & al., 1999. Checklist
of the Angolan marine molluscs. 128pp., in English & Spanish.
Euro 15.00
- ROLAN & al., 1999. New
information on the malacological fauna of the Cape Verde
Archipelago, with the description of 5 n.sp. 10pp., 30figs.,
French & Spanish summ. Euro 1.90
- ROLAN & al., 2000. A new
Teinostoma from Ghana (W. Africa). 2pp., 3figs. Euro 0.50
- ROLAN & al., 2000. A
peculiar high-tidal molluscan assemblage from a Madeiran boulder
beach. 21pp., 57figs., 2tabs., Spanish summ. Euro 3.25
- ROLAN & al., 2000. The
subfamily Rissoininae in the Cape Verde Archipelago (W. Africa).
74pp., 176figs., 2tabs., Spanish summ., last p. loose. Euro
- ROLAN, 1987. El genero Manzonia
en el archipielago de Cabo Verde. 10pp., 2pls. Euro 2.00
- ROLAN, 1990. Belgrandia
lusitanica, especie endemica de Portugal, en riesgo de extincion.
6pp., 1fig., English summ. Euro 0.95
- ROLAN, 1990. Descripcion de
nuevas especies & subespecies del genero Conus para el
Archipiélago de Cabo Verde. 59pp., 9pls. (4col.pls.),
3tabs., 5figs., English summ. Euro 12.50
- ROLAN, 1998. A n.sp. of Zebina
from Yucatán (Mexico). 3pp., 4figs. Euro 0.60
- ROLLINS, 1966. Morphological
Observations on the Bellerophont Ptomatis patulus. 7pp., 5figs.
Euro 0.95
- ROMERO SA & al., 1984.
Gastrópodes encontrados no conteúdo digestivo de
exemplares de Holothuria grisea capturados no litoral sul do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 18pp., 47figs., English summ.
Euro 2.55
- RONDELAUD, 1982. Le controle
biologique par predation de Lymnaea truncatula etude experimentale
de la dynamique de 5 especes de mollusques apres arret du
traitement. 4pp., 1tab., English summ. Euro 0.60
- ROPER & al., 1967. A Review
of the Valbyteuthidae & an Evaluation of its Relationship With
the Chiroteuthidae. 9pp., 4pls., 1fig. Euro 1.80
- ROPER & al., 1972. Cirrate
Octopods with Associated Deep-Sea Organisms: New Biological Data
Based on Deep Benthic Photographs. 46pp., 53figs., 3tabs. Euro
- ROPER & al., 1975. Vertical
Distribution of Pelagic Cephalopods. 51pp., 31figs. Euro
- ROPER & al., 1990.
Comparative Morphology & Function of Dermal Structures in
Oceanic Squids. 40pp., 1tab., 81figs. Euro 6.10
- ROPES & al., 1971. LP
Polysulfide Proves No. 1... Even With Surf Clams. 5pp., 6figs.,
2tabs. Euro 0.70
- ROSE, 198?. Lecithotrophic
development of Hoplodoris nodulosa. 7pp., 1pl. Euro 1.20
- ROSE, 198?. The spawn &
embryonic development of colour variants of Dendrodoris nigra.
12pp., 2pls., 3tabs. Euro 2.00
- ROSEWATER, 1959. Mollusks of the
Salt River, Kentucky. 7pp. Euro 0.95
- ROSEWATER, 1975. Mollusks of
Gatun Locks, Panama Canal. 2pp., 1tab., xerox-copy. Euro
- ROTH, 1975. On the affinities of
Monadenia churchi; combined with: ROTH, 1975. Description of a new
terrestrial snail from San Nicholas Isl., California. 4pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.60
- ROTH, 1975. What is Pitaria ida?
3pp., 1pl. Euro 0.60
- ROTH, 1981. Distribution,
reproductive anatomy, & variation of Monodenia troglodytes
with the proposal of a new subgenus. 29pp., 18figs., 4tabs. Euro
- ROUGET, 1963. Operatie schelpen.
18pp., 2col.pls., 27figs. Euro 2.25
- RUBIO & al., 1992. Nueva
especie de Hyalogyra procedente de la costa occidental africana.
4pp., 6figs., Italian & English summ. Euro 0.60
- RUDOLPH, 1973. The histochemical
identification of galoctogen in the Succineidae; combined with:
SENSEMAN & al., 1973. Comparative aspects of the morphology
& physiology of a single identifiable neuron in Helix aspersa,
Limax maximus & Ariolimax californica. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- RUEDEMANN, 1906. Cephalopoda of
the Beekmantown & Chazy formations of the Champlain basin.
219pp., 38pls. (13fold.pls.), 57figs., tabs., disbound, topcorner
bumped. Euro 40.00
- RUSCHENBERGER, 1889. Conchology:
the natural history of shells & Mollusca. - from the works of
- Milne Edwards & Archille Comte. Professors of Natural
History in the Colleges of Henri 4 & Charlemagne. 92pp.,
119figs., frontispiece, hardcover, poor quality (several loose
pp., brittle paper (no loss of text though), incomplete (probably
lacking 14pp.). Euro 15.00
- RUSSELL, 1929. Fossil pearls
from the Chico formation of Shasta County, California. 13pp.,
12figs., with message from author. Euro 2.10
- RUSSELL, 1966. The shore
vegetation on the Calf on Man. 7pp., 1fig., not malacological,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- RUSTAD, 1955. Boremuslingen
Petricola pholadiformis, ny for Norge (?). 3pp., 1fig., English
summ., tear & fold. Euro 0.50
- RUTHENICA, 5(2). 84pp. Euro
- RUTHENICA, 6(2). 88pp. Euro
- RUTOT, 1876. Rapport sur
l'excursion annuelle de la Société Malacologique (17
septembre 1876). 6pp. Euro 1.20
- RYAN, 1982. Energy contents of
some New Zealand freshwater animals. 5pp., 4tabs., not strictly
malacological. Euro 0.70
- SACCHI, 1981. Ecologia &
malacologia 2 centenari poco celebrati. 15pp., English summ. Euro
- SAILA & al., 1967. Factors
affecting the relative abundance of Mercenaria mercenaria in the
Providence River, Rhode Isl. 7pp., 2figs., 2tabs., xerox-copy.
Euro 0.50
Cephalopods from the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme (NIOP)
(Expeditions 1992-3). 10pp., 1map. Euro 1.40
Cephalopods from the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme (NIOP) -
2. Mastigoteuthid lineage & related forms. 18pp., 7figs.,
2tabs. Euro 2.55
- SALGADO & al., 1995.
Macroanatomia, microanatomia & histologia do sistema digestivo
de Thaumastus (T.) taunaisii, T. (T.) magnificus & T. (T.)
achilles. 19pp., 19figs., English summ. Euro 2.55
- SALGADO & al., 1995.
Macroanatomia, microanatomia & histologia do sistema
reprodutor de Thaumastus (T.) taunaisii, T. (T.) magnificus &
T. (T.) achilles. 46pp., 29figs., English summ. Euro 6.30
- SAMMUT & al., 1989. Alexia
kobelti - a junior synonym of Auriculinella bidentata. 4pp.,
5figs., Italian summ. Euro 0.60
- SAMMUT & al., 1998. A
preliminary check-list of Opisthobranchia from the Maltese Isls.
20pp., 2tabs., 2figs. Euro 3.00
- SANADA & al., 1996.
Systematic relationship between Glycymeris yessoensis & G.
subobsoleta. 16pp., 4pls., 9figs., 1tab., in Japanese, English
summ. Euro 2.80
- SANCHEZ-AGUAYO & al., 1986.
Interaction sites of ruthenium red on the renal epithelium of
Helix aspersa. 5pp., 3pls. Euro 1.10
- SANDER, 1950. Beobachtungen zur
Fortpflanzung von Assiminea grayana. 3pp., 3figs. Euro 0.50
- SANTHAKUMARAN & al., 1984.
The larvae of Halocladius (H.) variabilis from the fouling
assemblages on wooden test panels submerged in Trondheimsfjorden,
Norway. 4pp., 2tabs., 1fig., entomological. Euro 0.60
- SARTENAER, 1967. De l'importance
stratigraphique des rhynchonelles famenniennes situees sous la
zone a Ptychomaletoechia omaliusi. Quatrieme note:
Tenuisinurostrum n.gen. 24pp., 2pls., English & Russian summ.
Euro 3.65
- SARTENAER, 1967. De la presence
du genre Evanescirostrum dans le Famennien Inférieur
d'Europe occidentale. 15pp., 1tab., English & Russian summ.
Euro 2.10
- SARTENAER, 1971. Genres
rhynchonellides nouveaux. 7pp., 1pl., 1fig., English & Russian
summ. Euro 1.10
- SAVAZZI, 1989. New Observations
on Burrowing in Strombid Gastropods. 10pp., 5figs., German summ.
Euro 1.40
- SBARAINI, 1996. I molluschi del
Lago Sebino (Lombardia) con particolare riferimento a 2
popolazioni di Viviparus ater. 1p., summ. of thesis. Euro
- SCHÄFER, 1950.
Nahrungsaufnahme & ernährungsphysiologische Umstimmung
bei Aeolis papillosa. 6pp., 5figs. Euro 0.90
- SCHÄFER, 1950. Über
Nahrung & Wanderung im Biotop bei der Strandschnecke Littorina
littorea. 8pp., 5figs. Euro 1.20
- SCHELTEMA, 1976. 2 n.sp. of
Chaetoderma from off W. Africa. 10pp., 2tabs., 5figs., 2pls. Euro
- SCHENCK & al., 1936. Marine
molluscan provinces of w.ern N. America. 18pp., 6figs., 1tab. Euro
- SCHENCK & al., 1940.
Biometrical analysis of molluscan assemblages. 14pp., 2pls.,
1tab., 2figs. Euro 2.70
- SCHILDER & al., 1964. The
Cowrie Fauna of Penrith Isl. + Errata. 8pp., 4tabs., 1fig. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1928. Die Cypraeacea
des Daniums von Dänemark & Schonen. 27pp, 19figs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1932. Neue fossile
Cypraeacea. 16pp., 10figs. Euro 3.05
- SCHILDER, 1933. Cypraeacea from
Hawaii. 20pp., 3tabs., 3figs. Euro 4.20
- SCHILDER, 1936. 2 interessante
fossile Cypraeacea aus Indien. 3pp., 3figs. Euro 0.60
- SCHILDER, 1937. Neogene
Cypraeacea aus O.-Java. 16pp., 40figs. Euro 3.05
- SCHILDER, 1940. Die Verbreitung
& Häufigkeit der rezenten Cypraeidae. 24pp. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1942. Der Wandel des
Formenreichtums der Cypraeacea im Laufe der Erdgeschichte. 18pp.,
6tabs., 3figs. Euro 3.15
- SCHILDER, 1942. Statistische
Untersuchungen an Populationen. (Durchgeführt an den
Cypraeidae). 14pp. Euro 2.10
- SCHILDER, 1943. Untersuchungen
an den Jugendformen der Cypraeiden-Schalen. 14pp., 2figs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1944. W.pazifische
Cypraeacea von den Forschungsreisen des Prof. S. Bock. 32pp.,
3tabs. Euro 6.10
- SCHILDER, 1947. Die Cypraeacea
im Lichte der Formenkreislehre; combined with: BOETTGER, 1947. Zur
Nomenklatur der europäischen Bernsteinschnecken. 22pp. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1950. Die Ursachen der
Variabilität bei Cepaea. 25pp., 9tabs., 10figs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1953. Nochmals
über Cepaea nemoralis interrupta. 5pp., 2tabs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1955. Zum Problem des
Zusammenlebens nahe verwandter Tierarten [Cepaea]. 35pp., 6tabs.,
21maps. Euro 5.15
- SCHILDER, 1957. 6jährige
Konstanz einer Population von Cepaea nemoralis. 4pp., 3tabs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1957. Biometrische
Studien an Porzellanschnecken 1. Die Bezahnung der Schalenlippen.
20pp., 16tabs., 1fig. Euro 3.05
- SCHILDER, 1958. Biometrische
Studien an Porzellanschnecken 2. Die Variationskurven der
Schalenlänge. 18pp., 12tabs., 2figs. Euro 2.70
- SCHILDER, 1958. Neue
Gesetzmäßigkeiten bei der Rassenbildung der
Porzellanschnecken. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- SCHILDER, 1961. A Statistical
Study in Cowries: The Size of Mauritia arabica. 3pp., 2figs. Euro
- SCHILDER, 1961. Dr. h.c. O.
Kleinschmidt & seine Formenkreislehre. 7pp., 7figs., not
malacological. Euro 0.95
- SCHILDER, 1961. Zur
Variabilität der Zeichnungselemente bei Porzellanschnecken.
7pp., 2figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.05
- SCHILDER, 1962. Type Localities
[Cypraeidae]. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- SCHILDER, 1963. Cowrie
Populations from Kenya. 9pp. Euro 1.40
- SCHILDER, 1963. Further Remarks
on 2 Rare Cowrie Species. 4pp., 3tabs. Euro 0.60
- SCHILDER, 1963. Statistical
Studies on Cowrie Radulae. 6pp., 3tabs., 2figs. Euro 0.85
- SCHILDER, 1964. The Cowrie
Mauritia eglantina in Fiji. 6pp., 3tabs., 1pl. Euro 1.05
- SCHILDER, 1964. The Cowries
Established by Coen in 1949. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- SCHILDER, 1965. A Statistical
Study in Fossil Cowries. 5pp. Euro 0.70
- SCHILDER, 1965. The type
localities of living Cypraeidae. 41pp., French & German summ.
Euro 5.85
- SCHILDER, 1966. Dimorphism &
Monstrosities in Cowrie Radulae. 7pp., 14figs. Euro 1.05
- SCHILDER, 1966. Personal Views
on Taxonomy [Cypraeidae]. 9pp., 1pl. Euro 1.55
- SCHILDER, 1966. The Higher Taxa
of Cowries & their Allies. 5pp., 2tabs. Euro 0.70
- SCHILDER, 1966. The Size of
95000 Cowries. 8pp., 1tab. Euro 1.20
- SCHILDER, 1967. Eine Population
von Trona stercoraria. 9pp., 7tabs., 1fig. Euro 1.40
- SCHILDER, 1967. Length, Breadth,
& Dentition in Living Cowries. 8pp., 1fig. Euro 1.20
- SCHILDER, 1968. Studies on
Populations of the Cowrie Erronea errones. 8pp., 6tabs., 5maps.
Euro 1.20
- SCHILDER, 1968. The Generic
Classification of Cowries. 10pp. Euro 1.55
- SCHILTHUIZEN & al., 1995.
Phylogenetic Relationships Inferred from the Sequence & 2ndary
Structure of ITS1 rRNA in Albinaria & Putative Isabellaria
Species. 6pp., 5figs. Euro 0.95
- SCHILTHUIZEN & al., 1996.
Allozyme variation in some Cretan Albinaria: paraphyletic species
as natural phenomena. 11pp., 4figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.65
- SCHLEICHER, 1956. Die Biologie
der rezenten Süßwassermuscheln & ihre Anwendung
für die Erforschung der oberkarbonischen nichtmarinen
Muscheln. 7pp., with message from author. Euro 1.05
- SCHLESCH, 1963. Nachrufe. F.
Ökland (1893-1957). 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- SCHLICKUM, 1949. Vitrina
(Vitrinobrachium) brevis am Niederrhein. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- SCHLICKUM, 1955. Daudebardia
brevipes im Bergischen Land & im angrenzenden Sauerland. 2pp.
Euro 0.50
- SCHLIEPER & al., 1958. Der
Einfluß gelöster organischer Zellnahrungsstoffe &
anorganischer stickstoffhaltiger Verbindingen auf die
Cilienaktivität der isolierten Kiemen von Mytilus edulis.
16pp., 8tabs., 12pls., English summ. Euro 3.95
- SCHLIEPER, 1955. Die Regulation
des Herzschlages der Miesmuschel Mytilus edulis bei
geöffneten & bei geschlossenen Schalen. 10pp., 3tabs.,
4pls. Euro 2.00
- SCHMIDT, 1955. Zur
Abhängigkeit der Entwicklung von Gehäuseschnecken vom
Kalkgehalt des Bodens. Dargestellt bei Oxychilus draparnaldi.
11pp., 2figs. Euro 1.65
- SCHOUTEN, 1954. Landslakken -
Naaktslakken. 19pp., 16figs. Euro 2.70
- SCHULTZ, 2001. Catalogus
Fossilium Austriae Ein systematisches Verzeichnis aller auf
österreichischem Gebiet festgestellten Fossilien Band 1/Teil
1 Bivalvia neogenica (Nuculacea - Unionacea). XLVIII + 379pp.,
56pls., 8figs., 1tab., softcover. Euro 125.00
- SCHÜTT & al., 1991.
Eine besondere Quellschnecke aus O.anatolien. 4pp., 2figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- SCHÜTT, 1970. Neue Formen
höhlenbewohnender Hydrobiiden des Balkan & ihre
Beziehungen zu Paladilhiopsis. 11pp., 2pls. Euro 1.95
- SCHÜTT, 1983. Eine Ausbeute
rezenter sw.anatolischer Landschnecken. 7pp., 2maps, 1tab.,
English summ. Euro 1.05
- SCHÜTT, 1987. Limnische
mollusken aus älterem Quartär Makedoniens. 9pp., 3figs.,
1tab., English summ. Euro 1.35
- SCHÜTT, 1990. Die
pleistozänen Mollusken 3er pisidischer Salzseen. 9pp., 1pl.,
English summ. Euro 1.50
- SCHÜTT, 1991. Eine neue,
nearktische Congeria. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- SCHÜTT, 1991. Fossile
Mollusken 3er anatolischer Ovas. 16pp., 1pl., 2figs., English
summ. Euro 2.55
- SCHÜTT, 1996. Landschnecken
der Türkei. 495pp., num.figs., 2nd revised & enlarged ed.
Euro 28.00
- SCHÜTT, 2001. Die
türkischen Landschnecken 1758-2000 3., vollständig
revidierte & erweiterte Auflage. 552 pp., more than 1000figs.,
hardcover. Euro 50.00
- SCOTT, 19??. Langs het strand.
25pp., 24col.pls., simple beachguide for children. Euro
- SEED, 1969. The incidence of the
Pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum in the 2 types of Mytilus from
Padstow, s.-w. England. 8pp., 3figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.05
- SEGAL & al., 1953. Rate of
Activity as a Function of Intertidal Height within Populations of
some Littoral Molluscs, 4pp., 2figs., reproduced on 2pictures.
Euro 0.15
- SEGERS & al., 2002. Manzonia
bacalladoi a n.sp. from the Madeiran Archipelago. 6pp., 4figs., in
English & Dutch. Euro 0.90
Investigations on Baltic populations of the bivalve Macoma baltica
Part. 1. Introduction. Studies on recruitment & its relation
to depth in Finnish coastal waters during the period 1922-59. Age
& growth. 72pp., 25figs. (5folded figs.), 3tabs., some
pencilnotes in text, with message from author. Euro 10.75
- SEIFFER & al., 1967. Tests
of 15 Experimental Molluscicides Against Australorbis glabratus.
7pp., 2tabs. Euro 0.95
- SEILACHER, 1954. Ökologie
der triassischen Muschel Lima lineata & ihrer Epöken.
21pp., 8figs. Euro 2.90
- SÉNESSE, 1947. Hippurites
a replis multiples. 6pp., 4figs., with message from author,
somewhat creased. Euro 0.90
Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aus Indes Orientales
Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince & la Princesse
Léopold de Belgique; containing: DAUTZENBERG, 1935. 2(17).
Gastéropodes marins. 1. Familie Terebridae. 2. Familie
Mitridae. 206pp., 4col.pls.; &: DAUTZENBERG, 1935. 2(18).
Gastéropodes marins. 3. Familie Conidae. 282pp., 3col.pls.;
&: ADAM & al., 1938. 2(19). Prosobranchia &
Opisthobranchia. 207pp., 8pls. (, 38figs.; &: ADAM
& al., 1939. 2(20). Gastropoda - Pulmonata, Scaphopoda &
Bivalvia. 124pp., 7pls. (, 1map, 5figs. Euro
18papers [341pp., 133figs., 2maps, 27tabs., 53pls. (1double pl.)]
bound together in 1vol., on the Mollusca of Poland & Rumania.
Euro 45.00
10papers [282pp., 156figs., 16maps, 16tabs., 11pls.] bound
together in 1vol., on the non-marine Mollusca of s.ern Africa.
Euro 40.00
- SEVERAL AUTHORS, 1975. Colloque
international de malacologie marine appliquee La Rochelle - Juin
1975. 305pp., 74figs., 21tabs., 30papers (mostly in French with
English summ.). Euro 35.00
- SEVERAL AUTHORS, 1978. American
Malacological Union - Systematics Association Symposium
Proceedings Evolution & Adaptive Radiation of Mollusca 12-3
July 1977, Naples, Florida. 11papers, 239pp., figs., tabs. Euro
Congresso della Societa Malacologica Italiana Siena, 6-9 ottobre
1978 Riassunti delle comunicazioni (pervenuti in segreteria entro
il 1/10/1978). 26pp., type-script, 23abstracts. Euro 3.05
- SEVERAL AUTHORS, 1982. Simposio
Sistematica dei Prosobranchi del Mediterraneo Convegno
Malacologico Bologna 24-6 Settembre 1982 Riassunti. 15pp.,
type-script, 15abstracts. Euro 1.90
- SHAPIRO & al., 1987.
Activity of the oxidative exchange enzymes in mussels (Mutilus
[sic] galloprovincialis) of different size. 4pp., 3tabs., in
Russian, English summ. Euro 0.60
issue [32pp., 1978], 1 [64pp., 1978], 2 [64pp., 1979], glossy
periodical, bound together in 1vol. Euro 20.00
- SHIBATA & al., 1980. Miocene
Paleogeography of the Setouchi Province, Japan. 49pp., 45figs.
(8large fold.figs.), in Japanese, English summ., not specific
malacological. Euro 7.70
- SHILEYKO ED., 1990.
Investigations on the fauna of the Soviet Union: Evolutionary
morphology of Mollusks. 224pp., 66figs., in Russian, nomenclature
in Latin, English summ. Euro 30.00
- SHIMEK, 1921. Mollusks of the
McGregor, Iowa, Region. 1. 1p. Euro 0.50
- SHIMEK, 1935. The effect of
pollution on mollusks in Iowa. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- SIMPSON & al., 198? Egg
masses of 3 gastropods, Kerguelenella lateralis, Laevilitorina
caliginosa & Macquariella hamiltoni, from Macquarie Isl.
(sub-Antarctic). 12pp., 4figs., 3tabs. Euro 1.75
- SINGH & al., 1995. Latices
of Euphorbiales used as molluscicide. 4pp., 2tabs. Euro
- SKOGLUND, 1970. An Annotated
Bibliography of References to Marine Mollusca from the N.ern State
of Sonora, Mexico. 6pp., 1tab. Euro 0.85
- SKOGLUND, 1977. Egg capsules of
5 species of Nassarius from Bahía Cholla, Sonora, Mexico.
3pp., 5figs. Euro 0.50
- SKOGLUND, 1996. Subcancilla
hindsii: a correction for a figure in Keen (1971). 1p., 1fig. Euro
- SKOGLUND, 2001. Panamic Province
Molluscan Literature: Additions & Changes from 1971 through
2001. 1. Bivalvia. 2. Polyplacophora. V + 139pp., spiral bound
with softcover (plus acetate protection sheet). Euro 36.00
- SMITH & al., 1964. Snails
& Other Invertebrates from Indian Village Sites, Principally
Contra Costa County, California. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- SMITH, 19??. Galápagos
bulimulids: a taxonomic correction. 1p. Euro 0.50
- SMITH, 1962. Studies in the
Stewart Isl. Mollusca No. 1. 17pp., 24figs. Euro 2.45
- SMITH, 1964. The Department of
Invertebrate Zoology of the California Academy of Sciences. 1p.
Euro 0.50
- SMITH, 1967. The Neogastropod
Stomach, with Notes on the Digestive Diverticula & Intestine.
20pp., 11figs. Euro 3.40
- SMITH, 1976. Stearn's
Conchological Memoranda. 6pp. Euro 0.95
- SMRIGLIO & al., 1996.
Description of Callostracon tyrrhenicum n.sp. & remarks on the
other Mediterranean species of the family Acteonidae. 11pp.,
23figs. Euro 1.65
- SMRIGLIO & al., 2001.
Emarginula bonfittoi, a new bathyal species from the Mediterranean
Sea. 5pp., 14figs. Euro 0.75
- SOLEM & al., 19??. Adelopoma
costaricense, not an inhabitant of the US. 1p. Euro 0.50
- SOLEM & al., 1985. Structure
& habitat correlations of sympatric New Zealand land snail
species. 30pp., 11tabs., 9figs. Euro 4.20
- SOLEM, 1955. Studies on Mesodon
ferrissi. 1. General ecology & biometric analysis. 7pp.,
3figs., 1tab. Euro 1.05
- SOLEM, 1956. The helicoid
cyclophorid mollusks of Mexico. 19pp., 2pls. Euro 3.25
- SOLEM, 1957. Notes on some
Mexican land snails. 13pp., 1pl. Euro 2.10
- SOLEM, 1967. New Molluscan Taxa
& Scientific Writings of F. Haas. 74pp., frontispiece. Euro
- SOLEM, 1976-82. Endodontoid land
snails from Pacific isls. 844pp., 351figs., 190tabs., 2vols. Euro
- SOLEM, 1976. Endodontoid land
snails from Pacific isls Part 1 Family Endodontidae. 508pp.,
208figs., 114tabs. Euro 61.00
- SOLEM, 1985. Simultaneous
character convergence & divergence in W.ern Australian land
snails. 21pp., 8figs., 3tabs. Euro 3.05
- SOLEM, 1986. Pupilloid Land
Snails from the S. & Mid-w. Coasts of Australia. 30pp.,
36figs. Euro 4.65
- SOLEM, 1988. Maximum in the
minimum: Biogeography of land snails from the Ningbing Ranges
& Jeremiah Hills, n.e. Kimberley, W.ern Australia. 55pp.,
25figs., 10tabs. Euro 8.40
- SOLEM, 1988. New camaenid land
snails from the ne Kimberley, W.ern Australia. 29pp., 3pls.,
34figs., 3tabs. Euro 5.00
- SOLYMOS & al., 1997. The
recent mollusc fauna of the Szársomlyó (S Hungary):
spatial pattern & microclimate. 8pp., 8figs., 4tabs. Euro
- SOLYMOS & al., 1999. A
possible connection between macroclimate & shell morphometry
of Granaria frumentum. 8pp., 7figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.20
- SOLYMOS & al., 1999. The
shell morpho-thermometer method & its application in
palaeoclimatic reconstruction. 12pp., 3figs., 4tabs., Hungarian
summ. Euro 1.90
- SOLYMOS, 1999. Data on the
recent mollusc fauna of the Fekete Hill (Villány Hills, S
Hungary). 5pp., 2figs., 2tabs. Euro 0.70
- SOOS, 1943. A
Kárpát-medence Mollusca-faunája. 478pp.,
22figs., 30pls., in Hungarian. Euro 350.00
- SOOT-RYEN, 1927. Studies on the
Shell-Proportions of some Norwegian Mytilidae. 18pp., tabs. Euro
- SPAMER & al., 1989. Recovery
of the E. Benett Collection of Fossils Mostly from
Jurassic-Cretaceous Strata of Wiltshire, England, Analysis of the
Taxonomic Nomenclature of Benett (1831), & Notes & Figures
of Type Specimens Contained in the Collection. 53pp., 13pls.,
8tabs., 2figs., with message from author. Euro 10.30
- SPÄRCK, 1928. Smaa bidrag
til kendskabet til n.iske blæksprutter. 1. Todaropsis
eblanae, en for den danske fauna ny blæksprutte. 2. Skaller
af Sepia officinalis ilanddrevet ved Island. 3. Om forekomsten af
Loligo forbesi i danske Farvande. 4. Om Alloteuthis i Limfjorden.
6pp. Euro 0.85
- SPÄRCK, 1945.
Østersfiskeriet i Limfjorden. 19pp., 6figs. Euro
- SPÄRCK, 1962. A. Bruun 14.
december 1901 - 13. december 1961. 14pp., 1fig., in Danish. Euro
- SPHON, 1973. On the care,
feeding & preservation of nudibranchs. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- SPIGHT & al., 1974. Life
Histories of Large & Small Murexes. 14pp., 10tabs., 4figs.
Euro 2.10
- SPIGHT, 1974. Sizes of
populations of a marine snail. 18pp., 7figs., 10tabs. Euro
- SPIGHT, 1976. Censuses of Rocky
Shore Prosobranchs from Washington & Costa Rica. 9pp., 5tabs.,
1fig. Euro 1.40
- SPRICK, 1921. Schneckenfunde in
Schlesien. 5pp. Euro 0.85
- SPRICK, 1922. Ein ausgestorbener
schlesischer Unio. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- SPRICK, 1927. Skalaridenbildung.
2pp. Euro 0.50
- SPRICK, 1928. Phenacolimax kochi
in Schlesien. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- SPRICK, 1929. Zerstörung
schlesischer Schneckenfundstellen. 1p. Euro 0.50
- ST. JOHN, 1940. Itinerary of H.
Cuming in Polynesia. 10pp., 1fig. Euro 1.55
- STAMM, 1916. Sneglefaunaen paa
Bulbjerg. 7pp., 1fig. Euro 1.05
- STANCZYKOWSKA, 1964. On the
relationship between abundance, aggregations & 'condition' of
Dreissena polymorpha in 36 Mazurian lakes. 38pp., 13figs., 2tabs.,
Polish summ. Euro 5.25
- STANISIC, 1990. Systematics
& biogeography of e.ern Australian Charopidae from subtropical
rainforests. 241pp., 150figs., 30tabs. Euro 32.50
- STARMÜHLNER, 1952. Zur
Ernährung von Radix ovata. 1p. Euro 0.50
- STARMÜHLNER, 1988. Wirkl.
Hofrat Dir. Dr. O. Paget 65 Jahre. 7pp., 1pl., xerox-copy. Euro
- STEFFIN, 1990. Mollusken im
Donauried Vergleich des Gundelfinger Riedes mit dem Wittislinger
Ried & der Mertinger Höll. 40pp., 4maps. Euro 5.85
- STELFOX, 1912. Clare Isl. Survey
Part 23 Land & Fresh-water Mollusca. 64pp., 2pls., tabs.,
1fig. Euro 11.50
- STEPHENSON, 1955. Basal Eagle
Ford Fauna (Cenomanian) in Johnson & Tarrant Counties Texas.
15pp., 4pls. lacking. Euro 1.90
- STERN & al., 1974.
Chromosome Numbers in Ashmunella. 4pp., 2pls., 1map. Euro
- STILWELL & al., 1994.
Paleocene isocrinids from the Kauru Formation, S. Isl., New
Zealand. 7pp., 3figs., with message from author. Euro 1.00
- STILWELL, 1993. New early
Paleocene Mollusca from the Wangaloa Formation of S. Isl., New
Zealand. 10pp., 5figs., with message from author. Euro 1.50
- STILWELL, 2000. Eocene Mollusca
from McMurdo Sound: systematics & paleoecologic significance.
51pp., 9pls., with message from author. Euro 10.50
- STIX & al., 1972. The shell;
500 million years of inspired design. 164pp., 140figs.
(col.figs.). Euro 11.50
- STRACK, 1996. In memoriam P.
Kaas (1915-96). 9pp., 1fig. Euro 1.35
- STRATTON, 19??. Collecting
Non-marine Mollusca. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- STREIT & al., 1994. Natural
Hybridization in Freshwater Animals Ecological Implications &
Molecular Approaches. 9pp., 6figs., xerox-copy, not specific
malacological. Euro 0.50
- STREIT, 1981. Food Searching
& Exploitation by a Primary Consumer (Ancylus fluviatilis) in
a Stochastic Environment: Nonrandom Movement Patterns. 9pp.,
4figs., German summ. Euro 1.30
- STUMMER, 1984. Eine neue
Unterart der Höhlenschnecke Zospeum alpestre aus der
Kupitzklamm bei Eisenkappel, Kärnten. 2pp., 1pl. Euro
- STURANY, 1899. Catalog der
bisher bekannt gewordenen s.afrikanischen Land- &
Süsswasser-Mollusken mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des
von Dr. Penther gesammelten Materiales. 106pp., 3pls., 2tabs.,
disbound. Euro 40.00
- STWORZEWICZ, 1973. The fossil
land snails of rock-shelter above Niedostepna Cave in the
Ojców region (S. Poland). 9pp., 1tab., 4figs., in Polish,
English & Russian summ. Euro 1.30
- SUBBA RAO & al., 1991. Land
Molluscs of Andaman & Nicobar Isls. 88pp., 8pls., 7figs. Euro
- SUBBA RAO & al., 1995. Fauna
of Meghalaya Part 8 (Mollusca). 88pp., 1map, 8figs., 26pls.
(2col.pls.). Euro 17.50
- SUMNER, 1965. Experiments on
phagocytosis & lipid absorption in the alimentary system of
Helix. 7pp., 4figs. Euro 0.95
- SWENNEN & al., 2001. The
molluscs of the S.ern Gulf of Thailand. X + 156pp., 55col.pls.,
1map, figs., hardcover. Euro 50.00
- SWENNEN & al., 2001. The
molluscs of the S.ern Gulf of Thailand. X + 156pp., 55col.pls.,
1map, figs., softcover. Euro 32.50
- SWENNEN, 1996. In memoriam Dr.
I. Kristensen, 1918-96. 6pp., 1fig., in Dutch, English summ. Euro
- SZEKERES, 1982.
Zusammenhänge in der Entwicklung des Gehäuses & der
Genitalien bei Cepaea vindobonensis. 6pp., 32figs., English summ.
Euro 0.95
- SZEKERES, 1998. New &
little-known Clausiliidae from e.ern Turkey. 5pp., 3figs. Euro
- SZEKERES, 1998. The systematic
position of the Garnieria & Triptychia groups, 2 ambiguous
phylogenetic branches of Clausiliidae. 5pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- TALAVERA & al., 1987. The
genus Haminoea in the se of Spain with the description of a n.sp.
16pp., 26figs., Italian summ. Euro 2.35
- TALMADGE, 1962. A New Land Snail
from the Klamath Mountains, California. 2pp., 1pl. Euro
- TALMADGE, 1966. Notes on Fusinus
harfordii. 1p. Euro 0.50
- TALMADGE, 1978. Another
Cephalopod from N.ern California. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- TAMMES & al., 1955.
Observations on the straining of suspensions by mussels. 26pp.,
12figs., 8tabs, with message from the authors. Euro 3.60
- TARDY & al., 1978. Effets du
groupement & du volume disponible sur la sexualité du
mollusque nudibranche Eubranchus doriae. 3pp., 2figs., English
summ. Euro 0.50
- TATTERSFIELD & al., 2001.
Columella in sub-Saharan Africa: A range extension of over 4000
kms? 4pp., 1tab., 1fig. Euro 0.70
- TATTERSFIELD, 1989. Variation in
foot size & shape in some British land snails & its
functional significance. 12pp., 3figs., 5tabs. Euro 1.90
- TATTERSFIELD, 1990. Terrestrial
Mollusc Faunas from some S. Pennine Woodlands. 20pp., 5tabs.,
5figs. Euro 2.80
- TATTERSFIELD, 1995. A n.sp. of
Truncatellina from Mount Kenya & new distributional records of
T. ninagongonis from E. Africa. 5pp., 2tabs., 1fig. Euro
- TATTERSFIELD, 1996. Local
patterns of land snail diversity in a Kenyan rain forest. 20pp.,
7tabs., 3figs. Euro 3.05
- TATTERSFIELD, 1998. A n.sp. of
Parennea from the W. Usambara mountains, Tanzania. 6pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.95
- TATTERSFIELD, 1999. 2 n.sp. of
Marconia from the Uluguru mountains, Morogoro District, Tanzania.
12pp., 8figs., 2tabs. Euro 1.90
- TAYLOR, 18??. List of the land
shells of N. America. 4pp. Euro 1.40
- TAYLOR, 1881. Life histories of
British Helices. 18pp., 1pl. [also figured: Conus brazieri]. Euro
- TAYLOR, 1966. A Remarkable Snail
Fauna from Coahuila, México. 77pp., 25figs., 12pls.
(2col.pls.), 3tabs. Euro 13.50
- TAYLOR, 1975. Index &
Bibliography of Late Cenozoic Freshwater Mollusca of W.ern N.
America + errata. 383pp. Euro 32.50
- TE & al., 1974; Scanning
electron microscope study of radular teeth of Physa gyrina
hildrethiana; combined with: TE, 1974. Current taxonomic studies
on the family Physidae; &: CLAMPITT, 1974. How fast is a
snail's pace? Active & passive dispersal of Physa integra in
Douglas Lake, Michigan; &: SAUER & al., 1974. Snail host
specificity of the nonhuman schistosome, Gigantobilharzia
huronensis. 4pp., 4figs. Euro 0.60
- TE, 1975. Michigan Physidae,
with systematic notes on Physella & Physodon. 24pp., 11figs.,
6tabs. Euro 3.40
- TEMBROCK, 1968.
Taxionomisch-stratigraphische Studie zur Scalaspira-Gruppe
(Tertiär). 128pp., 18pls., 2figs., 2tabs., 1map, Russian
& English summ. Euro 27.50
- TEMPLADO, 1982. Datos sobre los
opistobranquios del Cabo de Palos (Murcia). 8pp., 1fig., Italian
summ. Euro 1.30
- TEN BROEK, 1950. On some
brackish water Mollusca from the Lake of Maracaibo. 9pp., 5figs.,
1map. Euro 1.35
- TER POORTEN, 1997. A. sewelli, a
valid species from the central Indo-Pacific, compared with
Acrosterigma flava. 7pp., 12figs. Euro 1.05
- TERRENI & al., 1980. Sul
ritrovamento di 2 Opisthobranchi della Subfamilia:
Pleurobranchinae & la loro problematica identificazione. 9pp.,
figs. (4col.figs.), English summ. Euro 1.40
- THACH, 2002. A checklist of the
Vietnamese shelled molluscs. 60pp., 3col.pls., lists 1031 species
in 113 families. Euro 10.00
- THE CHIRIBOTAN, 12-5. 448pp.
Euro 37.50
- THE FESTIVUS, 22(8), 22(10).
Euro 0.95 each number
- THE VELIGER, 38(1). 83pp. Euro
- THEEDE & al., 1967.
Comparative studies on cellular resistance of bivalves from marine
& brackish waters. 11pp., 3figs., 1tab., German summ. Euro
- THEEDE, 1963. Experimentelle
Untersuchungen über die Filtrationsleistung der Miesmuschel
Mytilus edulis. 22pp., 10pls., 5tabs., English summ. Euro
- THIELE, 1935. Handbuch der
systematischen Weichtierkunde 2ter Band [Scaphopoda, Bivalvia,
Cephalopoda]. VIII + 376pp., 114figs. Euro 52.50
- THOMAS, 1982. Chemical ecology
of the snail hosts of Schistosomiasis: snail-snail &
snail-plant interactions. 11pp., 3tabs., 3figs. Euro 1.55
- THOMPSON & al., 1975. Dorid
nudibranchs from e.ern Australia. 40pp., 6figs., 1tab.,
Euro 5.85
- THOMPSON & al., 1975. Dorid
nudibranchs from e.ern Australia. 40pp., 6figs., 1tab., 1pl.,
xerox-copy. Euro 1.90
- THOMPSON, 1969. Acid secretion
in Pacific Ocean gastropods. 10pp., 9figs. Euro 1.40
- THOMPSON, 1972. Chromodorid
nudibranchs from e.ern Australia. 19pp., 4figs., 4pls.
(2col.pls.). Euro 3.50
- THOMPSON, 1988. Synopses of the
British Fauna (New Series) No. 8 (2nd Ed.) Molluscs: Benthic
Opisthobranchs. VIII + 356pp., 146figs., 8col.pls., softcover.
Euro 45.00
- THORE, 1939. Beiträge zur
Kenntnis der vergleichenden Anatomie des zentralen Nervensystems
der dibranchiaten Cephalopoden. 194pp., 62figs. Euro 31.00
- THORSON, 1946. De Danske
ekspeditioner til Østgrønland 1926-39 Under Ledelse
af Lauge Koch - Appendix Nr. 4 Technique & future work in
Arctic animal ecology. 38pp., 9figs., not specific malacological,
with message from author, cover loose. Euro 6.30
- TIBA & al., 1980. N. Pacific
Shells (4) Genus Pyrolofusus. 17pp., figs., in Japanese &
English. Euro 4.65
- TIBA & al., 1980. N. Pacific
Shells (7) Genus Plicifusus. 35pp., figs., in Japanese &
English, last 6pp. in xerox-copy. Euro 7.00
- TIBA & al., 1980. N. Pacific
Shells (7) Genus Plicifusus. 35pp., figs., in Japanese &
English. Euro 8.90
- TIBA & al., 1981. N. Pacific
Shells (10) Genus Beringius. 21pp., figs., in Japanese &
English. Euro 5.15
- TIBA & al., 1982. N. Pacific
Shells (13) Genus Parancistrolopis. 8pp., figs., in Japanese &
English. Euro 3.25
- TIWARI & al., 2000. 2 n.sp.
of Apolymetis from the Miocene of Mizoram, India. 4pp., 2pls.,
2figs., 1tab. Euro 1.20
- TODD, 19??. Further observations
on the ascoglossan opisthobranch Calliopaea bellula; combined
with: YONGE, 19??. Mantle margins with a revision of siphonal
types in the Bivalvia; &: RUSSELL-HUNTER & al., 19??.
Recent technical modifications of total organic carbon analyses
for molluscan growth studies. 4pp., 2figs. Euro 0.60
- TODD, 1978. Changes in spatial
pattern of an intertidal population of the nudibranch mollusc
Onchidoris muricata in relation to life-cycle, mortality &
environmental heterogeneity. 15pp., 8figs., 3tabs. Euro
- TOLMAN, 2001. The Tonna (Cadus)
Collector. 36pp. [covers included]w, col.figs., in Italian &
English, softcover. Euro 12.00
- TORCHIO, 1971. Lo studio dei
molluschi prima che natura muoia. 60pp., 3col.pls., 13figs.,
English summ. Euro 9.00
- TORCHIO, 1983. Osservazioni
& considerazioni sulle origini della malacologia (nota
antropologica preliminare). 30pp., 17figs.,, English
summ. Euro 4.90
- TORCHIO, 1994. Nota
autobiografica. 8pp., 5figs. Euro 1.20
- TORCHIO, 1995. Nota
autobiografica (2). 12pp., 9figs. Euro 1.75
- TORRENS & al., 2000. E.
Benett of Wiltshire, England, the 1st lady geologist - Her fossil
collection in the ANSP, & the rediscovery of 'lost' specimens
of Jurassic Trigoniidae with their soft anatomy preserved. 65pp.,
14figs., with message from author. Euro 10.75
- TOTH & al., 1980. The
Mollusca fauna in the bed of the Tisza & its tributaries. 1p.
Euro 0.50
- TRACEY & al., 1996.
Distribution of Mollusca in units S1 to S9 of the Selsey Formation
(middle Lutetian), Selsey Peninsula, W. Sussex. 40pp., 3pls.,
1fig., 1tab., French summ., signed by 1st author. Euro 7.00
- TRACEY & al., 1996.
Nomenclatural changes for some Bracklesham Group gastropods.
13pp., 1pl., 1fig., signed by 1st author. Euro 2.20
- TRACEY, 1992. A review of the
Early Eocene molluscs of Bognor Regis (Hampshire Basin), England.
20pp., 1pl., 4figs., signed by author. Euro 3.40
- TRACEY, 1996. Mollusca of the
Selsey Formation (Middle Eocene): Conoidea, Turrinae. 34pp.,
7pls., 5figs., signed by author. Euro 6.65
- TRUEMAN & al., 1981.
Responses of an estuarine bivalve, Scrobicularia plana to stress.
7pp., 9figs., 1tab. Euro 0.95
- TRUEMAN, 1975. The Locomotion of
Soft-Bodied Animals. 200pp., 101figs., not specific malacological.
Euro 16.00
- TUBIASH & al., 1965.
Bacillary Necrosis, a Disease of Larval & Juvenile Bivalve
Mollusks 1. Etiology & Epizootiology. 9pp., 5tabs., 5figs.,
xerox-copy. Euro 0.50
- TUFTS, 1967. Topical labeling of
shellfish. 4pp., 1fig., xerox-copy. Euro 0.25
- TUNBRIDGE, 1968. The Tasman Bay
Scallop Fishery. 78pp., 18figs., 11tabs. Euro 11.00
- TURK, 1969. Collecting British
marine Mollusca. 16pp. Euro 1.90
- TURNER, 1965. Mussel
[Encyclopaedia Britannica]. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.50
- TURNER, 1995. Mollusken aus
postglazialen lakustrischen Ablagerungen bei Morbio Inferiore
(Mendrisiotto, Tessin, Schweiz). 3pp., English summ. Euro
- TURNER, 1997. M. Wüthrich.
(3.8.1924 - 25.11.1996). 3pp., 1pic. Euro 0.50
- TURNER, 2001. Katalog der
Familie Costellariidae Katalog supraspezifischer Taxa Katalog
infragenerischer Taxa Bibliographie. 97pp., 22figs. Euro
- TURSCH, 1998. A simple shell
model: applications and implications. 16pp., 25figs. Euro
- UESHIMA, 1989. Generic Position
of Kaliella yaeyamensis. 11pp., 6figs., Japanese summ. Euro
- UNDERWOOD, 1972. Spawning,
Larval Development & Settlement Behaviour of Gibbula cineraria
with a Reappraisal of Torsion in Gastropods. 9pp., 2figs., 1tab.
Euro 1.40
- UNKNOWN, 19??. A 1st book of
biology Chapter 9 Pond life. 1. Water snails. 8pp., 3figs. Euro
- UNKNOWN, 19??. Chapter 7
Molluscs (Snails, slugs, & mussels). 16pp., 12figs. Euro
- VADER, 1972. Associations
between amphipods & molluscs. A review of published records.
6pp. Euro 0.85
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 1984. The
marine Mollusca of the Bay of Algeciras, Spain, with general notes
on Mitrella, Marginellidae & Turridae. 109pp., 24pls., 1map.
Euro 16.35
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 1996.
Odostomia harveyi n.sp. from the N.ern Atlantic Ocean. 3pp.,
2figs. Euro 0.45
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 1996. S.
African pyramidellacean gastropod names. 8pp. Euro 1.20
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 1999.
Review of Cyclodostomia, & Marginodostomia, 2 taxa of the
Pyramidellacea. 8pp. Euro 1.20
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 1999. The
genus Iolaea, & its type species, Iole scitula. 3pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.45
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 2000.
European marine Mollusca: notes on less well-known species. 15.
Notes on Lusitanian species of Parvicardium & Afrocardium
richardi. 16pp., 29figs. Euro 2.40
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 2000. New
Odostomia species from the Miocene Pebas Formation of W.ern
Amazonia. 6pp., 7figs. Euro 0.90
- VAN AARTSEN & al., 2001.
European marine Mollusca: notes on less well-known species. 17.
Parvicardium carrozzai n.sp., with notes on P. minimum &
Cardium perrieri. 6pp., 12figs. Euro 0.90
- VAN AARTSEN, 2001. On the
enigmatic Djeddilia djeddilia. 2pp., 2figs. Euro 0.45
- VAN BELLE & al., 1998.
Description of a n.sp. Ischnochiton dolii from Civitavecchia,
Italy. 3pp., 5figs., French summ. Euro 0.50
- VAN BELLE, 1992. De Europese
Polyplacophora (aanvullingen 4). 3pp., 1pl., English summ. Euro
& zoetwatermollusken van de Z.erzee-eilanden Wieringen,
Marken, Urk & Schokland. 12pp., 4figs., wrappers soiled. Euro
van Gemeenten als Vindplaatsen van Nederlandsche Mollusken. 33pp.,
English summ. Euro 4.65
Critical Revision of the Javanese Pulmonate Land-snails of the
Families Ellobidae to Limacidae, with an appendix on
Helicarionidae. 145pp., 89figs. Euro 24.50
Bankia fimbriatula in driftwood washed ashore on the Dutch Coast.
3pp., 4figs., Dutch summ. Euro 0.50
Weekdieren 2. 131pp., 16pls., 23figs., hardcover. Euro 9.35
Zoological Results of a Collecting Journey to Yugoslavia, 1954 3
Süsswassermollusken mit Ausnahme der Sphaeriidae. 7pp., with
message from author. Euro 0.95
un nouveau mollusque terrestre, Aphanoconia leopoldi, de l'ile
Misool. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- VAN BREE, 1959. 'Homing'-gedrag
van Patella vulgata. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1952. Pupilla
sterri in Vorarlberg. 1p., with message from author. Euro
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1959. Biologische
aantekeningen van een reis naar Portugees O. Afrika. 8pp., 5figs.,
not strictly malalcological, dampstained. Euro 0.95
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1969. Studies on
the land molluscs of Zululand with notes on the distribution of
land molluscs in s.ern Africa. 118pp., 34figs., 4pls., Dutch
summ., thesis. Euro 18.50
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1975. New taxa of
Streptaxidae & Enidae from S. Africa & Malawi. 17pp.,
9figs., 3tabs. Euro 2.35
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1989. Studies on
Parennea additional to the revision by Adam & al., 1978.
56pp., 46figs., 9tabs. Euro 8.20
- VAN BRUGGEN, 1998. Vallonia
costata in S. Africa, with additional notes on other alien
species. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.45
- VAN BRUGGEN, 2001. Studies on
the Streptaxidae of Malawi 6. Gulella sursum, a new streptaxid
from the e.ern rim of the Nyika Plateau. 6pp., 2figs., 1tab. Euro
- VAN BRUGGEN, 2001. Studies on
the Streptaxidae of Malawi 7. Gulella hildae n.sp., a rarity from
the Mt. Mulanje complex. 4pp., 3figs. Euro 0.60
- VAN DER LINDEN & al., 1985.
Cingula kuiperi, on the French mediterranean coast. 1p. Euro
- VAN DER LINDEN, 1998. The
Metaxiinae dredged by the CANCAP expeditions, with the n.sp.
Metaxia carinapex & M. hapax from the Cape Verde Isls. 8pp.,
10figs. Euro 1.20
- VAN DER SCHALIE & al., 1941.
Hermaphroditism in Anadonta grandis, a freshwater mussel. 10pp.,
3pls., 1tab. Euro 2.00
- VAN DER SCHALIE & al., 1968.
Culturing Oncomelania snails for studies of oriental
schistosomiasis. 47pp., 17tabs., 40figs., Spanish & Russian
summ. Euro 6.55
Observations on the sex of Campeloma. 10pp., 5pls., 1fig. Euro
1979. Pathways in Malacology. 288pp., 144figs., 23tabs., 11papers,
hardcover. Euro 44.50
- VAN DER SPOEL, 1968. A new form
of Diacria quadridentata, & shell growth in this species.
8pp., 7figs., French summ. Euro 1.20
- VAN DER SPOEL, 1969. The shell
of Clio pyramidata forma lanceolata & forma convexa. 20pp.,
12figs. Euro 2.80
- VAN DER VELDE & al., 1994.
Decline of Zebra Mussel Populations in the Rhine. 3pp., 2figs.,
1tab. Euro 0.50
- VAN DEVENDER, 1979. A new
Vertigo from the Ozarkian Uplift. 4pp., 3figs. Euro 0.60
- VAN GOETHEM & al., 1978.
Cerastua flavicans & C. upembae, 2 n.sp. provenant du Zaire.
10pp., 1pl., 10figs., English summ. Euro 1.65
- VAN GOETHEM, 1969. Upembella
adami n.gen, n.sp. du Parc National de l'Upemba, Republique
Democratique du Congo. 12pp., 13figs., English summ. Euro
- VAN GOETHEM, 1972. Contribution
a l'etude de Boettgerilla vermiformis. 16pp., 26figs., 1pl.,
English summ. Euro 2.55
- VAN GOETHEM, 1973. Atoxonoides
aberrans n.gen., n.sp. du Malawi. 11pp., 14figs., English summ.
Euro 1.65
- VAN GOETHEM, 1974. Sur la
presence en Belgique de Deroceras caruanae & de D. agreste.
21pp., 33figs., 1pl., English summ. Euro 3.30
- VAN GOETHEM, 1975. Contribution
a la connaissance de la faune malacologique de la region de
Buzenol (Province du Luxembourg). 6pp., 1tab. Euro 0.90
- VAN GOETHEM, 1976. Contribution
a l'etude de Lehmannia valentiana. 14pp., 16figs., 1pl., English
summ. Euro 2.25
- VAN PEURSEN, 1994. Corbicula's
in Nederland. 11pp., 4figs., 2maps, English summ. Euro 1.30
Bijdrage tot de kennis der fossiele, subfossiele & recente
mollusken, die op de Nederlandsche stranden aanspoelen, &
hunner verspreiding. VIII + 184pp., 6tabs., 12fold.pls.,
5fold.maps, English summ., hardcover. Euro 57.50
Holocene & Recent Marine Bivalve Mollusca of Surinam. 27pp.,
8figs. Euro 4.20
n.sp. of Milax from Tunisia. 6pp., 3figs. Euro 0.85
- VAN STRAATEN, 1952. Biogene
textures & the formation of shell beds in the Dutch Wadden
Sea. 17pp., 1tab., 6figs., some pencilnotes. Euro 2.35
- VAN STRAATEN, 1956. Composition
of shell beds formed in tidal flat environment in the Netherlands
& in the bay of Arcachon (France). 16pp., 4tabs. (1large
folded tab.), 3figs., 2pls. Euro 3.25
- VAN STRAATEN, 1960. Marine
mollusc shell assemblages of the Rhone delta. 25pp., 12figs.,
6tabs. Euro 3.75
- VAN VOORTHUYSEN, 1940. Beitrag
zur Kenntnis des inneren Baus von Schale & Sipho bei
triadischen Ammoniten. 143pp., 2pls., 55figs., tabs., Dutch summ.,
thesis, stamp on frontcover, 'stellingen' lacking. Euro
specimens of marine Mollusca described by P. Carpenter from the w.
coast (San Diego to British Columbia). VIII + 376pp., 35pls.,
2tabs., frontispiece, hardcover. Euro 47.50
- VAN WINKLE PALMER, 1963. Trochus
conchyliophorus Born, 1780, a junior objective synonym of Turbo
trochiformis Born, 1778. Z.N.(S.) 1483; combined with: Proposed
designation of neotype for Turbo trochiformis Born, 1778 - Trochus
conchyliophorus Born, 1780. 11pp., 2pls., 4figs. Euro 2.00
Response by K. Van Winkle Palmer For award of the Paleontological
Society Medal, November 14, 1972. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- VANDERCAMMEN, 1970. Liste des
types du sous-ordre des Spiriferidina conserves a l'Institut Royal
des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 87pp. Euro 12.00
Undispirifer undiferus exceptionnel. 6pp., 2pls., 2figs. Euro
- VARGA, 1968. Malakologische
Neuigkeiten aus Ungarn. 3pp., 3figs. Euro 0.50
- VENMANS, 1955. Notes on Succinea
avara. 2pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- VENMANS, 1963. Caribbean land
molluscs: Streptaxidae. 36pp., 4pls., 5tabs., 17figs. Euro
- VENUS, 41(2), 42(1), 42(4),
43(3). Euro 8.00 each issue
- VERDCOURT & al., 1956. A
Synopsis of the Section Primigulella of Gulella. 13pp., 9figs.
Euro 1.90
- VERDCOURT, 1982. Notes on e.
African land & freshwater snails, 12-5. 20pp., 16figs., 3pls.
Euro 3.25
- VERDCOURT, 1986. The identity of
some species of Cecilioides from a river drift in Kenya. 4pp.,
6figs. Euro 0.60
- VERDCOURT, 1993. A n.gen. &
sp. of land snail, Micractaeon kakamegaensis, from Kakamega
Forest, Kenya. 6pp., 12figs. Euro 0.90
- VERDCOURT, 1993. A n.sp. of
Gulella from s.ern Tanzania. 3pp., 1fig. Euro 0.50
- VERDONK, 1965. Morphogenesis of
the head region in Limnaea stagnalis. 98pp., 2figs., 3tabs.,
13pls., Dutch summ., thesis. Euro 15.00
- VERHECKEN, 1990. Notes on
Cancellaria fusca. 5pp., 4figs., Dutch summ. Euro 0.70
- VERMEIJ & al., 1999.
Description of Africanella n.gen. & review of some W. African
ocenebrine genera. 9pp., 13figs. Euro 1.35
- VERMEIJ, 1971. Substratum
relationships of some tropical Pacific intertidal gastropods.
6pp., 4tabs. Euro 0.95
- VERMEIJ, 1971. Temperature
relationships of some tropical Pacific intertidal gastropods.
7pp., 7tabs., 1st p. xerox-copy. Euro 0.95
- VERMEIJ, 1973. Morphological
Patterns in High-Intertidal Gastropods: Adaptive Strategies &
their Limitations. 28pp., 32tabs. Euro 4.30
- VERMEIJ, 1993. A Natural History
of Shells. VIII + 207pp., 65figs., 15col.pls., hardcover,
dustwrapper. Euro 24.50
- VERMEIJ, 1998. The systematic
position of Tritonidea dentata. 10pp., 1fig. Euro 1.50
- VERMEIJ, 2000. Replacement name
for, & note on, Denticulabrum. 1p. Euro 0.45
- VERMEULEN & al., 1998. A
note on the genera Costigo & Pupisoma. 3pp., 2figs. Euro
- VERMEULEN, 1996. Notes on the
non-marine molluscs of the isl. of Borneo 8. The genus Arinia;
additions to the genera Diplommatina & Opisthostoma. 52pp.,
35figs. Euro 7.80
- VERMEULEN, 1997. Notes on some
terrestrial molluscs of Bali. 3pp., 2figs. Euro 0.45
- VERNHOUT, 1913. Some species of
molluscs, new for Holland or rarely found there. 2pp. Euro
- VERWEY, 1954. De mossel &
zijn eisen. 13pp., English summ. Euro 1.90
- VIDAL, 1993. Variability of
Acrosterigma elongatum, a polytypic species. 15pp., 3pls., 1map,
with message from author. Euro 2.80
- VIDAL, 1998. Taxonomic revision
of the Indo-Pacific Vasticardium assimile species group. 15pp.,
32figs. Euro 2.80
- VINCENT, 1875. Note sur la faune
Bruxellienne des environs de Bruxelles. 10pp. Euro 1.90
- VINCENT, 1930. Observations sur
les Pectens de l'argile de Boom (Rupélien
Supérieur.). 9pp., 7figs. Euro 1.35
- VITA MARINA, 28(3). 30pp., loose
leaf-system. Euro 2.80
- VITA MARINA, 30(3). 24pp., loose
leaf-system. Euro 2.20
- VITA MARINA, 1965-89. marine
biological periodical with strong emphasis on Mollusca, loose
leaf-system in 7ring-binders, in Dutch, almost complete: only
lacking some parts in the beginning & at the end, 2733pp. Euro
- VOKES, 1941. Contributions to
the paleontology of the Lebanon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon
part 1. - A Cenomanian pelecypod fauna from Hajula. 13pp., 15figs.
Euro 1.90
- VOKES, 1942. Contributions to
the paleontology of the Lebanon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon
part 2. Notes on 'Cardium' bisertiatum. 8pp., 11figs. Euro
- VOKES, 1952. Notes on the
pelecypod genus Platopis. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- VOKES, 1963. Cenozoic Muricidae
of the w.ern Atlantic region Part 1 - Murex s.s. 27pp., 4pls.,
2tabs. Euro 4.65
- VOKES, 1990. Cenozoic Muricidae
of the w.ern Atlantic region part 8 - Murex s.s., Haustellum,
Chicoreus, & Hexaplex; additions & corrections. 84pp.,
12pls., 2figs., 2tabs. Euro 14.70
- VOLSØE, 1965. R.
Spärck 5. august 1896 - 20. juni 1965. 25pp., 1fig., in
Danish. Euro 3.50
Landschneckenfauna des Ammarnäs-Gebietes (Lappland,
N.schweden), mit einigen Bemerkungen zur Gattung Euconulus. 14pp.,
11tabs., 1fig., English summ. Euro 2.00
- VORSTER, 1983. The morphology
& histology of the genital system of Sheldonia cotyledonis.
32pp., 19figs., thesis, with message from author. Euro 4.45
- VOSKUIL, 1988. Enige leuke
vondsten uit Bretagne. 3pp., 5figs.; combined with: SLOOF, 1988.
Schelpen verzamelen in Ierland. 1p., 1fig. Euro 0.60
- VOSS, 1971. Cephalopods
collected by the R/V J. Pillsbury in the Gulf of Panama in 1967.
34pp., 12tabs., 6figs., Spanish summ. Euro 4.65
- VOSS-FOUCART & al., 1971.
Biochemical composition & submicroscopic structure of matrices
of nacreous conchiolin in fossil cephalopods (nautiloids &
ammonoids). 42pp., 11pls., 4tabs., 3figs. Euro 7.95
Caribbean land molluscs Cerion in the Cayman Isls. 77pp., 18pls.,
24figs., 6tabs. Euro 14.25
- WAGGE, 1952. Quantitative
studies of calcium metabolism in Helix aspersa. 32pp., 10figs.,
tabs. Euro 4.35
- WAGNER & al., 1990. Wagner
& Abbott's world size records 1990 Supplement Standard Catalog
of Shells. 84pp. Euro 8.00
- WAGNER, 1936. Zur Anatomie &
systematischen Stellung einer alpinen Nacktschnecke. 2pp., 1fig.
Euro 0.50
- WAGNER, 1940. Zur Kenntnis der
Limaciden von Palästina. 4pp., 2figs. Euro 0.70
- WAGNER, 1990. A new Acrilla from
the s.ern Philippines. 3pp., 2figs., Dutch summ. Euro 0.50
- WALDÉN, 1960. Om ett par
för Sverige nya, anthropochora landmollusker, Limax
valentianus & Deroceras caruanae, jämte några
andra, kulturbundna arter. 46pp., 18figs., 3tabs., English summ.
Euro 7.25
- WALLBRINK & al., 2001. Een
nieuwe landslak voor Nederland: Paralaoma servilis. 4pp., 2figs.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- WALLS, 1978. Cone shells a
synopsis of the living Conidae. 1006pp., num.figs., num.col.pls.,
slightly bumped at edges. Euro 62.50
- WALLS, 1980. Conchs, Tibias,
& Harps A Survey of the Molluscan Families Strombidae &
Harpidae Every Species Illustrated in Color. 187pp., 82maps,
num.col.figs., hardbound. Euro 27.00
- WALTER, 1906. The behavior of
the pond snail Lymnaeus elodes. 33pp., 14tabs. Euro 4.65
- WARÉN & al., 1988. A
n.sp. of Vanikoridae from the w.ern Mediterranean, with remarks on
the ne. Atlantic species of the family. 28pp., 57figs., Italian
summ. Euro 4.30
- WARÉN & al., 1990.
Elachisina versiliensis, a new Mediterranean species of the family
Elachisinidae. 5pp., 2figs., Italian summ. Euro 0.85
- WARÉN & al., 1993.
Turbo politus: proposed conservation of usage of the specific
name, so conserving the specific name of Buccinum acicula. 5pp.
Euro 0.70
- WARÉN & al., 1996.
Description of 2 n.sp. of Hyalogyrinidae from the Mediterranean.
6pp., 4pls., Italian summ. Euro 1.65
- WARÉN & al., 1996.
Description of Zerotulidae fam.nov., with Comments on an Antarctic
Littorinid Gastropod. 58pp., 35figs. Euro 9.60
- WARÉN, 1988. The identity
of Turbo politus. 8pp., 14figs., Italian summ. Euro 1.30
- WARUI & al., 2001. Annotated
checklist of the non-marine molluscs of Mount Kenya, Kenya. 10pp.,
1map, 4tabs. (1large Euro 2.10
- WASKOWIAK, 1962. Geochemische
Untersuchungen an rezenten Molluskenschalen mariner Herkunft.
151pp., 51tabs., 6figs. Euro 21.00
- WAWRA, 1991. Beitrag zur
Kenntnis des Genitaltrakts von Platyhedyle denudata. 7pp., 3figs.,
1tab., English summ. Euro 0.95
- WEAVER & al., 1970. The
living volutes. 308pp., 79col.pls., 13maps, 44figs. Euro
- WEBB, 19??. A Catalog of recent
Mollusca from all parts of the world 4th Ed. 89pp., 66pls., 1fig.
Euro 11.50
- WEBBER & al., 1968.
Molluscan Mariculture. 9pp., 6figs. Euro 1.30
- WEBER, 1913. Wissenschaftliche
Ergebnisse der Reise von Prof. Dr. G. Merzbacher im zentralen
& ö.lichten Thian-Schan 1907/8. 3. Mollusken. 24pp.,
4pls. Euro 22.00
- WEBSTER & al., 1968. Setting
& 1st Season Survival of the American Oyster, Crassostrea
virginica, Near Oxford, Maryland, 1961-2. 6pp., 4tabs., 2figs.
Euro 0.85
- WEHMILLER & al., 1980.
Calibration of amino acid racemization in late Pleistocene
mollusks: results from Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
with dating applicationns & paleoclimatic implications. 6pp.,
3figs., 1tab. Euro 0.85
- WEITSCHAT & al., 1992.
Formation & function of suspended organic cameral sheets in
Triassic ammonoids - reply. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- WELLS, 1968. Lagere diersoorten.
250pp., figs., not specific malacological. Euro 9.00
- WENZ, 1928. Zur Fauna der
pontischen Schichten von Leobersdorf & vom Eichkogel bei
Mödling. 5pp., 2figs. Euro 0.85
- WENZ, 1933. Die Subfamilie
Ferussininae. 2pp. Euro 0.50
- WESSELINGH, 2000. On a relict
hydrobiid species in Brazilian Amazonia. 8pp., 7figs. Euro
- WHELAN, 1982. An artificial
medium for feeding choice experiments with slugs. 6pp., 2tabs.,
2figs. Euro 0.85
- WIGNARAJAH, 1960. The nervous
system of Acavus phoenix. 4pp., 3pls. Euro 1.05
- WILKE & al., 1998. The
family Pyramidellidae in the Black Sea. 18pp., 30figs. Euro
- WILLAN, 1980. A Re-evaluation of
Gari lineolata. 11pp., 3figs., 1tab. Euro 1.65
- WILLIAMSON, 1???. Note on Thais
(Purpura). 1p. Euro 0.50
- WILLIAMSON, 19??. The separation
of molluscs from woodland leaf-litter. 3pp. Euro 0.50
- WILLIAMSON, 1969. Toheroa
survey, Wellington w. coast beaches 1968. 24pp., 8figs., 4tabs.
Euro 3.40
- WINSLOW, 1918. Pleurobema clava
& Planorbis dilatatus buchanensis in Michigan. 5pp., 1pl. Euro
- WLOSIK-BIENCZAK, 1992. Analysis
of the variability of shell hinge-teeth in Pisidium casertanum
& P. c. var. ponderosa. 29pp., 20figs., 16pls., in Polish,
English summ. Euro 6.10
- WOLFF, 1969. The Mollusca of the
estuarine region of the rivers Rhine, Meuse & Scheldt in
relation to the hydrography of the area. 2. The Dreissenidae.
11pp., 3figs., Dutch summ. Euro 1.65
- WOLFF, 1970. The Mollusca of the
estuarine region of the rivers Rhine, Meuse & Scheldt in
relation to the hydrography of the area. 4. The genus Sphaerium.
16pp., 4figs., Dutch summ. Euro 2.40
- WOLFF, 1975. P. Kramp 28. januar
1887 - 13. juli 1975. 12pp., 1fig., in Danish. Euro 1.65
- WONDRAK, 1981. Ultrastructure of
the Supporting Cells in the Chemoreceptor Areas of the Tentacles
of Pomatias elegans & the Ommatophore of Helix pomatia. 20pp.,
41figs. Euro 2.80
- WOODRING, 1957. Geology &
Paleontology Of Canal Zone & Adjoining Parts of Panama Geology
& description of Tertiary mollusks (gastropods: Trochidae to
Turritellidae). IV + 158pp., 23pls. (2large, fold.pls.), 4figs.,
cover slightly discoloured, spine not perfect. Euro 25.00
- WOODWARD, 1913. Catalogue of the
British species of Pisidium (Recent & Fossil) in the
collections of the BM(NH), with notes on those of w.ern Europe.
144pp., 30pls., 1fig. Euro 32.50
- WOODWARD, 1964. The Morphology
of Chamberlainia hainesiana. 9pp., 2pls., 4figs. Euro 1.55
- WOODWARD, 1969. The morphology
of Ensidens ingallsianus & Scabies crispata. 12pp., 1pl.,
6figs. Euro 1.90
- WORLD SHELLS, 1. 100pp., small
stain on a pl. Euro 14.00
- WOTTON, 1892. The Life History
of Arion Ater. 6pp. Euro 1.20
- WU & al., 1997. Missouri
aquatic snails. 97pp., 1tab., 135figs., 56maps. Euro 13.00
- WÜTHRICH & al., 1993.
L. Forcart (1902-90). 13pp., 1fig., some corrections &
additions in text. Euro 1.95
- XI & al., 1962. Economic
Fauna Sinica of China. Marine Mollusca. 252pp., 4col.pls.,
148figs., in Chinese, hardcover. Euro 28.00
- XIUTONG, 1997. Fauna Sinica
Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Order Mesogastropoda Superfamily
Cypraeacea. 285pp., 12pls. (8col.pls.), 95figs., 2tabs., in
Chinese, English summ., hardcover. Euro 44.50
- YABE, 1904. Cretaceous
Cephalopoda from the Hokkaido. Part 2. Turrilites, Helicoceras,
Heteroceras, Nipponites, Olcostephanus, Desmoceras, Hauericeras,
& an undetermined Genus. 57pp., 6pls. (2doublepls.),
frontcover loose. Euro 14.00
- YAMAMOTO & al., 1974.
Scintillona stigmatica New to Japan. 1p., 1fig., in Japanese,
English summ. Euro 0.50
- YAVNOV, 2000. Atlas of Bivalve
Mollusks of the Far E.ern Seas of Russia. 163pp., 79species
figured in col., in Russian, hardcover. Euro 27.50
- YEN, 1965. A Brackish Gastropod
Fauna of the Lunz Strata. 4pp., 1pl. Euro 0.70
- YONGE, 1949. The Sea Shore.
311pp., 88figs. 72pls. (40col.pls.), dustwrapper, not specific
malacological. Euro 18.50
- YONOW & al., 1991.
Opisthobranches de l'Ile Maurice, avec la description de 2
espèces nouvelles. 20pp., 11pls. (5col.pls.), 3figs.
(1col.figs.), English summ. Euro 5.60
- YONOW, 1994. Opisthobranchs from
the Maldive Isls, including descriptions of 7 n.sp. 24pp., 10pls.
(5col.pls.), 10figs. (2col.figs.), French summ. Euro 6.80
- YONOW, 1996. Une brève
revue du régime alimentaire des Nudibranches &
Sacoglosses. 8pp., 3tabs., 17figs. (16col.figs.), English summ.
Euro 1.55
- YOULUO & al. EDS, 1978.
Early Tertiary gastropod fossils from coastal region of Bohai
[freshwater-fauna]. 183pp., 35pls. (2col.pls.), 2tabs., 1map, in
Chinese, English summ. Euro 32.50
- YOUNG & al., 1969. A
Monograph of the Cephalopoda of the N. Atlantic: The Family
Joubiniteuthidae. 10pp., 6figs., 1tab. Euro 1.55
- YOUNG, 1963. Upper Cretaceous
Ammonites from the Gulf Coast of the U.S. X + 263pp., 110pls.,
6figs., 13tabs., spine discoloured. Euro 50.00
- YSSELING, 1930. Über die
Atmung der Weinbergschnecke (Helix pomatia). 60pp., 6figs., tabs.,
thesis. Euro 9.25
- YUEYIN & al., 1979. Economic
Fauna Sinica of China. Freshwater molluscs. 141pp., 110figs., in
Chinese., hardcover. Euro 28.00/Euro 28.00
- ZEISSLER, 1956. Pisidium
vincentianum im Ehringsdorfer Pleistozän. 2pp. Euro
- ZEISSLER, 1968. Die Mollusken im
Landschaftsschutzgebiet 'Volkenröder Teiche' bei
Mühlhausen in Thüringen. 5pp., 1map. Euro 0.70
- ZEISSLER, 1968. Über die
Größenvariabilität der Azeca menkeana in
Thüringen. 4pp. Euro 0.60
- ZEISSLER, 1982. Landschnecken im
Südzipfel des Leipziger Auenwaldes zwischen Leipzig-Lauer
& Markkleeberg. 8pp., 1map, 5tabs., English summ. Euro
- ZEISSLER, 1982. Mollusken vom
Zechstein-Dolomitgebiet um Clausberg & dem Rotliegenden w.lich
von Eisenach. 9pp., 6tabs., 1map, English summ. Euro 1.05
- ZEISSLER, 1983. Mollusken im
Kohrener Land (Bezirk Leipzig). 30pp., 16tabs., 1map, English
summ. Euro 3.50
- ZEISSLER, 1983. Mollusken in den
Papitzer Lehmlachen (Kreis Leipzig-Land). 11pp., 1map, 8tabs.,
English summ. Euro 1.30
- ZEISSLER, 1985. Mollusken im
Hauptre4 des s.lichen Leipziger Auenwaldes. 21pp., 14tabs., 1map,
English summ. Euro 2.45
- ZEISSLER, 1985. Schnecken im
Großen Zschand (Elbsandsteingebirge). 4pp., 2tabs., English
summ. Euro 0.50
- ZEISSLER, 1985. Wassermollusken
& Landschnecken im Naturschutzgebiet 'Alte See' bei Grethen
(Kreis Grimna). 11pp., 7tabs., 1map, English summ. Euro
- ZEISSLER, 1986. Schnecken im
s.lichen Leipziger Auenwald beiderseits der Koburger Straße.
11pp., 5tabs., 1map, English summ. Euro 1.30
- ZEISSLER, 1989. Landschnecken
auf dem Zechsteindolomit-Rücken Spitziger Stein bei Thal
(Kreis Eisenach). 11pp., 1map, 7tabs., English summ. Euro
- ZEISSLER, 1989. Mollusken von 3
kleinen Feuchtlandstellen um Thal (Kreis Eisenach). 7pp., 3tabs.,
English summ. Euro 0.85
- ZENETOS, 1991. Re-evaluation of
numerical classification methods for delimiting biofacies &
biotopes in an estuarine environment. 14pp., 13figs., 2tabs. Euro
- ZENETOS, 1996. The marine
Bivalvia of Greece. 319pp., 115maps, 3tabs. Euro 33.50
- ZETTLER, 1996. Die aquatische
Malakofauna im Einzugsgebiet eines n.deutschen Tieflandflusses,
der Warnow. 11pp., 4figs., 2tabs., English summ. Euro 1.55
- ZETTLER, 1997. Zur Verbreitung
von Ferrissia wautieri in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 4pp., 1fig.,
English summ. Euro 0.60
- ZETTLER, 1998. Die
Wassermollusken im Einzugsgebiet der Peene (NO.deutschland).
12pp., 5figs., 2tabs., English summ. Euro 1.65
- ZHENRUI, 1997. Fauna Sinica
Phylum Mollusca Order Mytiloida. 268pp., 4col.pls., 98figs.,
28maps, 10tabs., in Chinese, English summ., hardcover. Euro
- ZHONGYA & al. EDS, 1989.
Mollusca of Huanghai & Bohai. 310pp., 13pls. (3col.pls.),
196figs., in Chinese, English summ. Euro 30.00
- ZHONGYAN ED., 1997. Transactions
of the Chinese Society of Malacology. 133pp., 42figs., 31tabs.,
5pls., in Chinese, English summ., 19papers all related to the
malacology of China. Euro 24.50
- ZIBROWIUS & al., 1995. New
records of molluscs (Leptoconchus, Lithophaga, Fungiacava) that
bore Indo-Pacific reef corals & their interactions with their
hosts. 14pp., 23figs., French summ. Euro 2.10
- ZIEGELMEIER, 1957. Die Muscheln
der deutschen Meeresgebiete. 46pp., 16pls., 3figs., 1tab., rev.
ed. from 1974. Euro 7.00
- ZIEGELMEIER, 1966. Die Schnecken
der deutschen Meeresgebiete & brackigen
Küstengewässer. 46pp., 20pls., 7figs., English summ.,
rev. ed. from 1973. Euro 8.50
- ZIEGELMEIER, 1966. Die Schnecken
der deutschen Meeresgebiete & brackigen
Küstengewässer. 46pp., 20pls., 7figs., English summ.,
unchanged repr. from 1995. Euro 8.00
- ZIEGELMEIER, 1974. Die Muscheln
der deutschen Meeresgebiete. 46pp., 16pls., 3figs., 1tab., repr.
from 1993. Euro 7.00
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